CA Gov. signs 13 pro-abortion bills, Vice President plays race card with Hurricane Ian, William Tyndale killed for translating Bible into English

It’s Friday, October 7th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus.

By Adam McManus. (

Australian missionary, detained in North Korean prison, shares testimony

Back in February of 2014, John Short, a 75-year-old Australian missionary, was taken prisoner in North Korea, and detained for 13 days. He was repeatedly interrogated for four hours a day. He was forced to write a “confession” of his “crimes,” including the offense of wanting more North Koreans to follow Jesus, reports Voice of the Martyrs Radio.

He admitted to distributing Bible tracts in order to convert North Koreans.  He told The Guardian, “I strongly protested that I was not a spy, nor working with any South Korean organizations nor was I hostile to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”

Short said he was told that he faced 15 years in prison for distributing those Christian pamphlets at a Buddhist temple and on a train. He said, “I confessed that I had knowingly broken the law in what I believed is my God-directed duty as I do in every place and country I visit.”

Despite the possible 15 years of imprisonment in a brutal North Korean jail, the Australian missionary did not give in to fear. Listen to what he said on Voice of the Martyrs Radio.

SHORT: “Fear and faith cannot exist within my heart at the same time. I either feared for my self-preservation, the first law of human nature. Or was what I was about to embark on, was it a step of faith? When we live by faith, trusting the Lord, moment by moment, fear has no room in the heart.”

He echoed the sentiments of Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:16 which says, “For when I preach the Gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!”

California Governor signs 13 pro-abortion bills

On Tuesday, California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom signed 13 pro-abortion bills into law, reports The Washington Stand. Thirteen!

Assembly Bill 1242, prohibits California law enforcement from assisting or cooperating with other states’ abortion-related investigations.

Yet another bill, Senate Bill 1142, requires the establishment of a state-funded “abortion care services website” that connects women to abortion mills and services. Finally, Senate Bill 1245, provides $20 million for the Los Angeles County Abortion Access Safe Haven Pilot program to fund “innovative approaches and collaborations to safeguard abortion access.”

Doctors have a macabre new way to harvest organs

In the never-ending quest for viable organs, doctors have found a macabre way around brain death and circulatory death criteria, reports the American Thinker.  

According to Dr. Heidi Klessig, a retired anesthesiologist and the co-author of Harvesting Organs & Cherishing Life: What Christians Need to Know About Organ Donation and Procurement, transplant centers around the country are doing something quite disturbing.

She said, “They are removing organ donors from life support, clamping off the blood flow to their brains, and then restarting their hearts.  Thus, the organs are resuscitated and viable for transplant, but the person doesn’t wake up.”

In addition, Dr. Klessig writes, “Many medical professionals are uncomfortable with donation after circulatory death because they know that patients are routinely resuscitated after 2–3 minutes of cardiac arrest.  Dr. Ari Joffe, a clinical professor of pediatrics and critical care at the University of Alberta, has found at least 12 patients whose hearts restarted without any medical intervention after as much as 10 minutes of cardiac arrest, and some of these patients made a complete recovery.”

Dr. Klessig’s advice? She said, “Don’t become a victim of unethical organ harvesting practices.  Don’t sign that donor card!”

Vice President plays race card with Hurricane Ian

Hurricane Ian destroyed entire cities, caused tens of billions of dollars in damages, killed dozens of people, and left 500,000 Floridians without power, reports Fox News.

However, Vice President Kamala Harris played the identity politics/race card in the midst of the tragedy.


HARRIS: “It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions. So, we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding not everyone starts out at the same place. And if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities.”

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s Fox show, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis was asked about Harris’ bizarre remark.

HANNITY: “What is your reaction, governor, to the Vice President?”

DeSANTIS: “I think she’s trying to play identity politics with a storm and a natural disaster. And I think it’s ridiculous. And honestly, we had the FEMA Administrator in Florida with us, and she threw cold water on that. So that is not going to happen. It’s totally not appropriate. You don’t have to politicize every single tragedy in this country.

“I mean, I think people in Florida are really sick of the nonsense. They just want people to be helped. They want everyone to band together and when they want us to get these communities back on our feet. So, that’s what we’re doing in Florida. And Sean, the impacts span all demographics, all income levels. Sanibel has some very wealthy people. They also have blue collar people. You have other communities, different race, different ethnicities. Who cares? We just want to make sure people have a chance to get moving forward again.”

William Tyndale killed for translating Bible into English

And finally, yesterday, October 6th, was the anniversary of the death of William Tyndale who was strangled and then burned at the stake in 1536. His crime? He translated the Bible into English.

The Protestant Reformation hero believed the Bible should be accessible to all people, not just priests. When one of his persecutors in the so-called heresy trial questioned this, Tyndale said: “If God spares me, before many years, I will cause a boy that drives the plough to know more of the Scriptures than you do.”

William Tyndale’s final words before he was strangled to death were, “Lord, open the king of England’s eyes.”

That dying prayer at the age of 42 was answered two years after Tyndale’s death, when King Henry VIII ordered that the Bible of Miles Coverdale was to be used in every parish in the land. The Coverdale Bible was largely based on Tyndale’s work. Then, in 1539, Tyndale’s own edition of the Bible became officially approved for printing.

My bride, Amy, and I named our 7-year-old son Valor Tyndale to honor his brave legacy.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, October 7th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.