Christian Nigerian Girl Still Alive, 400 White Farmers Killed in South Africa, Missouri Planned Parenthood Unable to Perform Abortions

Wednesday, August 29, in the year of our Lord 2018

By Adam McManus (

Kidnapped Christian Nigerian Teen Still Alive

Leah Sharibu, the 15-year-old Christian girl abducted in February by Boko Haram, the Islamic extremist group based in northern Nigeria, Africa, has been confirmed to be alive.

In an audio recording of Leah yesterday, she asks for Nigerian President Buhari to help secure her release, reports International Christian Concern. Her parents confirmed that it is indeed her voice.

400 White Farmers Murdered in South Africa

Nearly 400 white farmers have been killed in 12 months as illegal land seizures have continued to ramp up across rural South Africa, reports

In fact, the ruling political party in South Africa is seeking to amend the nation’s constitution in order to allow the free seizure of land from white farmers. Earlier this month, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared that the time had come for a mass expropriation of land without compensation — a clear and aggressive action against the white farming community.

Afriforum’s Head of Community Safety, Ian Cameron, has documented the violence on his Twitter feed.

Romans 3:15-18 says, “Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Trump to Facebook, Twitter and Google: Stop the Unfairness!

President Donald Trump doubled down on threats against Facebook, Twitter and Google yesterday afternoon, reports CNBC.

“I think what Google and what others are doing, if you look at what’s going on at Twitter, if you look at what’s going on at Facebook, they better be careful because you can’t do that to people. We have literally thousands and thousands of complaints coming in. Google and Twitter and Facebook, they’re really treading on very, very troubled territory and they have to be careful. It’s not fair to large portions of the population.”

Earlier in the day, Trump accused Google of altering search results to prioritize negative coverage and left-leaning outlets and warned that the issue “will be addressed.” The president said in a tweet that the tech giant’s search engine had “rigged” news story results to show mostly “bad” stories about him and other conservatives.

Plus, the president recently accused Twitter of “shadow banning” — allegedly limiting search results — for prominent Republicans, and called the practice “discriminatory and illegal.”

The Media Research Center has undertaken an extensive study of the problem at major tech companies and the results are far more troubling than most conservatives realize.

100 Christian Leaders Meet with Trump

About 100 evangelical leaders including Franklin Graham, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell Jr. and Greg Laurie attended a dinner at the White House Monday night for what was a prayer-filled event that’s been compared to a church camp meeting and a campaign rally, reports The Christian Post.

Hosted by the First Lady, Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development  Ben Carson, and Ambassador at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, President Donald Trump talked about how he’s kept his promises to champion the babies in the womb, to celebrate religious freedom, and to speak out about worldwide religious persecution.

In fact, Trump even even took a moment to recognize Dr. Dobson and his wife, Shirley on their 58th wedding anniversary.

Missouri Planned Parenthood Cannot Kill Babies

A Kansas City, Missouri Planned Parenthood cannot abort unborn babies any more after it lost its license earlier this month, KCUR reports.

Thankfully, the killing center has not been able to find a new abortionist since March. Without one, the abortion facility was not able to complete its annual state inspection in June, a requirement for licensure.

Teens Eschew Reading Books, Love Time Online

One-third of adolescents have not read a book within the last year, according to And only 2% of sophomores read a daily newspaper — compared to 33% of same-aged teens back in the 1990s.

Looking at the daily habits of over one million adolescents, the average high school senior spent six hours a day online in 2016 between social media, texting, gaming, and surfing the web.

The study’s findings were published in the Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

Homeowner grateful for blocked driveway

And finally, most people are pretty angry about finding another vehicle blocking their driveway – but not this person, reports

An anonymous homeowner in Flintshire, Wales is being hailed for leaving a refreshingly positive note on the windshield of an ambulance that was blocking their driveway earlier this week which said, “Thank you for blocking my driveway to save a life. Refreshments on me.” Attached to the message was some cash.

Philippians 4:11 says, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”


And that’s The World View in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, August 29th in the year of our Lord 2018. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at I’m Adam McManus. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

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Scotland, England Encourage DIY Abortions at Home

Less than a month after a judge upheld the Scottish government’s decision to allow women to take the abortifacient drug misoprostol at home, the British government announced over the weekend that by the end of the year home use of misoprostol will be legalized. Misoprostol is the second drug of the two-drug RU-486 abortion technique, reports LifeNews.

The decision by the Department of Health and Social Care was vigorously denounced by the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. John Deighan declared that “the determination of the abortion industry to push women to undergo this in their own home with no real medical supervision illustrates their cavalier attitude when it comes to the well-being of women.”

Evidence for Liberal Bias of Twitter, Facebook, Google, & YouTube

The Media Research Center has undertaken an extensive study of the problem at major tech companies — Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube — and the results are far more troubling than most conservatives realize.

  • Twitter Leads in Censorship: Project Veritas recently had caught Twitter staffers admitting on hidden camera that they had been censoring conservatives through a technique known as “shadow banning”, where users think their content is getting seen widely, but it’s not. The staffers had justified it by claiming the accounts had been automated if they had words such as “America” and “God.” The site also restricts pro-life ads from Live Action and even Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), but allows Planned Parenthood advertisements.
  • Facebook’s Trending Feed Has Been Hiding Conservative Topics: A 2016 Gizmodo story had warned of Facebook’s bias. It had detailed claims by former employees that Facebook’s news curators had been instructed to hide conservative content from the “trending” section, which supposedly only features news users find compelling. Topics that had been blacklisted included Mitt Romney, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and Rand Paul. On the other hand, the term “Black Lives Matter” had also been placed into the trending section even though it was not actually trending. Facebook had also banned at least one far right European organization but had not released information on any specific statements made by the group that warranted the ban.
  • Google Search Aids Democrats: Google and YouTube’s corporate chairman Eric Schmidt had assisted Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The company’s search engine had deployed a similar bias in favor of Democrats. One study had found 2016 campaign searches were biased in favor of Hillary Clinton.
  • YouTube Is Shutting Down Conservative Videos: Google’s YouTube site had created its own problems with conservative content. YouTube moderators must take their cues from the rest of Google – from shutting down entire conservative channels “by mistake” to removing videos that promote right-wing political views.
  • Tech Firms Are Relying on Groups That Hate Conservatives: Top tech firms like Google, YouTube and Twitter partner with leftist groups attempting to censor conservatives. These include the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. Both groups claim to combat “hate,” but treat standard conservative beliefs in faith and family as examples of that hatred.

Take a look at the recommendations which Media Research Center makes for the tech companies.

Slain Iowan Woman’s Family:  Don’t Get Angry with God

Mollie Tibbetts, the 20-year-old Iowa student who had been missing since July 18th when she went out for a run, was murdered by an illegal immigrant from Mexico named Cristhian Rivera. The illegal claims that he does not remember how he killed the student, but later dragged her to a cornfield and covered her body with corn stalks.

Mollie’s family asked people not to be angry at God for her death, but to instead follow her example of living a positive life, reports The Christian Post.

Morgan Collum, Tibbetts’ cousin, told those attending a church service, “Please, don’t be mad at God for taking Mollie away from us,” reports the Des Moines Register.

Rev. Corey Close, pastor at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Brooklyn, where the young woman attended, said, “We need to pray for a spirit of forgiveness for the one who did this. We’re all in need of forgiveness. We’re all sinners. None of us are exempt.”

Atheists Created if Children Detect Major Hypocrisy in Christian Parents

A recent study has found that children of parents who do not consistently model the tenets of their Christian faith are more likely to become an atheist at a younger age, reports the journal Religion, Brain & Behavior, which surveyed thousands of atheists.

According to, parents engaged in more credibility-enhancing displays of their faith — such as treating other people with kindness in accordance with a faith in Christ or feeding the homeless — their children became atheists at a higher age than parents who were not demonstrative of their faith.

Warning: Multiple Medications of Kids Could Kill

Some children and teenagers who are prescribed multiple medications are at risk of drug interactions that could literally stop their heart, reports

Researcher Dima Qato, an assistant professor with the University of Illinois at Chicago’s College of Pharmacy, said, We found that about 1 in 12 kids using two or more medications together were potentially at risk for a major drug interaction can create dangerous heart rhythms called arrhythmias, which might lead to sudden cardiac death.

Teenage girls were most at risk for these interactions, which most often involved the combination of a long-term antidepressant and a shorter-term medication like a nonopioid pain reliever, an antibiotic, or an anti-nausea drug.

14% of Americans Used Pot in Last Year

With more and more states legalizing marijuana, whether for medical use, recreational use, or both, increasing numbers of Americans are using cannabis. A new survey finds that one in seven had used marijuana in 2017, with smoking being the most common manner of consumption, according to a report published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, reports Reuters.

Overall, 14.6 percent said they had used cannabis in the past year, while 8.7 percent said they had used the drug in the past 30 days.

California Pastor Commits Suicide

Andrew Stoecklein, the 30-year-old lead pastor of Inland Hills Church in Chino, California committed suicide last Friday after a battle with depression and anxiety, reports The Christian Post.

He is survived by his wife Kayla and three young sons.

His father, David Stoecklein, the founder of Inland Hills, died October 9, 2015 at the age of 55 after battling leukemia.