Help fund new well for Pakistani Christian orphanage, Michelle Obama urges men to vote for Kamala to ensure abortion, 373 profess faith in Christ at Mississippi State Fair

It’s Monday, October 28th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard on 125 radio stations and at  I’m Adam McManus. (

By Adam McManus

373 profess faith in Christ at Mississippi State Fair

Earlier this month, nearly 200 volunteers with the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board shared Jesus Christ at the Mississippi State Fair.

According to The Christian Post, Linda Burris said, “We made a record of 2,824 Gospel conversations with 373 of those praying to receive Christ.”

Now that’s some good news about the Good News!

In Luke 15:7, Jesus said, “I tell you that in the same way there will be more joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”

Michelle Obama urges men to vote for Kamala to ensure abortion

At a Get Out the Vote rally in Michigan on Saturday, former First Lady Michelle Obama campaigned against Trump. She made the misguided claim that if men helped to elect Trump, they were putting the women in their lives in danger because of Trump’s desire to protect babies in the womb.


MICHELLE OBAMA: “To anyone out there thinking about sitting out this election or voting for Donald Trump or a third party candidate in protest because you’re fed up, let me warn you.  (boos) Your rage does not exist in a vacuum. (cheers) If we don’t get this election right, your wife, your daughter, your mother — we as women — will become collateral damage to your rage. (cheers, applause)

“Are you as men prepared to look into the eyes of the women and children you love and tell them that you supported this assault on our safety?”

Truth be told, according to the 197-page report entitled “Unsafe: How America’s Abortion Industry Is Endangering Women,” having an abortion poses a dramatically greater medical risk than delivering a baby.

Obama took credit for Trump’s good economy

On October 11th, former President Barack Obama campaigned for Kamala Harris in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He claimed that Trump had a good economy because he, Obama, gave him a good economy, reports Axios.

OBAMA: “The reason some people think, ‘I remember that economy when [Trump] first came in being pretty good.’ Yeah, it was pretty good because it was my economy! (cheers) It wasn’t something he did.”

GOP Congressman shows Trump’s economy twice as good

Republican Congressman Byron Donalds of Florida took issue with Obama’s claim that Trump’s good economy was really Obama’s good economy.

DONALDS: “I was working in finance during Barack Obama’s administration. The economy under his last, especially the last five years, was growing at about 1% to 1.5% per year. At the time, President Obama was saying that, you know, this era of large economic growth is something of the past. Consistent economy meant one that barely grew.

“So, when Donald Trump came in, he brought his tax cut policy in which he cut taxes across the board for everybody in our country, couple [with that] the fact that he did cut massive regulations.

“Economic growth in the United States went from 1-1.5% under Barack Obama to 3-3.5% under Donald Trump. Wages, adjusted for inflation, increased for every subgroup of Americans. The wealth gap was closing. We were actually booming economically far more than we did under Barack Obama.

“So, that’s a cool statement he made on the stump, but it’s not true.”

Dr. James Dobson shares his presidential voting guide

Click here to see it.

Florida postal worker accused of dumping 1,000 pieces of mail, including political pieces

A Florida postal worker has been accused of dumping more than 1,000 pieces of mail in a wooded lot in Orlando, including over 400 pieces of political mail and at least one election ballot, reports The Epoch Times.

Ottis McCoy Jr., who was employed by Cummings Contract Delivery Service to deliver mail for the U.S. Postal Service, has been charged with stealing and discarding mail in violation of federal law, according to a criminal complaint filed on October 25th.

Data from a GPS tracking device connected to the vehicle McCoy was driving indicated that McCoy had deviated from the route, prompting the manager to investigate.

Help fund new well for Pakistani Christian orphanage

And finally, The Worldview covers the persecuted church every weekday. But today, I have a personal report from a Pakistani missionary whom I have had the honor to meet in person.

For decades, Pastor Michael has spent his life planting 33 churches and an orphanage with 87 children in a country which is not only 96% Muslim, but downright hostile to Christianity. In fact, it is only by the hand of Providence that he, his wife, and three children are still alive.

First, the Muslims burned down three consecutive homes of Pastor Michael.

MICHAEL: “Because of my Christian faith and my activities with the Christian community, the Muslims, they do not like it. They burned out my home, and I moved from that home to another city, to another home, and it was burned again.

“They came with the long, fire sticks. My family, when they heard the noise, they came out and they saw hundreds of people are attacking the house. So, thanks to God, that God saved our lives, but we lost three different houses.”

As if that were not enough, Pakistani Muslims also kidnapped and tortured one of Michael’s three children.

MICHAEL: “Always the Christian leaders are under the threat. The children are always kidnapped. My son was kidnapped from the gym when he was exercising. A group of Muslim men, they kidnapped him and tortured him many days. When we found him after 16 days, he was half dead. He was not able to talk. He was under medical care for many days. Then he flew to Germany. He is still there.”

Tragically, the well of the Christian orphanage has become polluted and two of the children have died.

MICHAEL: “Unfortunately, two children, they went to the Lord because of the contaminated water. They had sickness, hepatitis and some stomach diseases. In that area, there is a drain going through, and that drain carries the disposal of chemicals.”

For the moment, the 85 orphans have been placed in the homes of 30 different church families while Michael covers the cost of their food. After consulting with water experts, they discovered that they need to dig a well 500 feet deep for pure drinking water compared to the current contaminated well which is only 200 feet deep.

MICHAEL: “Temporarily, they are living there. After a certain time, we will bring them back when we get clean water again.”

The cost to dig a new well will be $15,000. So far, God has already provided $10,815.  Special thanks to the Blanco, Texas United Methodist Church which gave $5,000.  So, in order to completely pay for the new well for the Pakistani Christian orphanage, Pastor Michael still needs to raise $4,185.

Join me and send an urgently needed, tax-deductible donation made out to Rio Grande Valley Prayer Center, their sister organization here in America. The address is 3106 Harmony Lane, Mission, TX 78574.  In the memo, write: “Pakistani orphanage well.” The prayer center will then wire your money to a nearby bank in Pakistan to help build that well.

In light of the country’s crippling 42% inflation rate, the sooner they receive the money, the better.  After you send your check, please take a moment to email me at, and I’ll simply announce your first name, city and state so that we can celebrate together the completion of this life-saving project.

Pastor Michael offered this prayer.

MICHAEL: “Dear God, I pray that you would touch the heart of the listeners to give generously to help us build this new well in Pakistan for the 85 orphan children. Amen.”

1 John 3:17 says, “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?”


And that’s The Worldview on this Monday, October 28th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by Amazon Music or by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.