It’s Monday, January 17th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
Nigerian Muslims killed 18 Christians on January 11th
Nigerian Fulani Muslim militants killed 18 Christians in Ancha village last Tuesday, January 11th, reports International Christian Concern.
One eyewitness said, “A loud voice shouted, ‘Allahu Akubar’ (which means Allah, the moon god, is the greatest) at midnight.”
Those killed included the church secretary of the local Baptist church. More than 100 homes were burned down, and food stores and crops were destroyed. Six people are currently in the hospital receiving medical treatment for bullet wounds.
John Rivi Bulus, an eyewitness, said through tears, “My life is now at risk. The Fulani [Muslims] are now after my life; all my family members have now been killed by the Fulani militants…I am left alone.”
And one Christian youth leader said, “There is a plan for jihad in Nigeria, but the Nigerian government continues to remain silent. We are pleading with Christians in the Diaspora to come to our assistance.”
Please, pray for our brothers and sisters in Nigeria.
Proverbs 21:15 says, “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.”
Biden: Confused, cannot pronounce name of new appointee
Last Tuesday, President Joe Biden came unglued as he tried to announce that he had tapped someone new to lead the government’s COVID-19 testing initiative.
The president was confused, unable to pronounce the word “tapped,” or, for that matter, the name of Dr. Tom Inglesby, who is the former director of Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
BIDEN: “Help lead our federal testing program. I’ve talked, I’ve, I’ve, I’ve, I’ve, I’ve … Excuse me. I’ve tapped, uh, Dr. Tom Ing, I hope I pronounced, uh, Ing, Ing, Ingles, Inglesby. Correct? Is that right?”
Here is the analysis by Fox News contributor Joe Concha.
CONCHA: “Unless I missed it, did any of the late night hosts give Biden the ‘Trump treatment’ on the current president not even knowing who was tapped to be his Testing Czar? Because you get the feeling he’s never heard of the guy before. And I believe that joke writes itself.
“That is so bad. I mean, again, just picture if Donald Trump had tapped a Testings Czar at the height of a pandemic when cases are higher than they ever have been, and you can’t even remember the person’s name. Obviously, that person was tapped for this President.
“This is the most guarded, protected, scripted president of our lifetimes. You’ll find Liz Cheney at Mar-a-Lago before you see Joe Biden sit down for an in-depth interview with anyone resembling a fair and tough journalist. He’s done just 16 one-on-one interviews since taking office. At this stage of Trump’s presidency, he had done more than 70 interviews, four times more.”
Visa of number one men’s tennis player revoked over COVID shot
Novak Djokovic, the men’s number-one tennis player, had his visa application revoked by the Australian government a second time due to his being unvaccinated against COVID-19, reports TheBlaze.com.
The Serbian tennis star now faces deportation once again and will be unable to defend his title at the 2022 Australian Open unless he can win a last-minute appeal.
The Guardian reported that on Friday Australian Immigration Minister Alex Hawke used his ministerial discretion to revoke Djokovic’s visa on public interest grounds, saying his presence at the tournament could “excite anti-vaccination sentiment.”
Avi Yemeni, correspondent for RebelNewsOnline, tweeted, “The government is arguing in court that Novak Djokovic should be deported from Australia as ‘he may risk lives and civil order by eroding regard for COVID rules and vaccinations.’ NOT that he’s a threat to spread the virus. That he’ll spread dissent.”
New Jersey codifies Roe v. Wade
Last Thursday, New Jersey Democrat Governor Phil Murphy, who barely won re-election, signed into law a bill that codifies Roe v. Wade.
Listen to his disturbing statement moments before signing this egregious and deadly law.
MURPHY: “In a few moments, I will sign into state law the assurance that every generation of New Jerseyans will have the right to bodily autonomy and the right to decide whether and when to become a parent, no matter in which direction the political winds may blow. Regardless of whether or not the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade. New Jersey’s position in supporting the right to reproductive autonomy will remain clear and unchanged.”
Governor Murphy might be surprised to learn that the mothers who abort their babies are already parents. Tragically, they become the mothers of a baby whose execution they signed.
Proverbs 6:17 says that among the seven things that God hates are “hands that shed innocent blood.”
30% of employers are projecting salary increases
And finally, with the labor market becoming more unpredictable than ever before due to the wave of resignations across the United States, employers are, in their last-ditch effort to keep workers, finally deciding to raise salaries, reports MoneyCentralNews.com.
The report comes from Willis Tower Watson, a professional services firm that conducted a survey during the final three months of 2021, spanning over 1,000 companies across the U.S. and presenting the data which shows that one in three employers had bumped up their yearly salaries.
While the original idea was to offer a 3% increase, the final figure is currently sitting at a 3.5% increase compared to last year, which also demonstrated an increase in payment, but only up to 2.8%.
No position is exempt from the rule, and it will likely be applied equally, ranging from executives to service workers, with the focus being put on retail and health workers, closely followed by finance, industrial manufacture, and finally, energetics.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, January 17th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.