Biden: Deport German homeschool family; Andy Stanley dismissed Ten Commandments, now affirms homosexuality; Mass baptisms taking place across America

It’s Tuesday, September 26th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at  I’m Adam McManus. (

By Kevin Swanson

Biden: Deport German homeschool family

For some unexplained reason, a German homeschool family who escaped Germany, and received asylum in America 15 years ago, received notice they were about to be deported.

The Romeike family had faced fines and imprisonment in their home country for homeschooling their seven children. Since then, they have settled in Tennessee and continued to homeschool freely here in the states.

The Home School Legal Defense Association website explains that, “The Department of Homeland Security granted the Romeikes asylum back in 2008, but immigration officials overturned the decision. After five years of legal battles, the Obama administration granted the Romeikes indefinite deferred action status in 2013.”

In a live broadcast aired on Monday, the Fox News announcer told the family, “We’re pulling for you.”

Kevin Boden, the HSLDA attorney, said this.

BODEN: “The Romeike family has entered the country lawfully. They’ve been here lawfully for 15 years. They want to stay here lawfully. And there’s a way to make that happen. So this is not a case other than a family following the rule of law and wanting to continue to follow the rule of law to stay here. The Biden administration can make that happen. The agencies can make it happen and we’re asking them to simply do just that.”

Sign the HSLDA petition to urge the American government to allow the homeschooling Romeike family to stay in America and not deport them back to Germany.

Looming U.S. government shutdown

The U.S. government is poised to shutdown this Saturday if the Republican-led Congress stands firm and refuses passage of a dozen spending bills, reports The Associated Press.

The last government shutdown occurred in 2018.

In previous government shutdowns, federal employees received back pay for work they did not do. Also, Donald Trump signed the Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019 requiring federal employees, forced on furlough, to receive back pay.

Andy Stanley dismissed Ten Commandments, now affirms homosexuality

North Point Community church, pastored by Andy Stanley, will be holding a pro-LHBT conference this week in Alpharetta, Georgia called Unconditional. Speakers at the conference include Mr. Stanley and David Gushee, a university professor who argues for “full LGBT inclusion” in the church, and several self-admitted homosexuals.

Andy Stanley has instructed his congregation with this admonition: “Thou shalt not keep the Ten Commandments.”  

Listen for yourself.

STANLEY: “Originally in my notes, I was going to put a screen up here that said, “In other words, that means ‘Thou shalt not obey The Ten Commandments.’ But I knew someone would take a picture of that, and it would define me for the rest of my life. So, I’m not going to put it up there. But I want you to hear me say it. Here’s what the Jerusalem Council will say to the Gentiles. ‘You are not accountable to The Ten Commandments. You’re not accountable to the Jewish law. We’re done with that. God has done something new.’ He would say to you, ‘Thou shalt not obey The Ten commandments because those aren’t your commandments.’”

In a recent World Magazine column entitled “The Train is Leaving the Station,” Albert Mohler, a Southern Baptist leading voice and president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, remarked that Mr. Stanley has departed from the Christian faith. 

In Revelation 2:20 and 22, Jesus warned of sexual immorality in the Thyatira church. He said, “I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman, Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality. … Indeed, I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds.”

America’s 33% inflation rate on house payments 

Can the American paycheck keep up with inflation?

According to Bloomberg’s chief economist, Michael McDonough, the average monthly mortgage payment in the U.S. now stands at $2,309, up from $977 in 2020, and $577 in 2012.  That’s an average inflation rate of 33%, year by year, across three years.

Gas prices have risen an average of 6% per year over the last 23 years. And the average price of a new car has increased at 5% every year for the last 11 years.

While the American consumer is facing increases in inflation, the median household income in the U.S. has dropped 2.3% since last year, according to the recent Census Bureau reporting. The median household income increased an average of 3.75% per year over the last 12 years.

2-year government bond up 5.2%

Meanwhile, 2-year government bond yields popped up to 5.2%, the highest mark in about 23 years.

The 2-year bond has yielded a higher interest rate than the 10-year bond for 15 months now.

Usually, long-term rates are better than short-term rates. This inversion was a predecessor to recession in 1980, 2000, and 2008. 

Mass baptisms taking place across America

Mass baptisms are becoming more popular across the country.

Biltmore Church in North Carolina reported 282 baptisms on a single day.   Some 120 students were baptized at Texas A&M in Corpus Christi on August 31st.

Auburn University witnessed another baptism of 200 persons. The Auburn baptisms introduced controversy for the Freedom from Religion Foundation which got a little irritated over the fact that Auburn Tigers head football coach, Hugh Freeze, participated.

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus said: “Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.”

2-year-old girl wanders away from home, her dogs keep her safe

And finally, a 2-year-old girl wandered away from her home in upper peninsula Michigan last Wednesday afternoon in the company of two family dogs.  

She was found asleep in the woods around midnight, three miles from home — sleeping next to the big dog, and using the little dog as a pillow. The toddler appeared to be in good health, reports Fox News

Praise God!


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, September 26th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.