It’s Friday, August 2nd, A.D. 2024. This is The World View in 5 Minutes written by Kevin Swanson and heard at www.TheWorldView.com. Filling in for Adam McManus I’m Ean Leppin.
Liberty Counsel Represents Kim Davis
Liberty Counsel is taking hits for representing Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis’ religious liberty case at the 6th Circuit Court Appeals. At issue is the Liberty Counsel’s challenge of the 2015 Obergefell decision and a potential reversal, in favor of religious liberty. Kim and her husband, as well as Liberty Counsel have been subjected to multiple, serious death threats. Liberty Counsel President Mat Staver released a statement Monday, noting that “Anyone who stands up to the hateful agenda of the LGBTQ Mafia is demonized. . .. the LGBTQ left will not tolerate religious freedom and wants to destroy anyone who disagrees.”
Biden Administration Announces Plea Deal with 9/11 Conspirators
The Biden administration Department of Justice has announced a plea deal with alleged conspirators of the 9/11 attacks, which occurred 23 years ago. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Walid Bin ‘Attash, and Mustafa al Hawsawi will plead guilty to conspiracy and murder charges, but will not face the death penalty for the murders of 2,977 people on September 11, 2001. Senator JD Vance commenting on the deal told an audience yesterday, “”We need a president who kills terrorists, not negotiates with them.” And Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, called the decision “unthinkable” and a “slap in the face” for families of those murdered by the terrorists.
God said, “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.” (Gen. 9:6)
60% of Americans Support Death Penalty
60% of Americans support the death penalty. There were 23 executions in the US last year down from 98 in 1999. The US Homicide rate has also increased since 2014, from 4.7 per 100,000, to 6.0 per 100,000 persons in 2023, which accounts for over 20,000 murders.
Keep in mind, “The ruler is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” Romans 13:4
20 Dead Over Venezuelan Protests
Protests following the Venezuelan sham election over the weekend in which the communist dictator claimed victory – have resulted in 20 deaths, and 1,072 persons arrested by the regime, according to Effecto Cocuyo — an independent news source. The nation’s prosecutor, Tarek William Saab has warned protestors, that they are facing up to 20-30 years in prison.
A respected American polling organization, Edison Research, has issued its exit poll results for the Venezuelan election. Opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia of the Unitary Platform easily won by a margin of 65 to 31%. Younger (18-29 year old) voters were more likely to vote against the communist dictator, by a margin of 74% to 21%. Edison Research has been the sole provider of election data to the National Election Pool, consisting of ABC News, CBS News, CNN, and NBC News. Also, AltaVista obtained results from about 1,000 polling stations, photographed them, analyzed them and then sent the results around the world. They also showed a landslide: 66 percent for González, 31 percent for Maduro.
Debt in Africa Has Increased Substantially
Africa’s debt burden has increased substantially just since 2010. Reuters reports that Zambia, Ethiopia, and Ghana are now in default. And at least 20 African nations have taken on a heavy debt burden, as defined by the IMF, a condition that did not exist for these countries just 10 years ago. Although, none of these nations are in as severe a condition as the United States – with a debt-to-GDP ratio — now at 122% up from 64% in 2008. Japan, Sudan, Lebanon, and Greece have a higher debt-to-GDP ratio than the United States.
“The debtor is servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7.
College Enrollment Dropping
Undergraduate college enrollment has dropped another 852,000 students since 2019 – a 4.6% drop. Christain colleges are taking the hit. A recent survey of 50 Christain colleges found 36 out of 50 Christian colleges had a net decrease in tuition income over the last 5 years, as reported by wng.org. The college bubble has pretty much burst. . .In Minnesota, only 57% of high school graduates signed up for college on graduation, in 2022. That’s down from 82% in 2011.
Chik-fil-A Worker Fends off Armed Robber
An armed robber broke into an Atlanta Chik Fil A last month, levelled a gun at employee Kevin Blair. . . and told him he was going to die if he didn’t open the restaurant safe. By God’s mercies, Blair fought off the armed robber for several harrowing minutes — in a desperate fight for his life, finally pushing him out the door of the restaurant. Blair talked about the struggle in an interview with WXIA TV —
BLAIR: “I broke his glasses. I put my thumb into his eye. He hit me several times.”
WXIA TV ANNOUNCER: “Fighting off the intruder, the whole time thinking:
BLAIR: “I want to see my kids. That’s really it. Get through this. Go see my kids.”
Police have arrested suspect Tommie Lee Williams in connection with the assault.
And that’s The World View in 5 Minutes on this Friday, August 2nd, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldView.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. Filling in for Adam McManus I’m Ean Leppin. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.