Super Tuesday, March 1st, in the year of our Lord, 2016.
By Mark Robinette
595 delegates are on the block today for the Republican nomination. Ted Cruz was campaigning for 155 delegates in Texas on Monday: “You know, it’s easy to talk about making America great again. You could even print that on a baseball cap. But the critical question is, ‘Do you understand the principles and values that made America great in the first place?’”
Family Research Council leader Tony Perkins is doubling down on his support for Ted Cruz. He says that rumors indicating a shift of support to Marco Rubio among evangelical leaders are false. Meanwhile, Hobby Lobby’s David Green announced that he’s supporting Marco Rubio.
Senator Jeff Sessions from Alabama is endorsing Donald Trump. He said that he hopes Trump can fix illegal immigration. Liberal magazines like Salon are rooting for Trump as well, in the primaries—for two reasons: one, he’s softer on socialism, and two, he’ll be an easier target for a Democrat in November.
Colorado Right to Life issued a statement encouraging votes for non-establishment candidates that will commit to defunding Planned Parenthood. The pro-life group pointed out that George W. Bush funded Planned Parenthood with a billion dollars more than Bill Clinton did during his 8-year administration.
“You shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God” (Exodus 18).
Take a public stand for righteousness, and you’ll get persecuted for it. Felix Ngole supported Kim Davis’s stand on his Facebook account, complete with a Scripture verse, and now he’s been expelled from his college. Ngole was pursuing a master’s degree in social work. The university says the student’s views on homosexuality would affect his “ability to carry out a role as a social worker.”
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5).
A University of Virginia student has been detained in North Korea for two months, and he was filmed making profuse confessions and apologies to the North Korean government. Otto Frederick Warmbier is accused of dislodging a political sign in a Pyongyang hotel, according to reports from CNN.
The Supreme Court will hear arguments on the appeal for the Texas abortion law tomorrow. With Justice Scalia’s death, now pro-life advocates expect a 5-3 decision if Justice Kennedy upholds the pro-abortion position. Otherwise, if Kennedy takes the pro-life position, the case returns next year for a rehearing. Justice Kennedy has gone both ways on abortion rulings since 1992.
The Best Picture in the 2016 Academy Awards was given to the film Spotlight, a drama that exposes the pedophilia scandal in the Roman Catholic Church. Also winning awards were The Revenant, Room, Mad Max: Fury Road, and The Danish Girl, all R-rated movies that highlight rape, child abuse, sexual slavery, and transgender behaviors. The Kendrick’s film War Room didn’t have a prayer at the Academy Awards. The film Risen on the resurrection of Christ wasn’t mentioned either, but it is still holding at #4 in the box office in its second week.
Another school shooting occurred yesterday, this time in Ohio north of Cincinnati. The 14-year-old suspect burst into the cafeteria firing off his .380 caliber pistol. Four students were wounded in the rampage. The suspect attempted an escape, but a canine unit ran him down in a nearby field.
You can expect gas prices to rise. Oil is up 30% over the last 11 days. The Dow dropped 123 points yesterday, finishing February slightly up for the month. Breitbart points out that college loans now exceed a third of U.S. assets. The 2014-2015 school year witnessed another 10% increase in student loans.
Americans are still nervous about self-driving cars, and this isn’t helping. On February 14th, Google’s self-driving car misjudged the speed of an oncoming bus, colliding into the side of the bus. The collision only resulted in minor damage to the car, and by the mercy of God, no one was injured.
On Monday morning, Edward Byers, a Navy SEAL, received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his role in an Afghanistan hostage rescue in 2012. Byers saved the lives of several of his SEAL team, while throwing his body over the hostage, Dr. Dilip Joseph, to shield him from enemy fire. Dr. Joseph told CNN that Byers was more than worthy of the reward, and he credits the SEAL with giving him a second chance in life.
There’s another example of the principle Jesus Christ gave to us when he said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend.”
Intense violence continues in the Middle East, where double suicide bombs killed 73 and wounded another 100 in Baghdad over the weekend. Iraq and Pakistan have sustained the most suicide bombing attacks over the last 10 years, according to statistics available on Wikipedia.
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.