1,000 Nigerian Christians killed in last month, Pervasive porn problem, Disney and Target stocks are down

It’s Tuesday, July 11th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.  (Adam@TheWorldview.com)

By Kevin Swanson

1,000 Nigerian Christians killed in last 30 days

Nigeria has turned into the hardest place on Earth for Christians.  

Equipping the Persecuted reports that over the last 30 days, more than 1,000 Christians have been brutally killed in Nigeria — a higher rate than ever for the genocide wrought by Muslims in that country since 2008. 

Sound of Freedom takes 3rd place at box office

Sound of Freedom. That’s the major motion picture film addressing the problem of child trafficking. It took third place in the box office over the last week, topping $40 million, reports LifeSiteNews.

The goal was to sell 2,000,000 tickets to mirror the number of children who have been trafficked globally.  Remarkably, they have already sold 3,863,582 tickets.

Sound of Freedom experienced the most successful opening weekend for a religious film since 2014’s Heaven is for Real.

Watch the Sound of Freedom trailer and get tickets through a special link in our transcript today at www.TheWorldview.com.   

Muslim countries have worst slave trafficking

The recently released 2022 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Global Report on Trafficking in Persons finds that 28% of trafficked persons from Africa and Asia wind up in the Middle East, 10% in Western Europe, 8% in Eastern Asia, and 5% in North America.

The Muslim countries again come out as the very worst for slave trafficking. 

In relation to the prevention of child abuse and exploitation, Out of the Shadows.global finds the most unsafe nations in the world are largely Muslim countries.  The worst is Niger. Then comes Cameroon, Saudi Arabia, Congo, Ethiopia, Algeria, and Pakistan.   The best places in the world are Canada, France, South Korea, Sweden, and Australia. 

If you want to help fund the fight against trafficking, give a donation through Shared Hope International, a group which was featured on Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson in a conversation with former Congresswoman Linda Smith. Their website is www.SharedHope.org.

Pervasive porn problem

Approximately 35% of all internet downloads are related to pornography. Additionally, 77% of men aged 18-24 visited pornographic websites at least once per month.  And the use among younger men is increasing.  

It is estimated to be worth around $97 billion, with annual revenue from U.S.-based companies alone reaching up to $14 billion. 

The largest porn-consuming nations in the world are the U.S., the United Kingdom, and Brazil. Those three countries are followed by Japan, France, Mexico, the Philippines, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, and Egypt.  

The United States, in first place, has 13 times the porn consumers per capita over the number two nation for porn which is the United Kingdom. 

Of the major nations in the world, the most unsafe places for the crime of rape include Botswana, South Africa, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Australia, Belgium, and the United States. 

71% of Americans support homosexual faux marriage

Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs poll conducted back in May found that the number of Americans supporting homosexual mirage, has finally leveled at 71%.

That’s the same as last year, and up from 35% at the turn of the century.

Support for homosexual relationships has dropped

Yet the nation’s support for same-sex relationships has dropped for the first time from 71% to 64% since last year. The largest demographic that has cooled its enthusiasm for this form of sexual perversion was Republicans — an appreciable drop from 56% support to 41% support. 

Jeremiah 18:7-8 says, “The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it.”

America’s social conservatives rising

The percent of Americans who call themselves socially conservative is climbing up as well — up to 38% from 30% in 2021.  That’s the highest score since 2012.  

The ratio of those who refer to themselves as socially liberal has slipped from 33% to 29%, according to the Gallup study

Disney and Target stocks are down

Disney stock closed around $88 yesterday. That’s a 55% drop from a $195 high in 2021. Target stock stands at $132 — about half of where the stock stood in November 2021. Walmart stock is up slightly since 2021.

What part is pop culture playing in the demise of Target?  Gospel singer Jimmy Levy’s song, “Boycott Target,” squeezed out Taylor Swift for the #1 spot on iTunes around the first of June, reports Fox News.  Additionally, Levy’s “Reclaim the Rainbow” took the #1 position again last week. 

Let’s keep in mind 1 John 2:17.  It says, “And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.”

Sky high mortgage rates

Mortgage rates hit 7.22% last week. That’s the highest for the year.

Buyers are hesitant to jump in. And sellers are more hesitant to sell now that interest rates have doubled over the last 18 months.  Real estate purchase applications are down 22% last week, in a year-over-year comparison. 

Layoffs in info tech, designer clothes, luxury cars, comm services

Layoffs.fyi calculates a total of 216,000 layoffs thus far in 2023, compared to 165,000 layoffs in 2022 — most of which are technology jobs.

Nonetheless, the bull markets for the first six months of 2023 were still the sectors including information technology, designer clothes, luxury cars, and communication services.

By contrast, utilities, energy, and health care were the worst performing sectors in the U.S. stock market, reports MSN

Worldview listeners weigh in from Texas, Rhode Island, & Guatemala

Worldview listeners continue to email me about why they like the newscast at Adam@TheWorldview.com.  (Remember to include your whole name, city and state, and your country if outside America.)

Marie Curb in Plainview, Texas wrote, “My son, Steven, and I listen to The Worldview while eating breakfast.  We enjoy hearing when God’s people take a stand and when you use Scripture to back any point you’re making. Thank you for the time and energy put into getting out the truth!”

Officer Andrew Morgan in Tiverton, Rhode Island wrote, “I just wanted to write to thank you for the newscast. I really enjoy listening to it on my way to drop my son off at daycare. It keeps me informed of current events from a Christian perspective and calls out sin straightforwardly for what it is. The Worldview serves as a great encouragement, and a constant reminder to pray for the persecuted church. Keep up the good work.”

And Philip Reber in Chimaltenango, Guatemala wrote, “I usually listen to your newscast together with the Generations program while I’m at work, partly because my wife only understands Spanish. I enjoy the news coming from a distinctly biblical worldview. And I highly enjoy hearing the news from someone I consider a friend, as we communicate by e-mail occasionally. God bless!”

11 Worldview listeners gave $2,298.38

Recently, 11 Worldview listeners gave toward our $80,000 goal by Monday, July 31st to keep this unique Christian newscast on the air.

Our thanks to Cathy in Fate, Texas who gave $25, Abigail in Post Falls, Idaho who gave $30, Shari in Lakeway, Texas who gave $100, and Nathan in Morriston, Swansea, Wales who gave $128.38.

We thank God for Michael in Ritzville, Washington who gave $200, Patricia in Windsor, Colorado who gave $300, as well as Kirsten in Fargo, North Dakota and Adrian in Black Creek, British Columbia, Canada – both of whom pledged $25/month for 12 months for a gift of $300 each.

And we’re grateful for the generosity of Joshua in Troy, Alabama who gave $315 and Casey in Apple Valley, California who pledged $50/month for 12 months for a gift of $600.

Those 11 donations add up to $2,298.38. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (Drum roll sound effect) $12,238.88. (Crowd cheering sound effect)

In order to hit our $40,000 immediate goal by this Friday, July 14, we still need to raise $27,761.12.

I’m looking for 10 Worldview listeners to pledge $100/month for 12 months. Then, we would need 13 to pledge $50/month for 12 months.  And another 26 listeners to pledge $25/month for 12 months. 

Just go to TheWorldview.com and click on “Give” at the top right to give what the Lord is prompting you to donate to keep this weekday newscast on the air.  Make sure to select the “Recurring” tab if that’s your wish.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, July 11th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.