Wednesday, April 6th, in the year of our Lord, 2016.
By Mark Robinette
The Brussels, Belgium, terror attacks may be the proverbial straw that breaks the backs of Muslims around the world. The Middle East Media Research Institute has begun openly speaking out against the countless atrocities done in the name of Islam, concluding that Muslims will ultimately be the only ones who can stop these attacks from within.
In a macabre media one-upmanship, the Taliban, overshadowed in the news by ISIS, is now back in black with a vengeance, killing 73 and wounding more than 300 during an outdoor Easter celebration in Pakistan. The resurging jihadist group told NBC in a recent interview that more “devastating” attacks are in the works.
The Chinese now say that they have basically perfected cloning. In a new factory being built in their northern port of Tianjin, by 2020, they hope to be able to produce one million identical cows every 12 months. According to the Express UK report, the facility will also pump out perfect police pups and racehorses, capable of cloning basically anything including human beings.
After the world-famed Bible translators Wycliffe Associates suffered a tremendous loss last week with the tragic death of four of its Middle East workers, they are reaffirming their commitment to continue their work in what they call the most dangerous place on earth for Christians. The group has announced it will hold special training for those courageous enough to take up the mantle of these martyrs. Wycliffe President and CEO Bruce Smith said, “There is no place on Earth where God’s Word is more urgently needed. This is a place of terror, oppression, violence, death, and heartache. To be a Christian is to be a target. Yet the few Christians living there are pleading for Bibles.”
The Scriptures note in Matthew 5:6 that God will satisfy these hungry people.
As further evidence of this revival, Open Doors is reporting that the underground house church movement in Iran is “exploding.” Emily Fuentes of Open Doors said, “Thousands upon thousands of people in Iran are becoming Christians annually—such rapid growth in conversions is unmatched by any other country in the Middle East.”
The world was not worthy of Reverend Iliya Anto of Nigeria. He has gone on to his reward, having spilled his blood for the sake of Christ. Anto was kidnapped two weeks ago, along with two other elderly pastors, near Kaduna City as they walked along a road together. The other two pastors were released last week, but Anto’s body was found discarded in a jungle area.
Cruising to a crushing victory, Senator Ted Cruz won more than 52% of votes in the Wisconsin GOP primary. Cruz made the case that he has gained more than 100 delegates on Trump in recent days, has the backing of five former presidential contenders, and has coalesced the Republican Party. The World View spoke to Kim Schroeder, president of Milwaukee Teachers: “I would say it’s very engaged, more so than a number of primaries we’ve had in a couple of years, and engaged on both sides. On the Democratic side, both are really excited about their candidate, and [there’s] a lot of talk on really good issues. And on the Republic side in Wisconsin—which I’ll admit I’m not as familiar with—there seems to be a definite push to keep Donald Trump out of winning Wisconsin. People are pretty set on who [sic] they want.” And on the Democrat side, Bernie Sanders also won in Wisconsin, beating Hillary Clinton.
Cities and states around the country have piled on threats and demands and prohibitions because of the new law in North Carolina protecting Christians and others from having to violate their faith to obey the new federal pro-homosexual ruling from last June. Now the federal government is threatening to cut billions of dollars in funding to North Carolina for schools, highways, and housing. At the same time, Mississippi’s governor signed a similar bill into law yesterday, standing with North Carolina. Plus, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama passed similar bills, but sadly Georgia’s governor vetoed its bill, breaking the Bible belt line drawn by lawmakers.
An atheist group has now taken aim to demolish a 90-year-old cross-shaped World War I memorial in Bladensburg, Maryland. This would be a serious black eye on the faces of 2.2 million members of the American Legion who funded and built the monument.
Be warned—Proverbs 22:28 says, “Remove not the ancient landmarks which thy fathers have set.”
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.