CNN horrified that Speaker Johnson has advocated righteous laws, Iran close to going nuclear, Only 10% of small businesses looking for college degrees

It’s Tuesday, November 28th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at  I’m Adam McManus. (

By Kevin Swanson

Nigerian police now persecuting Christians there

Christians in Nigeria have experienced a great deal of persecution at the hands of Muslim terrorist organizations. And now, the Nigerian police have added to the persecution of Christians.

The International Center for Investigative Reporting finds that religious police, the Hisbah, are now arresting women who profess to be Christian in the Kano State. Apparently, some Muslim women are also subjected to beatings by the police for not playing by certain religious rules.

Also, five Christian girls were recently arrested by police, and prevented from attending church in the repressive state, reports International Christian Concern.

Why the Chinese Christian population is hard to pin down

How many Christians are there in China?  

Official government numbers put it at 28 million.  Another survey put the number at 43 million.

David Curry, President of Global Christian Relief, wrote a column for Fox News Digital in which he pointed out that government numbers may be inaccurate in that they may not count children. Plus, the Chinese may be reticent to respond to government inquiries concerning faith issues.

In addition, 72% of self-identified Christians in the survey are women, according to Pew Research.

Iran close to going nuclear

In the ongoing nuclear arms race, Iran has achieved what America had at Los Alamos, New Mexico in July of 1945.

According to the most recent report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran has finally accumulated sufficient uranium to make two nuclear bombs, about the size dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Southeast Asia is a “nuclear tinderbox”

Writing for The Japan Times, Susan Thornton, former U.S. assistant Secretary of State for East Asia, called Southeast Asia a “nuclear tinderbox.” She wrote, “A full-scale arms race is under way. North Korea’s stockpile of nuclear weapons and missiles has grown and Kim [Jong Un] has called for an ‘exponential increase’ in its arsenal.”

The Council on Foreign Relations estimates that North Korea has enough material for more than 100 nuclear weapons. The group said, “It has successfully tested missiles that could strike the United States with a nuclear warhead, and the country touts the world’s fourth-largest military.”

Vatican not open to ordination of women or changes on homosexuality

While mainline Protestant denominations have given way to women and homosexuals in church office, the Vatican is pushing back against the German Catholic Synod seeking liberalization of church regulation.

The Catholic News Agency reports that an October 23rd letter reminds the Catholic bishops of “potential disciplinary consequences for any defying the teaching of the Church” on the ordination of women and changes in the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. And furthermore, these matters are off the table for discussions in the upcoming meetings.

CNN horrified that Speaker Johnson has advocated righteous laws

CNN’s K-file, their investigative team, dutifully studied 100 radio interviews of U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, an evangelical Christian.

They discovered that he suggested “imprisoning doctors who perform abortions after six weeks; the Ten Commandments [should be] prominently displayed in public buildings; an elimination of anti-hate-crime laws; Bible study in public schools; criminalization of homosexuality.”  

The left wing news source was also shocked that Johnson testified that “one of the primary purposes of the law in civil government is to restrain evil.”  He also said, “We have to acknowledge collectively that man is inherently evil and needs to be restrained.”

Romans 13:4 reminds us that “[the ruler] is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for He does not bear the sword in vain. For He is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.”

To thank House Speaker Mike Johnson for his bold, Christian stands, you can call (202) 225-2777 or write 568 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC, 20515-1804.

Speaker Johnson has endorsed Trump for president

In other House Speaker news, Johnson has endorsed Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race, reports U.S. News and World Report.

Only 10% of small businesses looking for college degrees

A recent Red Balloon survey of 905 small business owners found that two-thirds of them do not believe that college graduates have “relevant skills” which would be of any benefit to their companies, reports the Washington Times.

Big concerns were a lack of maturity and a decent work ethic. Only 10% of these business owners are looking for candidates with college degrees.

Gold, the Nasdaq, and home prices

Since January 2019, gold is up 68% — as compared to the 20% inflation increase. 

To compare, Monday’s Nasdaq index is also up exactly 68% since January 2019.  Over the same time frame, the median home price increased by 58%.  

The median new home price is up 17.6%, year over year, now at $409,300.

Economy squeezing Americans

Americans are feeling the squeeze in the pocket book.  

WalletHub found that 28% of Americans plan to spend less on Christmas gifts this year over last year, while only 14% are spending more.

34% of Americans are foregoing gifts altogether and a quarter of the population are still working on paying off debt from last Christmas. 

Consumer spending is up

And finally, Bloomberg and Adobe Analytics report that consumer spending is up.

Black Friday retail sales were up 7.5% year over year. But the business site is reporting a huge increase in credit card purchases.  These buy now/pay later purchases increased by 72% the week before Thanksgiving. 

Let’s remember the words of Jesus this Christmas season. “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” (Matthew 6:24)


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, November 28th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

Print story

Russia wants to prohibit adoptions to sex-change-affirming countries

Russian lawmakers are considering a law which would ban all Russian adoptions to most Western nations including the U.S

The legislation would not allow adoptions to citizens of countries where sex changes are allowed