Biden administration loses abortion and transgenderism case; David Horowitz’s ominous warning to America; Charitable giving experiences steepest drop since 2007

It’s Friday, June 23rd, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Chris Galanek, sitting in for Adam McManus.


By Jonathan Clark


At least 700 Christians killed in Nigeria last month


The International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law reports at least 700 Christians were killed in Nigeria last month.


Three hundred of the killings occurred over just three days in the country’s north-central Plateau State. It’s one of the bloodiest incidents of persecution against Christians in Nigeria. 


Since January, jihadists have killed over 2,000 Christians in the African nation. Nigeria is ranked sixth on the Open Doors’ World Watch List of countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian.


Africa now the world’s terrorism hot spot


Speaking of Africa, the continent is now considered the world’s terrorism hot spot. 


Counterterrorism experts met this week at the U.N. Headquarters in New York City. They reported half of the victims of terrorism were in sub-Saharan Africa last year. 


International Christina Concern noted, “The Christian population in Africa faces an exigent security situation as the capabilities and intentions of terrorist groups expand throughout the continent.”


Psalm 14:4 says, “Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge, who eat up my people as they eat bread, and do not call on the LORD?”


Biden administration loses abortion and transgenderism case


In the U.S., the Biden administration lost its case to force Christian healthcare workers to support abortion and transgenderism. 


The administration missed a Tuesday deadline to appeal a federal court ruling in the case. The ruling protected doctors from participating in actions that violate their conscience. 


Luke Goodrich, vice president at Becket Law, said, “After multiple defeats in court, the federal government has thrown in the towel on its controversial, medically unsupported transgender mandate. . . . This is a win for patients, conscience, and common sense.”


David Horowitz’s ominous warning to America


America’s next presidential election could be her last. 


That’s the contention of David Horowitz, the author of America’s #1 bestselling new political book entitled Final Battle. He talks on today’s Generations Radio show with guest host Adam McManus.


He says the Democrats pose a deadly threat to our freedom. Their real goal is a one-party state. And they are willing to break even Constitutional provision, law, precedent, and procedure to see that it happens.


McMANUS: “The third comment that Gary Bauer made about the indictment of Donald Trump: The depth of the corruption in our federal institutions in their politicization is breathtaking. No reasonable person can believe it is merely a coincidence that just as the FBI is forced to reveal a document that finally puts the corruption charges against Biden on the front pages, Trump is suddenly indicted with predictable results.”


HOROWITZ: “Biden’s family has been made rich beyond their wildest dreams. I just saw an estimated of $50 million in bribes from foreign powers that are hostile to us, starting with China. They’re traders. This is treason.


“Trump has created the largest patriotic movement in American history. And the Democrats are always trying to portray Trump as a traitor or as somebody who’s trying to overthrow the Constitution.


“On the contrary, the facts are very simple. Make America Great Again and America First: These are patriotic sentiments and policies and attitudes. The Democrats turn everything on their head, everything they do they project onto their opponents.”


To hear Adam’s entire 29-minute interview with David Horowitz, author of America’s number one political bestseller Final Battle, go to


Charitable giving experiences steepest drop since 2007


The Giving USA Foundation reports charitable giving in America decreased to $499 billion last year, down from $517 billion in 2021. Factoring for inflation, it was a 10% drop in giving, the steepest decline since the Great Recession of 2007-2009.


Despite this, churches and religious institutions remained by far the largest recipients of giving last year. Gifts to religious groups totaled $140 billion dollars. The next highest recipients were education and human services, each at $70 billion. 


Utah school board readmits Bibles into schools and libraries


And finally, a school board in Utah reversed course on Tuesday and readmitted Bibles back into schools and libraries.


Last month, the Davis School District banned Bibles for not being “age-appropriate.” The decision met with significant pushback before being reversed this week.


The issue arose after Utah passed a law last year that lets parents challenge “sensitive material” in pubic schools. Unfortunately, the law, intended to protect children from indecent material, was used as an unsuccessful attack on the Bible. 


Psalm 12:6-7 says, “The words of the LORD pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. You shall keep them, O LORD, You shall preserve them from this generation forever.”




And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, June 23rd in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Chris Galanek. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.