It’s Wednesday, November 23rd, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Jonathan Clark
300 Christians imprisoned in Eritrea, Africa
Release International estimates there are 300 Christians imprisoned for their faith in the east African nation of Eritrea. Many of them are held indefinitely without charges or a trial. Some Christians who have refused to renounce their faith have been in prison for over 15 years.
Most recently, Eritrean authorities arrested 150 Christians gathered for worship in September. Officials continue to hold 100 of the believers.
This year marks 20 years since Eritrea shut down most of the country’s churches. Banned congregations that continue to meet are regarded as enemies of the state. Eritrea is ranked 6th on the Open Doors World Watch List of nations where it is most difficult to be a Christian.
Russians withdrew from Kherson, Ukraine
Russian troops pulled out of Ukraine’s city of Kherson last week ending over eight months of occupation.
Aid volunteers are working to get much-needed supplies into the city. Despite suffering an extreme lack of resources, residents are rejoicing to have their city back.
Local church members described to CBN News what it was like under the occupation and how God sustained them.
CHURCH MEMBER: “When I drive, they could just stop you and either kill you. If they don’t like something, they could just kill.”
REPORTER: “How did you maintain hope?”
CHURCH MEMBER: “The Lord helped us. Only Him. His hand was upon us. Only with God because it was impossible psychologically to withstand all this without God because there was so much pressure. He is merciful. He is a good God.”
Psalm 126:1-2 says, “When the LORD brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, ‘The LORD has done great things for them.’”
Net decline of 10,000 abortions since Dobbs case
A new report by the pro-abortion WeCount coalition found abortions decreased in the U.S. in the months following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Compared to the number of abortions before the decision, states with anti-abortion laws had 22,000 fewer abortions in July and August. Meanwhile, states that allowed abortion-on-demand had about 12,000 more abortions.
This meant a net decline of 10,000 abortions nationwide since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision.
Republicans seize control of House
Republicans now have 219 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.
A party needs 218 seats for control of the chamber.
With the slim majority, Republican Kevin McCarthy of California is set the be the next speaker of the House.
Democrat Party belongs to single women
Exit poll data from the 2022 midterm elections shows the Democrat Party is the party of single women.
In terms of sex and marital status, CNN’s House of Representatives exit polls found the only group Democrats carried was unmarried women. Most married men and women as well as unmarried men supported Republicans.
North Carolina loses 249 Methodist churches
On Saturday, the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church approved the disaffiliation votes of 249 churches leaving the denomination.
The departing churches represent 32% of the regional body’s congregations and 22% of its membership.
Churches are leaving the mainline Protestant denomination over the debate on homosexuality. Many are now joining the theologically conservative Global Methodist Church.
Disney brings back Bob Iger as CEO
Disney’s fourth quarter earnings are down, sending the entertainment company’s shares to a 20-year low.
Disney stock is down 40% so far this year.
Less than a year after retiring, Bob Iger is returning as chief executive of the Walt Disney Co, replacing Bob Chapek.
Chapek took the helm back in 2020 right as COVID-19 pandemic closures were hitting the country. Chapek also led the company during its campaign for sexually perverted lifestyles. Disney opposed Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act which keeps so-called gender identity and sexual orientation out of classrooms.
Leaked videos this year showed Chapek apologizing for not being an “ally for the LGBTQ+ community.”
Special Report on North Korea coming up
Immediately following the newscast today, stay tuned for a Special Report on the believers in North Korea by Emily Munday.
Answers in Genesis acquires Kentucky Toyota plant for $31 million
And finally, creationist ministry Answers in Genesis continues to grow. They are known for their Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, supporting the Bible’s Genesis account.
Now, they are acquiring the former Toyota North American engineering & manufacturing headquarters in Northern Kentucky for $31 million.
The 205,000-square-foot facility will house the Answers Academy, Answers in Genesis staff, and Answers.TV streaming service.
Ken Ham, the Answers in Genesis CEO, said the new facility will save the ministry tens of millions of dollars for future projects as they continue to grow.
This year the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum celebrated their 10 millionth visitor.
God said in 1 Samuel 2:30, “Those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, November 23rd, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Special Report on North Korea
Time now for A Worldview Special Report: An insider’s look into North Korea by Emily Munday. I’m Adam McManus
When satellite images show North Korea, it is one of the darkest, most closed countries in the world. According to Open Doors, North Korea is the second most difficulty country in the world to be a Christian. Yet the Holy Spirit is going forth nonetheless..
The Worldview spoke with Gina Goh, the Asian director of International Christian Concern, about the persecution of our brothers and sisters in Christ in North Korea. Goh said that COVID made North Korea even more closed than it already was.
GOH: “So, due to the pandemic, North Korea has been even more closed than ever. So, in the past, we heavily relied on our contacts to bring out what’s the situation, their testimonies, and know whether it’s ICC or our partner organizations or other like-minded organizations. We would occasionally receive stories. But I think in the last two years, especially after the pandemic, it’s almost as if, it’s a completely closed country.”
She said that there were a lot of people going back and forth between North Korea and China before the pandemic.
GOH: “There used to be a lot of people going back and forth [between] North Korea and China. Some of them are smugglers, but some of them are missionaries as well. But because they also closed the borders, so their activities are stopped. So, for us, it’s actually hard to know, what exactly is happening inside and even the North Korean defectors who are being discipled inside China right now. A lot of their activities are being closely monitored by the Chinese government as well. I think that’s also because the North Korean government is putting pressure on the Chinese government.”
Goh said even China has become more like North Korea in their persecution of Christians.
GOH: “We were trying to get more information and see how we can support some Christians in China. But, from what we know, things are really hard right now. Our observation is also China has become more and more like North Korea. These are the communist authoritarian regimes. They kind of work hand in hand.”
She said that often Christians are sent to labor camps on crazy charges, not because of being a Christian. She also said they can’t really know how many Christians are imprisoned.
GOH: “A lot of times it’s hard to get them because they won’t say that [it’s] because you are Christian. So, you are in a labor camp or Gulag. They can use all the absurd type of charges. So unfortunately, we really don’t have an accurate count and all the data you can see or find on the internet. It’s all based on estimates.”
Goh said communication with Christians in North Korea is usually through a middle person in China.
GOH: “Some of the North Koreans actually have Chinese cell phones. When they’re close to the border, their cell phones pick up signals from Chinese telecom. They’re able to use that phone to call out because then it’s not detected. But I know even that sometimes you get spotted and you get into big trouble. But that’s the best scenario if they are able to communicate directly with the outside world. If not, sometimes they try to pass the information through a middle person for security purposes.”
She said she wanted to talk to directly to a North Korean once and asked how to do that.
GOH: “One time I was asking, ‘Is there a way that we can talk directly to a North Korean?’ They said, ‘No, no, no, that’s a really horrible idea. You don’t want to do that.’ It’s good that it goes through a few persons, like one or two, so that it’s not as traceable. Because if they’re caught in communication with a U.S. Christian organization, that’s subversion of state power and betrayal of your country.”
Goh shared with The Worldview the best ways for Christians in the United States to reach out to their brothers and sisters in North Korea.
GOH: “In the United States, it’s best to go through different organizations such as International Christian Concern, Open Doors, or Voice of Martyrs. We at least have connections and we will be able to get more information. Although there’s no promise that you’ll get an update every month, sometimes you will be lucky to have one story in six months. So, I would encourage people to check out these organizations. I think then you will get at least more access to this type of story, testimonies, for your prayer requests.”
She shared ways to pray for our North Korean brothers and sisters who are suffering.
GOH: “Pray for their strength and encouragement. I feel like they might feel very isolated. So, the best way to pray for them is to pray with them to stay strong in their faith, and continue to grow. Christianity is still growing inside. They’re trying to spread the Gospel among themselves especially during this COVID. The economy’s so bad. North Korea right is focused on the nuclear weapons development or testing. People suffer a lot, even more than before. They were already suffering. A lot of people are hungry for not just food but spiritually as well. So, I’m sure the Christians inside are trying to reach out more even though it’s dangerous. Pray for an opening to share the Gospel in a time where everything just seems so hopeless.”
You’ve been listening to a Worldview Special Report. I’m Adam McManus.