It’s Tuesday, May 23rd, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Kevin Swanson
400 churches burned & 73 Christians killed in Manipur, India
New numbers are available now from the mass uprising against Christians in Manipur, India.
The Christian Post reports almost 400 church buildings burned, damaged, or destroyed. In addition, 73 Christians have been killed, and thousands displaced.
Here’s what David Curry, Director of Global Christian Relief, told CBN News, about the violence in Manipur, India.
CURRY: “The attacks have really been driven, it’s been an escalation by I think the central government, the BJP Party, which has made a being a Christian, something that’s not considered part of India. It seems as though their message is, ‘If you’re not a Hindu, you’re not a real Indian.’ And this has allowed this escalation of violence against Christians and Christian churches.
“We have dozens of Christian churches that have been destroyed since May 3rd when these riots began. And you have hundreds and thousands of people, I think we’re almost up to 9,000 right now, who have been displaced, Christians who have been displaced because of this violence.”
To support Christians in severe crisis in northwest India, visit GlobalChristianRelief.org. That’s GlobalChristianRelief.org.
In Matthew 25:40, Jesus said, “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’”
Fox News outed for its woke corporate policies
Sometimes touted as a conservative news agency, the Fox News organization has now been outed for its woke corporate policies.
The Daily Signal secured a copy of the company’s personnel handbook. The policies require adherence among its employees to transgenderism and the use of transgender pronouns.
In addition, the company assists transgendered employees with their “workplace gender transition plan.” For the past several years, Fox received a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index.
The Human Rights Campaign is a leading sexual perversion activist group.
Most companies suppress free speech and champion perversion
Now, ViewpointDiversityScore.org offers another metric on American companies as to whether or not they will suppress free speech.
The score looks at 42 different performance indicators. The study finds only 2 out of 75 rate above the dismal rating. That’s an East Coast bank, called M&T Bank, and Fidelity National Information Services.
The worst of the worst companies for viewpoint diversity are Airbnb, Pinterest, Disney, E-Bay, Alphabet which owns Google, Twitter, Paypal, and Amazon.
The Atlantic features late-term abortionist
Do you know who the most notorious killer is in America?
In an article published last week, The Atlantic interviewed Warren Hern, an 84-year-old abortionist. He revealed that his business has increased 50% since the overturn of Roe v. Wade last June. Disturbingly, Hern exclusively performs late-term abortions, sex-selection abortions–you name it. And he charges $6,000 to kill!
The abortionist has been performing abortions since 1972. And he has operated his now-infamous abortion clinic in Boulder, Colorado since 1973.
Intriguingly, the article mentions that he had to overcome bad dreams and pricks of conscience to continue in the business of killing children.
Isaiah 22:17 and 19 comes to mind. “The Lord will throw you away violently, O mighty man, and will surely seize you … and from your position, He will pull you down.”
Senator Tim Scott raised $22 million vs. Trump’s $14 million
Tim Scott, a Republican U.S. Senator from South Carolina, has thrown his hat in the ring for the 2024 presidential nomination, reports The Guardian.
He starts out with the highest campaign funding of $22 million. That compares to Donald Trump’s coffer of $14 million.
The senator told NBC News in April that “If I were president of the United States, I would literally sign the most conservative, pro-life legislation that they can get through Congress.”
Scott also sponsored legislation in 2022 to withhold federal funding from schools that would not require parental consent for kids transgendering in the system.
China has 2,076 tons of gold
China is buying gold, and lots of it, reports Business Insider.
The nation’s Central Bank official gold reserves are up to 2,076 tons, up from 1,054 in 2015.
Also, the World Central Bank bought a record 1,036 tons of gold last year a;lone, and another 228 tons in the first quarter of 2023.
Japan’s inflation have hit a 42-year high
At the third largest economy in the world, Japan’s inflation numbers have reached a 42-year high—4.1% year-over-year.
Japan’s real GDP is still 2% below its 2019 peak—still yet to recover from the COVID years.
Elsewhere, the average UK household has lost 5,455 pounds of purchasing power to inflation over the last two years. That’s about a 16% drop in purchasing power for the average household.
Baby accidentally kidnapped in Fort Worth car jacking
And finally …
POLICEMAN: “Hey, we have the baby at 3600 (unintelligible)”
(baby cries)
POLICEMAN: “Aw, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
That audio comes from the police cam video of a baby rescued by Fort Worth police.
It all started when the suspect carjacked mom’s car, with her 6-month-old baby still in her car seat. Police secured the car, and arrested the suspect an hour later, but the baby was nowhere to be seen.
Turns out, the police persuaded the suspect to lead them to the baby—who was found lying in a garbage pit in a ravine. The baby girl was returned to her mother, safe and sound.
Praise God!
Suspect Elliot Reyes faces charges of kidnapping, abandoning/endangering a child, and auto theft.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, May 23rd in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.