Christian rocker John Cooper condemns wimpy wokeness; Pro-life hero Chris Slattery met his Maker; Christian Ugandans, who called Muhammad false prophet, beaten by angry Muslims

It’s Thursday, November 24th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. (

Christian Ugandans, who called Muhammad false prophet, beaten by angry Muslims

Two Christians in eastern Uganda were hospitalized after hardline Muslims beat them for their Christian evangelism during a Christian-Muslim debate, reports Morning Star News.

Musa Kirongosa, age 32, and Swidiki Buyinza, age 27, from the Kaliro District, were the first to speak at the Christian-Muslim dialogue organized by Muslims on November 13th in the town of Bulumba. Using both the Bible and the Koran, they argued that Muhammad was a false prophet. Musa asserted, “Truth is only found in Christ Jesus as the one and the only Savior for mankind.”

Angry Muslims in attendance grew rowdy before the two Christians had finished, forcing them to flee and go into hiding at the nearby home of a Christian. Some of the Muslims rushed ahead to block the road leading out of the area, and about two hours later, at around 7 p.m. when the area was vacated and quiet, the two Christians thought it was safe to leave.

Swidiki said, “When we left around 7:30pm on our motorcycle, just a few kilometers along the Bulumba road, we were stopped by Buruhan Musobya, a well-known Muslim extremist, and six other Muslims. They began shouting, ‘Allah Akbar [God is Greater], these are the enemies of our prophet, Muhammad, as well as our religion. Kafir [Infidels]! Kafir!

The assailants broke their motorcycle to pieces and tore up their Bibles and other Christian literature.

Swidiki added, “Thereafter, they started beating us badly with blunt objects that led to the fracturing of Musa’s right leg. Two of the attackers held me tightly and beat me with sticks as four others were beating Musa and stepping on him while he was lying down in the middle of the road.”

Providentially, a taxi driver flashed his headlights, and the attackers fled. The taxi stopped and passengers got out, including a pastor from the town of Kaliro who recognized Kirongosa and took the two Christians to a hospital there.

Swidiki said he was discharged after spending one night in the hospital, but that Musa received treatment there for five days.

Biden’s popularity sinks, Trump’s soars amid Israel’s war in Gaza

President Joe Biden has quickly lost popularity amid the Israel-Hamas war, reaching the lowest levels since he took the presidency, according to an NBC News poll, reports the Jerusalem Post.

Biden’s popularity of only 40% now falls behind that of former President Donald Trump’s support. NBC attributes the drop in popularity to Biden’s unpopular decisions on the Israel-Hamas war. 

Most of the disapproval has been sourced to Democratic voters, of whom 70% said that they disagreed with Biden’s handling of the war.

Christian rocker John Cooper condemns wimpy wokeness

John Cooper, the lead singer of the Christian rock band Skillet, targets woke Christianity in his new book. The book is entitled Wimpy, Weak, And Woke: How Truth Can Save America From Utopian Destruction. He warns that secular philosophies are seeping into the church, reports The Christian Post.

Cooper said, “If there’s anything that’s clear to me, there is a revolution to tear down American society; the entire structures of this system. But it’s not really about tearing down America, it’s about tearing down the underpinnings of what built America, Christian civilization. There is a revolution to tear down Christianity, the reflection of Christ in any of our cultures, our traditions, our sexual mores, our theology, our culture. Our everything!”

Wimpy, Weak, and Woke details two divergent paths: One is a secular utopian vision of the future. The other divergent side is going to be the principles of the kingdom of God.

He said, “A side message of that is written to the Church because I think that what we’re seeing now is a lot of these secular utopian ideas are seeping into the Christian Church, into Christian theology. And I think we have a lot of church leaders, who I believe are men of utopia disguised as men of the Kingdom.”

Cooper said far too many Christians are “weak theologically, philosophically. We have not done our homework and we don’t even recognize the difference between the Kingdom of God and secular utopia. I noticed that in 2020. We are wimpy because we feel like we have to apologize for the character of God, with His moral impositions.”

He assured believers that they “don’t need to apologize.”

Cooper concluded, “The Bible says, we are supposed to love what God loves and hate what God hates. Louis Berkhof, the theologian, says: ‘Hating evil is just the flip side of loving righteousness.’”

In Revelation 3:15-16, God warns, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of My mouth.”

Pro-life hero Chris Slattery met his Maker

And finally, Chris Slattery, a 40-year-long pro-life pioneer, died on Wednesday, November 22nd at Calvary Hospice in Bronx, New York at the age of 68, reports CompassCare.

Six years after the legalization of abortion, he began blazing the trail to save lives in the American abortion capital of New York City. Using his advertising expertise acquired at Boston College, Chris founded the pregnancy center network, Expectant Mother Care, later known as EMC Frontline with 14 locations throughout the five-borough area.  Those pregnancy centers helped save over 43,000 children from abortion, and have counseled over 150,000 women.

He said, “The most precious beings in the world are human beings, made in [God’s] likeness and image, with an eternal soul.”

Chris’ pioneering spirit gave rise to the use of ultrasound scans in 1986, 20 years before most pregnancy centers ever considered using the technology. He even took imaging to the streets with mobile medical vans, now so popular nationwide.

Ultrasound imaging provides a woman considering abortion with true informed consent, both confirming a woman’s pregnancy while humanizing the child to help her fully understand the detrimental and dangerous impact of abortion for both her and her preborn baby.

Chris was quick to point out, “It’s not just about saving the babies. It’s saving the mother’s soul, helping her to fulfill her mission in life.”

In his later years, Chris became enemy number one for the abortion empire, headquartered in Manhattan, as well as pro-abortion politicians seeking to protect their pet industry.

Psalm 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.” In the case of Chris Slattery, Heaven’s gain is truly Earth’s loss.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, November 24th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.