Mother who objected to sex curriculum gets fired, Senator Scott calls for 15-week abortion ban, Families invited to summon and trap a demon

It’s Monday, August 28th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. (

By Adam McManus

Nigerian kidnappers demand $70,000 for Catholic missionaries

A Catholic priest named Paul Sanogo, and a seminarian named Melkiori Dominick, were kidnapped from their Nigerian church on the morning of August 3, reports International Christian Concern. The Muslim kidnappers are now demanding $70,000 ransom for the two men. 

Originally from Tanzania, they are missionaries from St. Luke’s Catholic Church-Gvenda in the Diocese of Minna.

The Citizen, an English newspaper in the region, reports that Tanzania’s ambassador to Nigeria, Dr. Benson Bana, is working to rescue the two men. 

Please pray for their safety and their soon release.

Senator Scott calls for 15-week abortion ban

In last week’s GOP presidential debate, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott called for a national ban on abortions after the 15th week of gestation in the womb.

SCOTT:  “We cannot let states like California, New York and Illinois have abortions on demand up until the day of birth. That is immoral. It is unethical. It is wrong. We must have a President of the United States who will advocate and fight for, at the minimum, a 15-week limit. I am 100% pro-life conservative. I have a 100% pro-life record. We must fight for life. Our Declaration of Independence says our Creator gave us inalienable rights that include life.”

Families invited to summon and trap a demon

On August 12th, the Walker Arts Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota hosted a family night to help people learn how to summon and trap demons, reports AlphaNews.

Listen to the description of the family night of demonic summation and entrapment.

Tamar Ettun, the Brooklyn-based artist, who hosted the event, described it this way. She said, “Demons have a bad reputation, but maybe we’re just not very good at getting to know them. Families are invited to create a vessel to trap the demon that knows them best — perhaps the ‘demon of overthinking’ — and then participate in a playful ceremony to summon and befriend their demon. After designing your trap, Lilit, the Empathic Demon, will come from the dark side of the moon to lead you in locating your feelings using ancient Babylonian techniques.”

But Deuteronomy 18:10-12 warns, “Let no one be found among you who … practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.”

If trying to summon a demon as a family wasn’t bizarre enough, you’ll be more disturbed to discover that The Walker Art Center has received $3.9 million in taxpayer funds through Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.  Other groups that receive taxpayer funding feature inappropriate live performances as well as homosexual parades, choirs and films.

Game show host Bob Barker died at 99

ANNOUNCER: “And now, here’s the star of The Price of Right, Bob Barker!”

BARKER: “Oh my. Oh, we’re gonna have another good day here on CBS. I can tell that. Look at this great looking audience, with one or two exceptions. No…” (laughter)

Bob Barker, the longtime host of television’s “The Price Is Right” who used his combination of comfort-food charm and deadpan humor to become an American television staple, has died, reports NBC News. He was 99.

One of the high points of the show was a chance to win a new car.

BARKER: “Diane, winning that was exciting, wasn’t it?”

DIANE: “Yes.”

BARKER: “Just think how exciting it would be to win this!”

ANNOUNCER: “A new car.”

Barker hosted The Price is Right for 35 years from 1972 until 2007. Before that, he hosted Truth or Consequences for nearly two decades.

He was only married once. For 36 years,  Dorothy Gideon was his wife until she died of lung cancer in 1981.

Subsequently, two of The Price is Right models filed lawsuits against Barker alleging sexual harassment. In 1994, Dian Parkinson withdrew her lawsuit after she was told the network would fire her. And, in 1995, after Holly Hallstrom left The Price Is Right, she successfully filed a lawsuit and received a settlement in 2005.

Barker, a vegetarian, was an advocate for spaying and neutering pets.

Mother who objected to sex curriculum gets fired

And finally, a California mom of three, Janet Roberson, says she was fired from her job less than two weeks after triggering outrage from local leftists in the San Francisco area for speaking out against a new sexual education curriculum during a school board meeting on April 20th, 2023.

Listen to a portion of her remarks to the Benicia, California school board members.

ROBERSON: “Teaching kids that there isn’t any standard or truth and that you can believe anything you want to believe is not scientifically accurate or medically correct.

“For example, the notion that a girl can decide to be a boy or a boy can decide to be a girl is not true and should not be taught. The new curriculum teaches that individuals can decide if they’re male or female, regardless of anatomy, does not explain that a boy cannot menstruate, and a girl cannot impregnate someone. This is not scientific or medically accurate.

“Our 10-year-olds will now be taught that they can receive puberty blockers to prevent their body from going through changes that make them uncomfortable. All humans are uncomfortable during adolescence. To teach vulnerable children that a lifetime of dependence on medical care is a viable option is completely unacceptable, and evil, frankly.”

Indeed, Genesis 1:27 declares that “God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.”

Shortly after speaking to the Benicia school board members, Roberson was targeted by local liberals, one of whom revealed she was a Compass real estate agent and accused her of being “bigoted” and of promoting “racism” and “transphobia.” Another person wrote a letter to Compass accusing Roberson of being “anti-equity, anti-trans, anti-Black, and anti-choice,” suggesting that she ought to be disciplined or fired.

Sadly, just 11 days after she made that statement, Compass, a large real estate company based in New York, fired her by phone.

Roberson said she tried to argue, pointing out that her work performance had been exceptional, but the executive allegedly told her “this has nothing to do with business.”  When she pushed back, asking “if you’re saying this has nothing to do with business, what does this have to do with?” she said he replied with “words to the effect of, ‘well, the past week has been a lot.’”

She told The Daily Wire, “I would do it again. For me to lose a job is horrible and not okay, but I would be willing to do it again.”

On her website, Roberson argues that “Presenting sexual degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural, and healthy, particularly to children, is a communist goal to undermine and subdue American values.”

Write a letter of objection to Compass for unjustly firing Janet Roberson. Send it to Robert Reffkin, Compass CEO, 90 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10011.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, August 28th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.