Barna poll: U.S. pastors experiencing more loneliness; 5,000 people celebrate Jesus in Barcelona, Spain; 113 colleges still mandating COVID shot

It’s Friday, July 21st, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. (

By Adam McManus

Another instance of how Chinese Communists are altering the Bible

As The Worldview reported on Tuesday, Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin warned that China is “rewriting the Bible.”

Another example is John 8:1-11 which describes how Jesus forgave the woman who was caught in the act of adultery, stopped the mob ready to stone her to death, and urged her to “go and sin no more.”

Disturbingly, in the version altered by the Chinese Communists in a 2020 Chinese university textbook, Jesus stones the adulterous woman to death.

The Wisconsin Congressman added, “Xi Jinping has no problem with the first commandment, just so long as he and the Chinese Communist Party are playing the role of God.”

5,000 people celebrate Jesus in Barcelona, Spain

After three days of street evangelism, 5,000 people celebrated Jesus in Barcelona, Spain at the Olympic Port last Saturday.  It was all part of the event entitled “Barcelona, Jesus loves you,” reports Evangelical Focus.

On Thursday and Friday, leaders trained eager Christians on how to share their faith in Christ. Then, in the evenings, small groups went out to share the Gospel on the streets of the city.

Miguel Leal, one of the organizing pastors, was thrilled “to see so many young people going out to preach the Gospel of Christ, to give testimony.”

Louisiana bans transgender mutilation of children, overriding Democrat governor’s veto

The Louisiana legislature overturned the state governor’s veto of a bill that bans puberty blockers, hormones, and so-called “sex change” surgeries for minors, reports

In a one-day veto session on Tuesday, the Louisiana House voted 75-23 and the Senate 28-11 to overturn Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards veto of H.B. 648, dubbed the “Stop Harming Our Kids” Act.

Three Democrats voted with the Republican legislature’s two-thirds majority, while Republican state senator Fred Mills, who previously voted to kill the bill in committee in May, voted with the Democrats, the Daily Caller reported 

The override of Bel Edwards’ veto marks the third time since 1974 that the Louisiana legislature overruled a gubernatorial veto. Bel Edwards vetoed the legislation late last month. 

All the southern states have officially banned child gender mutilations.

In addition to asserting a false reality that one’s sex can be changed, transgender surgeries and drugs have been linked to permanent physical and psychological damage, including cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, cancer, stroke,infertility, and suicidality,  as LifeSite has extensively reported. Further, studies indicate that over 80 percent of children suffering from gender dysphoria outgrow it on their own by late adolescence without surgical or pharmaceutical intervention. 

113 colleges still mandating COVID shot

A group called announced that there are still “113 colleges that refuse to drop COVID vaccine mandates for students. Our goal is to end them all by Labor Day. You can help by emailing the President of every one of them.”

In their mission statement, they write, “Because the coercive nature of college vaccine mandates completely disregards students’ individual freedom and right to bodily autonomy, we strongly believe that these mandates are unconstitutional, unethical, unscientific and undoubtedly contributing to the psychological distress and the staggering rise in mental health issues among young adults. Institutions of higher learning which impose vaccine mandates do not uphold the very civil rights and liberties they teach and purport to vehemently defend.”

Barna poll: Pastors experiencing more loneliness

Pastors are experiencing more loneliness and less support than in years past as fewer seek out spiritual support, according to data the Barna Group considers to be a “cause for concern,” reports The Christian Post.

The 2022 survey is based on responses collected from 585 senior pastors at United States Protestant churches between September 6 and 16, 2022, while the 2015 survey is based on responses collected from 901 senior Protestant pastors between April and December 2015.

In 2022, when asked “how often, if ever” they felt “lonely or isolated” during the preceding three months, 47% of those surveyed said “sometimes” and an additional 18% reported experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation “frequently.” By contrast, in 2015, a significantly smaller share of respondents (28%) sometimes felt lonely and isolated while just 14% felt that way frequently.

Pray for your pastor. 

Take 5 minutes today and send him a note in the mail to let him know that you are praying for him.  Bless him and his wife with a gift card to a local restaurant.

Write out Galatians 6:9 for him. It says, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Let your pastor know that your family supports him and he can turn to you at any time.

Two reasons why a San Antonio, Texas doctor loves The Worldview

Dr. Oscar Seda in San Antonio, Texas has recently discovered The Worldview.

SEDA: “So I’ve been hearing, almost daily, The Worldview like probably for around six months or so.”

He appreciates the commitment to truth.

SEDA: “Well, right now, we live in a time in which it’s very hard to find truth and the right information. Anything regarding Jesus or anything regarding Christianity is banned and cancelled on every news outlet out there, even TV, radio. So. this is a breath of fresh air, hearing some godly news. I think it’s much needed work you guys are doing.”

He touched on a second reason as well.

SEDA: “So, one of the things that I appreciate that you guys discuss is religious liberty and how different efforts have been successful or not around the globe. And that awareness, to me, is key.”

In particular, Dr. Seda was especially encouraged to hear about the recent victory that Alliance Defending Freedom won in England for Adam Smith-Connor, a Christian pro-lifer, who simply prayed silently outside an abortion mill. Local officials had issued him a fine back in January. Thankfully, the charges were recently dropped.

Dr. Seda explained that the newscast has introduced him to the great work of various Christian legal groups, like Alliance Defending Freedom, Liberty Counsel, and First Liberty Institute, which he plans to support financially.

12 Worldview listeners gave $3,209

On Thursday, 12 Worldview listeners donated toward our $80,000 goal by Monday, July 31st to keep this unique Christian newscast on the air for another year. 

Our thanks to Amanda in Lacey, Washington who gave $25, VinDetta in Pound, Virginia who gave $50, as well as Tyce in Fort Worth, Texas and David in Houston, Texas – both of whom gave $100.

We thank God for Breanne, age 11, in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada who pledged $12/month for 12 months for a total gift of $144, Danielle in Brighton, Colorado who gave $150, Joanne in Vasteras, Sweden who gave $200, and Cheryl in Cumming, Georgia who pledged $20/month for 12 months for a total gift of $240.

And we were touched by the kindness of Richard in Camden Wyoming, Delaware and Sarah in Charleston, South Carolina – both of whom pledged $25/month for 12 months for a total gift of $300 each, Scott in Jenison, Michigan who pledged $50/month for 12 months for a total gift of $600, and Troy in Durham, North Carolina who gave $1,000.

Those 12 new donations add up to $3,209. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (Drum roll sound effect) $47,110.16 (Crowd cheering sound effect)

In order to hit our $60,000 immediate goal by 12 midnight tonight, July 21st, we need to raise $12,889.84.

Toward that end, I have a special announcement!  The members of Sovereign Grace Singles, a reformed Christian dating website, will match the next four Worldview listeners who pledge a one-time gift of $250 by 12 midnight tonight.

We need 5 more people to pledge $100/month, 6 more people to pledge $50/month and 12 more to pledge $25/month.  Can you see the Lord using you to help us hit tonight’s deadline?

Just go to and click on “Give” at the top right to give what the Lord is prompting you to donate.  Make sure to select the “Recurring” tab if that’s your wish.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, July 21st in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.