120,000 Armenian Christians need your help, Ben & Jerry’s latest left-wing cause, Target’s flip-flop on “The Democrat Party hates America”

It’s Monday, July 10th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.  (Adam@TheWorldview.com)

By Adam McManus

120,000 Armenian Christians need your help

If you’ve never heard of Nagorno-Karabakh, you’re not alone. Many Westerners are not even aware of its existence and its 120,000 endangered Christians, much less about its recent violent history.

Lela Gilbert, Family Research Council’s Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom, spoke to The Worldview.

GILBERT: “Nagorno-Karabakh is an enclave of Christians on the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia. It’s a conflict zone because Azerbaijan claims that it as its own and part of its country, but doesn’t really tolerate the Christian community. The Christians are being very persecuted and being driven out. Armenia is in a conflict with Azerbaijan over this particular territory.”

Once a part of the ancient Armenian Kingdom — with roots reaching back to the second century — the enclave’s present upheaval dates to Stalin’s regime in the USSR, when the dictator’s remapping surrounded the Christians with Islamic Azerbaijan.

GILBERT:  “Azerbaijan has blocked a highway, eliminating the opportunity for the enclave of Christians to gain food, groceries, medicine. So, it’s been impossible for people to get their necessities.”

Radical Muslims hate Christians. In keeping with the Koran’s teaching, they want the Christians to convert to Islam or die.

GILBERT: “There is a religious component to this conflict for sure. Azerbaijan is a very Islamist country. The Christians in both Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh believe this is an extension of the Armenian Genocide. There are many hundreds dead. The Armenian Genocide took place in the early 20th century. There were a million and a half Armenians killed during that genocide.”

Please pray for the protection of the 120,000 Armenian Christians.  And secondly, send a polite email to the Embassy for Azerbaijan in Washington, D.C., urging the country to leave the Christians in Nagorno-Karabakh alone. Send your 1-2 sentence email to consul@azembassy.us

Teacher fined $17,000 for objecting to wrong pronouns

The Nottinghamshire County Council in England is demanding a dismissed teacher pay $17,000 in legal costs for the judicial review she pursued after she was fired for raising concerns about policies requiring teachers to affirm the non-biological identity of confused students.

The teacher, identified in court documents as “Hannah,” had worked at a primary school for seven years without issue until she voiced her concerns about an 8-year-old trans-identified student’s transition, says the U.K.-based Christian Legal Centre, which supports the teacher.

In addition, while the leftist Teaching Regulatory Authority conducts a witch hunt investigation, Hannah cannot work as a teacher.

Michigan legislature eager to criminalize anti-trans speech

Late last month, the Michigan House of Representatives passed HB 4474, a bill that if signed into law, will criminalize as hate speech any criticism against transgender ideology that makes a person ostensibly feel “frightened,” reports LifeSiteNews.com.

In an attempt to silence critics and curtail First Amendment freedom of speech protections, transgender advocates in the Democrat-controlled Michigan legislature are seeking legal criminalization of opposition to sexual mutilation and chemical sterilization of children as discriminatory “hate speech.”

The bill passed the Michigan House in a 59-50 vote and is likely to pass in the Democrat-controlled Senate before reaching liberal Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s desk.

Ben & Jerry’s latest left-wing cause

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, headquartered in Vermont, has always championed Leftist causes like sexual perversion and shutting down the oil and gas industry.

Last week they experienced backlash over its July 4th message that America should return “stolen indigenous land,” reports Fox News.

On Instagram, the brand posted, “This 4th of July, it’s high time that we recognize the U.S. exists on stolen indigenous land and commit to returning it. Let’s start with Mount Rushmore.” (The also tweeted a similar message.)

In a laughable development, a Native American tribe in Vermont wants Ben and Jerry’s to return its stolen land which is today the land upon which the left-wing ice cream manufacturer is headquartered.

Don Stevens, the Chief of the Nulhegan Band of The Coosuk Abenaki Nation, told Newsweek he’s eager to facilitate the land’s return.

He told the publication the tribe was “always interested in reclaiming the stewardship of our lands.” However, his offer was met with the sound of crickets from Ben & Jerry’s. Perhaps that will be their next flavor. Chocolate-covered crickets in vanilla ice cream.

Target’s flip-flop on “The Democrat Party hates America”

Conservative author Mark Levin has just completed his latest book entitled  The Democrat Party Hates America.

Target, known for its championing of sexual perversion and special transgender-friendly bathing suits for biological men pretending to be women, announced that it would not carry Levin’s book because the title would offend its customers.

In a tweet, Levin labeled the woke company as “pathetic.

After re-thinking their initially foolish censorship, Target decided to carry the book after all.  In a follow-up July 6th tweet, Levin wrote, “Target just informed my publisher that it has reversed course. The silent majority is silent no longer.”

Worldview listeners in New Jersey and Ohio weigh in

Worldview listeners continue to share their testimonials.

Leslie Welsh in Florham Park, New Jersey wrote, “Dear Adam, I just sent in a small donation with prayers that your Christian newscast continues. It encourages Christians to stay involved through prayer and other action steps on behalf of the worldwide persecuted Church and our God-given rights in this country. Your broadcast is urgently needed during turbulent times.”

And Kendra Petras in Ashland, Ohio wrote, “Our family has used this news service for the past few years as part of our homeschool. We listen to it for current events presented from a Christian worldview. I appreciate the global persecution section, U.S. news, and human interest new combined in a short newscast.

“Additionally, it has been helpful to keep me informed of actions I should take. When I learned that Chase Bank had closed the account of a non-profit religious organization, I was prompted to talk with the bank and its Vice President.  After having a Chase credit card for 14 years, I decided to close our account.”

25 Worldview listeners gave $3,700

Incredibly, 25 Worldview listeners gave toward our $80,000 goal by Monday, July 31st to keep this unique Christian newscast on the air.

Our thanks to Henry in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, Caleb in Wichita, Kansas, Kaylee in Paducah, Kentucky, and Tom in Rocky View, Alberta, Canada – each of whom gave $25.

We appreciate Frederick in Kennesaw, Georgia who gave $30 as well as Daniel in Evansville, Indiana, Colleen in Melbourne, Florida, Dean in Paulden, Arizona, Karen in Waterford, Wisconsin, Jason in Center City, Minnesota, and Whitney in Columbus, Georgia — each of whom gave $50.

We thank God for April in Post Falls, Idaho, Cindy in Clayton, North Carolina, and Kerry in Parowan, Utah – each of whom gave $100.

We’re grateful for the generosity of Curtis in North Augusta, South Carolina who gave $120 as well as Paul in Quincy, Massachusetts, Diana in Glendale, Arizona, and Susana in Helotes, Texas – each of whom gave $200.

And we were touched by the help of Robert in Salado, Texas who gave $250, Linda in Hanahan, South Carolina and Rich in Elma, Washington – both of whom gave $300, Kirsten in Fargo, North Dakota, Mary in Phoenix, Arizona, and Steven in Plainview, Texas – each of whom pledged $25/month for 12 months for a total gift of $300 each, as well as Brian in Dassel, Minnesota who gave $500.

Those 25 donations, our new record this year, add up to $3,700. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (Drum roll sound effect) $9,940.50. (Crowd cheering sound effect)

In order to hit our $40,000 immediate goal by Friday, July 14, we still need to raise $30,059.50.

I’m looking for 10 Worldview listeners to pledge $100/month for 12 months. Then, we would need 15 to pledge $50/month for 12 months.  And another 30 listeners to pledge $25/month for 12 months. 

Just go to TheWorldview.com and click on “Give” at the top right to give what the Lord is prompting you to donate.  Make sure to select the “Recurring” tab if that’s your wish.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, July 10th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.