Wednesday, January 11th, in the year of our Lord 2017
By Adam McManus
Ten People Killed in Nigerian Village
Ten people were killed on January 7th in broad daylight in a Christian village in northern Nigeria, Africa after an attack by Islamic Fulani militants, reports the World Watch Monitor.
Pro-Life Group Releases List of the Most Pro-Life States and the Most Pro-Abortion Ones
Americans United for Life released its annual report yesterday about the most pro-life and pro-abortion states when it comes to passing pro-life legislation that protects women and unborn children. The top three most pro-life states are Oklahoma, Kansas and Louisiana. And the top three most pro-abortion states are Washington, California, and Vermont.
Black Pastors Gather in Washington, DC to Support Jess Sessions
A group of black pastors rallied in Washington, DC for Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions, as reported in USA Today.
Bishop Harry Jackson, the pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland, said Sessions “worked to bankrupt the KKK in Alabama with a $7 million judgment,” and helped to desegregate the state’s public school system.
Trump’s Choice for Secretary of State Supported Homosexuality in the Boy Scouts
While conservatives and Christians have been pleased with Trump’s cabinet picks, there’s one glaring exception. Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil, who was tapped to be Secretary of State, not only has been supportive of the abortion industry, through his company’s donations to abortionists, but also played a key role as a board member of the Boy Scouts in exposing young boys to homosexual adults.
If all nine Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Republican Marco Rubio, who objects to Tillerson’s relationship with Russia, oppose the ExxonMobil CEO, he would not be confirmed.
L.L. Bean Executive Chairman Responds to Boycott Campaign
Popular retailer L.L. Bean is pushing back against a social media-fueled call for consumers to consider boycotting its products yesterday because one of its owners, Linda Bean, donated $60,000 to a pro-Trump political action committee, reports the Daily Mail.
According to the Portland Press Herald, “Shawn Gorman, executive chairman of the L.L. Bean board and great grandson of company founder Leon Leonwood Bean, posted a statement on Facebook late Sunday night saying he was ‘deeply troubled’ by the portrayal of the company and called the boycott campaign by Grab Your Wallet ‘misguided.’ He said L.L. Bean does not endorse political candidates, take positions on political matters or make political contributions,” despite the donation of one of its 10 board members.
HarperCollins Says It Will no Longer Sell Monica Crowley’s Book Due to Plagiarism
Publisher HarperCollins said yesterday that it will stop selling a book by conservative Fox News contributor Monica Crowley because an investigation found more than 50 instances of plagiarism, reports CNN Money. Crowley was picked by President-elect Donald Trump to serve as senior director of strategic communications for the National Security Council.
Fox News Employee Calls Out Bill O’Reilly for Sexual Harassment
In the weeks after Roger Ailes was ousted as the chairman of Fox News last July amid a sexual harassment scandal. . .another sexual harassment scandal came to light. According to a report surfacing in the New York Times, Fox News executives struck an agreement with a longtime on-air personality who had come forward with accusations against the network’s top host, Bill O’Reilly.
The employee, Juliet Huddy, testified that O’Reilly pursued a sexual relationship with her in 2011, at which time he had significant influence over her career. She said he tried to derail her career when she rebuffed his advances. In exchange for her silence and agreement not to sue, she was paid a sum in the high six figures.
Proverb 28:13 reminds us that, “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.
Defunding of Planned Parenthood Very Possible
Planned Parenthood supporters are worried that the GOP will defund Planned Parenthood, and pro-life advocates are optimistic. According to Life News, several celebrities have even started a fundraiser for the abortion giant.
The World View spoke to Carol Tobias, President of National Right to Life, about the defunding.
“There will be enough support in Congress to defund Planned Parenthood. They actually did pass a bill in the previous session only to have President Obama veto it. This time we have a President who will sign it, and I fully expect it to happen.”
Kentucky Governor Signs Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has signed bills into law this past Saturday that ban late-term abortions and require women seeking abortions to undergo an ultrasound.
Dylann Roof Receives Death Sentence
Dylann Roof, the avowed white supremacist, who shot and killed nine black Christians at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina in June 2015, was sentenced to death yesterday. During the sentencing phase, Roof, representing himself, declared, “I felt like I had to do it.”
Genesis 9:6 says, “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.”
Michael Farris Resigns from HSLDA to Be President of Alliance Defending Freedom
Michael Farris, the founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association, announced yesterday that he is resigning from HSLDA to become the new president for Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian legal rights group. He said he will still remain on the board of the homeschool organization he founded.
Senator Cory Booker Is Ready to Testify Against Senator Jeff Sessions
Democratic Senator Cory Booker is set to testify against Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions Wednesday in an unprecedented move during hearings for his attorney general confirmation, reports CNN. It will be the first time in Senate history that a sitting senator will testify against another sitting senator for a Cabinet post during a confirmation. Booker objects to Sessions for refusing to support the homosexual agenda and for putting border security as a top priority for the department.
Woman Who Missed Her Flight Distributes Snacks in Locked-Down Airport
She was just trying to catch her flight from Fort Lauderdale to JFK, before heading out to London for a semester abroad. When Christine Sneeringer missed her flight, a friend texted, “So sorry. God must have some divine appointment for you.” Shortly thereafter, Esteban Santiago killed five people and injured six.
After the police had locked down the airport and the food court had been closed for six hours, Christine started passing out her chocolate and lemon protein bars to hungry passengers. When she asked for a bulk discount from the newsstand to purchase Belvita breakfast bars, the employee let her fill up a basket for free along with bottled waters. She became known as the “snack lady”.
Christine wrote, “I shared smiles and … and I knew in my heart this was my God assignment. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:9 that a man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. My plan that day was to get home as quickly as possible, but God had other ideas. He needed someone on the ground to be His hands and feet in the terminal that day…I’m an ordinary traveler who serves an extraordinary God.”
Juanita Broaddrick Says She Doesn’t Care What Meryl Streep Thinks
Juanita Broaddrick took a personal shot at Meryl Streep following the actress’ anti-Trump speech at the 2017 Golden Globes Sunday night, reports The Daily Caller. Broaddrick — who accused Bill Clinton of raping her in Arkansas when she was 35 years old — tweeted Monday that Streep and her Hollywood colleagues “still don’t get it,” adding, “We don’t care what you think, Meryl Streep!”
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.