Obama Gave Billions to Liberal Organizations, Only 10% of Americans Hold Christian Beliefs, Transgendered Target’s Stock Plummets

Thursday, March 2nd, in the year of our Lord 2017

By Jonathan Clark

Republicans Work on Stopping the Use of the Justice Department to Pass Funds to Activist Organizations

The Obama administration established a slush fund through the Department of Justice to pass billions of dollars to various activist organizations, according to findings from the House Judiciary Committee.

Republicans are working on legislation to terminate this corrupt practice of using the Justice Department to extort money from corporations for pet projects.

Dow Jones Reaches New Record High

Following President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night, the Dow Jones Industrial picked up 300 points yesterday, soaring past 21,000 for the first time.

Survey Shows Only Ten Percent of Americans Hold to Basic Christian Beliefs

Although 70 percent of Americans identify as Christians, only 10 percent hold to basic Christian beliefs and practices, according to a survey by the American Culture and Faith Institute.

The survey assessed “attitudes and behaviors related to practical matters like lying, cheating, stealing, pornography, the nature of God, and the consequences of unresolved sin.”

Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Russians Bomb Syrian Villages and Nearly Hit US Troops

On Tuesday, Russian pilots bombed villages in Syria thought to be held by ISIS. U.S. Lt. Army General Stephen Townsend said the strikes hit U.S.-backed coalition forces and came dangerously close to hitting U.S. troops in the area.

Five Chinese Christians Sentenced to Three to Seven Years in Prison

Five Christians in China received prison sentences for three to seven years by a court in the northeastern Liaoning province last week, reported China Aid. The charges against the five Christians, four women and a pastor, involved purchasing and selling what officials called “forbidden Christian devotional books.”

UK Evangelicals Launch New Prayer Initiative

Evangelicals in the UK are launching a prayer initiative this year, starting in April with over 100,000 Christians expected to participate. The initiative is called “17:21” after Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21: “May they all be one that the world might believe.”

AFA Founder Don Wildmon Receives National Religious Broadcasters Hall of Fame Award

Today, Don Wildmon, the founder of the American Family Association, will receive the 2017 National Religious Broadcasters Hall of Fame Award at the NRB Convention in Orlando, Florida.

The World View spoke with Don’s son Tim about what prompted his father to take a stand 40 years ago for decency.

“Dad was a Methodist pastor. One day, in the Christmas holidays of 1976, he was watching television with our family; he had four small children. He just couldn’t find anything to watch. It was just a lot of immorality and violence and profanity.

“He decided, with the prompting of the Lord, to try to do something about the moral decline in America, and try to call the Christian community to wake up and address these issues. His main concern at the time was the influence that the television industry was having on our culture and how it was shaping people’s values away from the Judeo-Christian value system to what he called the secular humanist value system.”

Thankfully, Don Wildmon wasn’t the only one calling the church to take a stand.

“You had people like Dr. Jerry Falwell, Dr. James Dobson, Adrian Rogers, James Kennedy, and the LaHayes. These people began to see the same thing about the same time, and thus was birthed I guess what you could call the modern conservative Christian movement.”

Don Wildmon quickly learned how to get Hollywood’s attention.

“Dad realized that the only language that these corporations and Madison Avenue and the networks understood was money. You could appeal to them on a moral basis, but they didn’t understand your moral value system. He decided the best way to go was to see who the worst advertiser was on television in terms of their irresponsible sponsorship of programs that denigrated the family.

“So, he began to target those companies with some success – Sears, Burger King come to mind. They began to realize that there were millions of people out there who would follow his lead if he asked them to boycott a company.”

At its height, the AFA Journal had a circulation of 300,000. Today, the ministry owns and operates 185 radio stations and their news service, OneNewsNow, is heard on another one hundred radio stations.

“That’s been a big deal for our ministry in helping us to keep going and get our message out unfiltered to the Christian community without having to go through the secular media.”

But Wildmon noted that AFA’s secret weapon is their mega-email list.

“We have over a million people that get our AFA email action alerts weekly. That’s been very effective on a lot of different issues. Target is a big one. Target Corporation — they announced last year that they were going to announce that they were going to allow men into the ladies restrooms and changing areas. We had an immediate response when we called for a boycott of Target.  

“Over a million people in one week signed that petition. As far as we know, that’s a record for boycott petitions. They are hemorrhaging, Target is right now, financially, because of the boycott. We hope that soon they will see the error of their ways and reverse their policy.”

Indeed, Target stock plummeted by nearly 13 percent yesterday. Since embracing the transgender bathroom policy last year and as a result of the AFA boycott, the retail company’s value has dropped by 30 percent, equivalent to about $15 billion.

Wildmon urged Christians to stop twiddling their thumbs until Christ returns.

“The Bible says that Christians are to occupy until Jesus comes. We’ve got to do what we can do. We can’t give up. There’s only one America. We’ve been a beacon for hope and a beacon for freedom. We’ve been a place that sends out more missionaries and does more charity work around the world than any other country.

“The world needs a good America, and we’re going to do everything we can to try to preserve that, restore that and keep fighting for the values that made this country great in the first place.”

From everyone here at The World View in 5 Minutes and Generations, we salute Don Wildmon for his willingness to take a stand and inspire generations of American Christians to roll up their sleeves, and like Ephesians 5:11 proclaims, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”

State Schools in the UK May Drop Requirement to Offer Christian Worship

UK state schools may be officially dropping their legal obligation to offer some form of Christian worship. Brent Council in London made the “ground breaking” decision to instead provide multi-faith assemblies in their schools, according to Christian Today.    

And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.