“Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” honored at Dodgers’ stadium, 30,000 people dead in Myanmar’s civil war, Juneteenth celebration turns tragic

It’s Monday, June 19th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.  (Adam@TheWorldview.com)

By Adam McManus

30,000 people dead in Myanmar’s civil war

The two-year civil war in Myanmar, previously known as Burma, has killed an estimated 30,000 people and displaced some two million more, reports International Christian Concern.

Not surprisingly, there is wide dissatisfaction with the military junta that threw out the elected government and took over the country in early 2021.

The junta invaded and worked destruction in Christian areas such as the Karen, Kachin, and Chin states, but recently even the majority Burmese in central Myanmar have become disgusted with the junta’s actions. Many now back the National Union Government group in opposing the junta.

The ethnic groups have killed an estimated 15,000 junta troops, though not a sizable number in an army of 170,000.

Conversely, the army has destroyed scores of villages and churches among the predominantly Christian ethnic groups. They even prevented aid from reaching the people in the Rakhine state after Cyclone Mocha hit there in May.

Pray for peace in Myanmar. Matthew 5:9 says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

Juneteenth celebration turns tragic

Today is Juneteenth, a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans. Deriving its name from combining June and nineteenth, it is celebrated on the anniversary of the order by Union Major General Gordon Granger proclaiming freedom for slaves in Texas on June 19, 1865.

Tragically, over the weekend, ABC News reports that at least 23 people were injured, one fatally, when gunfire erupted early Sunday morning at a Juneteenth celebration in suburban Chicago where 300-400 people were celebrating.

Witness #1: “Out of nowhere, there was, like, a major gunfight for, like, 30 seconds. I’d say 60-plus, you know, rounds.”

Witness #2: “We went down the street to see what was going on. And we just saw a bunch of people running.”

The shooting unfolded about 12:30 a.m.  in the parking lot of a strip mall in Willowbrook, about 23 miles west of Chicago.  

Witness #3: “There was just like hundreds of cop cars. They had everything closed. No one could get through. There was just tons of ambulances. It was crazy. It was very hectic.”

No arrests have been announced. An unknown number of suspects fired multiple rounds from multiple weapons into the crowd.  And a motive for the shooting is under investigation.

Chinese bought influence with $10 million to Biden Family

As I guest host for Kevin Swanson today on Generations Radio, I interview Kevin Jackson, a former Fox News contributor, about how bank records reveal that the Biden Family has received $10 million from China and foreign interests.

JACKSON: “We have a criminal in the office, in the Oval Office, who is openly in business with the Chinese government and Chinese spies.

“We’re talking about chump change for these guys to feather their nests and to sell us out to the Chinese, the Russians, and the Ukrainians.”

In essence, China has bribed the president and his family to do their bidding.  Learn about how that $10 million of money from the Chinese to the Bidens has impacted American foreign policy.

To hear the entire 27-minute interview, go to Generations.org/radio.

“Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” honored at Dodgers’ stadium

And finally, last Friday, the Dodgers baseball team honored a male drag queen group, dressed as demonic-looking caricatures of Catholic nuns, at their Homosexual Transgender Pride Night celebration.  Known as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, these men, who wear gaudy make-up, traditional nuns’ habits, and mock the cross like Madonna, embrace the slogan “Go forth and sin some more,” a blatant mockery of Jesus Christ’s words to a woman caught in adultery found in John 8:11.

Listen to a portion of the Dodgers’ announcement from Friday night.

ANNOUNCER: “[The Dodgers honor] the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for their outstanding service to the LGBTQ+ community.”

Founded in 1979, this sexually depraved group stages a “Hunky Jesus” contest every Easter Sunday among other unmentionable antics.  They describe themselves as “an order of queer and trans nuns.”

Unbelievably, one homosexual man claimed the drag queens were Christ-like.


MAN #1: “They exemplify Christian values more than any so-called people that are against the queer community. So, I think they’re amazing!”

Disturbingly, the L.A. Dodgers awarded these drag queens with their “Community Hero” award.  Initially, after the Major League Baseball team had announced they planned to honor the sexually perverted group, they got such big pushback from Catholics and Protestants alike, that they rescinded the invitation.

But then, the Los Angeles-area sexually perverted groups were so loud in their objection to the cancellation, that the Dodgers chose to apologize and re-invite the so-called “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” reported The Daily Wire

One homosexual man in Los Angeles was thrilled.

MAN: “I’m glad the Dodgers re-invited them. for sure. I think a lesson to be learned through all this is: ‘Don’t back down to bullies.’ I think of all the time to be prideful, this is it!”

Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”

Thankfully, the Dodgers team gave the fake male nuns the award one hour before the game at which time few Dodgers fans were sitting in their chairs.

However, outside the stadium, 5,000 Catholics and Protestants participated in a prayer rally, as they registered their anger with the baseball team management, reports LifeSiteNews.com.

A speaker lifted up the name of Jesus.

PRAYER RALLY SPEAKER: “Jesus Christ is not only our Lord, He’s the Lord of America.”

And a Catholic man took direct issue with the mockery of Catholic nuns.

CATHOLIC MAN: “Yeah, my concern is that they’re not sisters and they’re ridiculing the good sisters in the Catholic Church.”

Those who have objected include Washington Nationals pitcher Trevor Williams, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio, and even Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw who took issue with his own employer, reports The Los Angeles Times.

Providentially, the Dodgers lost the game to the San Francisco Giants 7-5 in the 11th inning.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, June 19th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.