It’s Monday, December 2nd, A.D. 2019. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
Christians girls and women victimized by Pakistani Muslim men
In the first nine months of 2019, International Christian Concern has documented 34 incidents of abduction, assault, rape, and forcible conversions against Christian women and girls in Pakistan. Given these statistics, human rights activists in Pakistan are concerned by the vulnerability of Christian women there.
For example, in October 2019, a 13-year-old Christian housemaid was sexually assaulted and blackmailed by Qari Zahid, a Muslim cleric of an Islamic seminary in Shujahabad. According to Iqbal Masih, a local social activist, Zahid assaulted the victim multiple times.
Despite his threats, she revealed everything to her parents. While local police have since registered a report against Zahid; no arrest has been made.
Iffat Mall, a Christian activist, explained that “Christian girls are taken for granted in this society. Persons belonging to the Muslim community know that Christians are too weak to approach the police and are unable to bear legal expenses of bringing a case. Therefore, they take advantage of this situation and humiliate Christian girls with impunity.”
Romans 14:12 says, “So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.”
Terrorist stabs 5 on London Bridge, killed by police
Two innocent members of the public have died after a knifeman went on a rampage Friday afternoon in London, reports the Daily Mail.
Usman Khan, 28, was jailed in 2012 for his role in an al Qaeda-inspired terror group that plotted to bomb the London Stock Exchange and the US Embassy and kill Boris Johnson.
After Khan stabbed up to five people on the north side of London bridge, armed police shot him dead as he was wearing a fake suicide vest in the shocking terrorist attack as frightened crowds fled the scene. Witnesses on the scene said the man had been brandishing two knives.
Dramatic video footage showed the knifeman being tackled to the ground by at least six heroic members of the public.
In an old letter from 2012, unveiled today, the terrorist begged to be shown mercy and asked for a course to be arranged so that he could “properly learn Islam and its teachings, and I can prove I don’t carry the extreme views which I might have carried before.”
Trump surprised U.S. troops in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving
On a surprise visit to Afghanistan, President Donald Trump thanked U.S. and Afghan troops for the work they are doing, saying the reason the Taliban is seeking a peace deal is because the militaries are “doing a great job”, reports PBS.
TRUMP: “There’s nowhere I’d rather celebrate this Thanksgiving than right here with the toughest, strongest, best and bravest warriors on the face of the earth. You are indeed that.
“When I took office almost three years ago, our military was depleted in terms of equipment. We have all those brand new planes and brand new helicopters and brand new ships being built now — brand new, incredible submarines. We’ve spent two and a half trillion dollars.”
Toy sales down 5%, No new hot toy driving foot traffic
Toy sales are already down more than expected — 5.5 percent through the first nine months of the year.
Big toymakers like Mattel and Hasbro have failed to launch any new, blockbuster toys this year. That, in turn, has left toy franchises that are already a year old or more to pick up the slack, reports the New York Post.
34% of likely black voters support President Trump
And finally, in what one can only describe as “disastrous news” for Democrats, two different opinion polls find that, among African Americans, support for President Trump is in the thirties. This number has been rising more or less constantly from a year ago, when it was in the mid-20s.
Rasmussen Reports explains on Twitter that one of the biggest differences between them and most other polling organizations is that they look at likely voters instead of at voters in general.
Among, likely black voters, a Rasmussen poll found President Trump enjoys 34 percent approval, while an Emerson survey similarly found 34.5 percent approval.
Exit polling in 2016 found that just 8 percent of African-American voters chose Trump at the ballot box.
If the president were to garner somewhere in the mid-thirties among black voters, it would be the highest support for a Republican presidential candidate since Dwight Eisenhower in the 1956 race, and could indeed clinch his 2020 victory.
Acts 9:18 says, “And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales.”
Beyond that, the Western Journal reports that Black Entertainment Television founder Robert Johnson said that as it currently stands, none of the Democratic presidential candidates are capable of defeating President Donald Trump.
Johnson was asked if he stood by his assessment which made headlines last summer, that Trump gets an “A+” in his handling of the U.S. economy.
Johnson said, “I still stand by that position. When you look at the economy overall, and you look at consumer confidence, you look at job growth, you look at unemployment for African-Americans and women, and you look at wages beginning to show some movement upward, I still stand by the position absolutely.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, December 2nd in the year of our Lord 2019. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
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Prosperity preacher’s church buys shopping mall for $217 million
CapitaLand Limited, one of Asia’s largest diversified real estate groups, recently announced that it has agreed to sell The Star Vista, one of Singapore’s iconic shopping malls, for nearly $217 million to Rock Productions, the business arm of the 33,000-member New Creation Church led by charismatic televangelist Joseph Prince, reports the Christian Post.
The church, which was founded in 1983, said that they will not hold a fundraising drive to pay for the mall as they already had the money on hand.
In 2016, the church announced that it fully paid $366 million for its 5,000-seat Star Performing Arts Centre, the Straits Times said.