Fox Host to Kamala: “What are voters turning the page from?”, Ted Cruz vs. Collin Allred debate abortion in Texas, SpaceX successfully lands booster rocket using jet propulsion

It’s Friday, October 18th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard on 125 radio stations and at  I’m Adam McManus. (

By Adam McManus

Saudi Arabia rejected from Human Rights Council

During a vote last week at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, representatives rejected Saudi Arabia’s bid for membership on the influential Human Rights Council, reports International Christian Concern.

Voting for a spot on the council is broken up geographically, with six countries vying for five open spots. The Marshall Islands won the fifth seat, beating Saudi Arabia by just seven votes.

Previously, Saudi Arabia has sat as a member of the Human Rights Council.

Madeleine Sinclair with the International Service for Human Rights said, “We are relieved that enough states took their record on human rights into account when voting. Saudi Arabia’s record is a laundry list of the kinds of abuses the Council should seek to address.”

The United States has designated Saudi Arabia as a Country of Particular Concern 13 times since first issuing the designation in 1999. The designation is designed to pressure countries that engage in systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom.

Muslim blasphemy and apostasy are both crimes under Saudi law, with punishment for these violations of Islamic morality including large fines, long terms in prison, floggings, and even death.

Needless to say, Muhammad was a false prophet who rejected the divinity of Jesus Christ. Matthew 7:15 warns, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.”

According to Open Doors, Saudia Arabia is the 13th most dangerous country worldwide in which to be a Christian.

Fox Host to Kamala: “What are voters turning the page from?”

In a surprise move, Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris appeared on Fox News with Brett Baier for a sit down interview on Tuesday night.  Baier cited a Marquette Law School poll taken between October 1 and October 10th which revealed that 79% of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track.

BAIER: “They say the country is on the wrong track. If it’s on the wrong track, that track follows three and a half years of you being Vice President and President Biden being president. That is what they’re saying. 79% of them. Why are they saying that if you’re turning the page? You’ve been in office for three and a half years?”

HARRIS: “And Donald Trump has been running for office.”

BAIER: “But you’ve been the person holding the office, Madam Vice President.”

HARRIS: “Come on. You know what I’m talking about. You and I both know what …”

BAIER: “I actually don’t. What are you talking about?”

HARRIS: “What I’m talking about is that over the last decade, it is clear to me [Donald Trump] is unfit to serve, that he is unstable, that he is dangerous.”

Republican Ted Cruz vs. Democrat Collin Allred debate abortion

Today, the U.S. Senate is comprised of 49 Republicans, 47 Democrats, and 4 Independents.

One of the closest races is here in Texas where the Republican incumbent Ted Cruz is being challenged by Democratic Congressman Collin Allred.  After weeks of heavily outspending Cruz, the Senate Leadership Fund’s poll revealed that Allred has pulled to within a point. Right now, Cruz stands at 48% and Allred is at 47%.  In mid-September, Cruz was ahead 47-44%.

On Tuesday, they met face to face in Dallas.  Their difference on abortion is stark.  Senator Cruz, who champions unborn babies, said this.

CRUZ: “In Texas, we overwhelmingly support that parents should be notified and have to consent before their child gets an abortion. In Texas, we overwhelmingly agree that late-term abortions in the eighth and ninth months, that’s too extreme. And I’ll tell you, in Texas, we overwhelmingly agree that taxpayer money shouldn’t pay for abortions.

“Unfortunately, Congressman Allred’s voting record rejects that Texas consensus. He has voted in favor of striking down Texas’ law that gives parents the right to be notified and consent. He’s voted in favor of striking down Texas’ law and legalizing abortion up to and including the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy. That’s extreme, and it’s not where the people of Texas are.”

Congressman Collin Allred gave this response.

ALLRED: “When I’m in the United States Senate, we’ll restore a woman’s right to choose. We’ll make Roe v Wade the law of the land again. That’s my commitment to Texans.”

CRUZ: “If you listen to Congressman Allred’s answer, at no point did he make any reference to his own record. He desperately wants to hide from the fact that, as a congressman, he voted to strike down Texas’ parental notification law. He voted to strike down Texas’ parental consent law. He voted to legalize late-term abortions, including the eighth and ninth months. He says he wants to codify Roe vs. Wade, but that’s not what he voted for.”

Colorado’s pro-abortion Amendment 79

Pro-abortion groups in Colorado and their lawyer friends have cleverly written Amendment 79 to sound like it’s about “protecting women’s health,” but don’t be fooled. It blows a hole in the constitutional rights of parents, it redirects the tax dollars of Coloradans, and it endangers the lives of babies—both born and unborn, according to Colorado Right To Life.

First, if a teenage girl wants an abortion, Amendment 79 overrides parental notification laws.

Second, for the first time in Colorado’s history, Amendment 79 would repeal taxpayer protections and create a funnel for taxpayer dollars to eventually pay for both in-state and out-of-state abortions.

Third, it would enable late-term abortions up to the ninth month, even up to the moment of birth. Amendment 79 makes baby-killing an iron-clad right in the Colorado constitution like free speech or the right to bear arms.

Proverbs 31:8 is clear. “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.”

So, if you live in Colorado, please consider volunteering to help Colorado Right to Life get the word out about why Amendment 79 would be terrible.  We have it linked in our transcript today at

SpaceX successfully lands booster rocket using jet propulsion

And finally, the fifth test launch of the SpaceX Starship vehicle came with a party trick—a landing—which it stuck, reports

Not since the Moon landings has an American been able to say with as much certainty that they witnessed something straight out of science fiction—a vessel coming down from space and landing on the Earth using jet propulsion.

The must-see video footage is unforgettable and documents a truly staggering accomplishment, as not only is the Starship the first reusable rocket to land using propulsion, but the Starship is the largest, heaviest, and most powerful flying object ever made by humans.

The maneuver saw the Starship’s enormous first-stage booster, the rocket component needed to push the craft out of the atmosphere, glide in free fall down from the sky before activating thrusters to slow and guide its descent; eventually parking on a dime next to the launch tower’s “chopstick” arms which literally grab it.

As SpaceX employees screamed and cheered at the company’s Hawthorne, California headquarters, Kate Tice, SpaceX manager of Quality Systems Engineering, was ecstatic.

(cheering and clapping)

TICE: “This is absolutely insane! On the first-ever attempt, we have successfully caught the Super Heavy booster back at the launch tower.”

And SpaceX spokesman Dan Huot was equally incredulous.

HUOT: “Are you kidding me?” (laughter and clapping)


And that’s The Worldview on this Friday, October 18th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by Amazon Music or by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.