It’s Friday, July 7th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Adam McManus
Children in Niger, Africa brutalized by Muslim jihadists
Children bear the brunt of the devastating impact of Muslim Jihadism in Niger, Africa. They face the dual horrors of being targeted and killed, as well as being recruited and displaced from their homes, reports International Christian Concern.
Matt Wells, Amnesty International’s Crisis Response Deputy Director, said, “In Niger’s Tillabéri region, an entire generation is growing up surrounded by death and destruction. Armed groups have repeatedly attacked schools and food reserves and are targeting children for recruitment.”
Radicalized Islamic groups are plaguing the Sahel region in Africa, a land mass 620 miles wide and 3,360 miles long which runs from the Atlantic Ocean on the West Coast to the Red Sea on the East Coast.
Muslims are attempting to establish a caliphate in the region and frequently target Christians in their attacks.
Please pray for the salvation of those who persecute the church that they would repent of their sin and trust Christ as their Savior. And pray that God would comfort and strengthen the children who are targeted.
Psalm 37:27-29 says, “Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever. For the LORD loves the just and will not forsake His faithful ones. Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed; the offspring of the wicked will perish. The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.”
Cocaine found at the White House
Cocaine was discovered on Sunday night in the West Wing of the White House.
Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre addressed the controversy on Wednesday.
JEAN-PIERRE: “Where this was discovered is a heavily traveled area where many White House, West Wing, I should be even more specific, of West Wing visitors come through this particular area. The Secret Service is investigating this.”
Donald Trump asked, “Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden?”
The Washington Examiner reported, “It has been widely speculated that the president’s son Hunter Biden, who has had a history of cocaine addiction, may have been involved. He was seen on Friday headed to Camp David with his father for the second weekend in a row and celebrated the Fourth of July on Tuesday with his family at the White House.”
DeSantis raised $150 million in first quarter
On Thursday, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign for president announced strong fundraising results. He raised $20 million in his first six weeks, reports The Epoch Times. That trumps Donald Trump’s total of $18.3 million raised during the same time period.
In addition, DeSantis’ independent Super PAC, Never Back Down, raised $130 million since launching in early March.
Arizona Attorney General refuses to enforce pro-life laws
Arizona Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes declared Monday that she will not enforce pro-life laws in the Grand Canyon state. She has been empowered to ignore abortion measures she disagrees with by left-wing Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs, reports LifeSiteNews.
During an interview with Capitol Media Services, Mayes said that she is taking all prosecutorial power over abortion-related cases away from Arizona’s 15 county attorneys and reserving it for herself, under the authority given her by an executive order Hobbs signed last week, which in turn cites a state law granting the state attorney general “supervisory powers” over county attorneys.
That statute does not explicitly allow for prosecutors to be barred from acting on entire categories of offenses, but Hobbs and Mayes have interpreted it as doing just that.
No one should be surprised by Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes’ refusal to enforce pro-life laws. After all, her candidacy was endorsed by both Planned Parenthood of Arizona and National Abortion Rights Action League.
Arizona’s top law enforcement official is blatantly ignoring the wise counsel of Proverbs 31:8. “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.”
College student gets an “F” for citing “biological women”
University of Cincinnati Professor Melanie Nipper gave her student, Olivia Krolczyk, a big fat “F” because she dared to use the term “biological women” in her class assignment about trans athletes, reports The Cincinnati Enquirer.
The student went on TikTok to complain.
KROLCZYK: “I got a zero on a project proposal in my class because I used the term ‘biological women’ which apparently is not allowed anymore. She even said it was a good project proposal, but I got a zero because I used this term that’s exclusionary and not allowed anymore.”
The teacher was rightly reprimanded by the University of Cincinnati administration. Unfortunately, after getting woke pushback, the college foolishly rescinded the reprimand, claiming it was “issued in error.” Margaret Hanson, the College of Arts and Sciences interim dean, said the reprimand was removed from Professor Nipper’s file, according to an email sent to Nipper on June 29th.
Worldview listeners from Georgia, Oregon, and California weigh in
Worldview listeners continue to share what they like about the newscast.
Max Wood in Macon, Georgia wrote, “I eagerly look forward to the daily inspiration your program provides its listeners. Each show reminds me of two important principles of Christianity that a pastor once gave me. First, there will be struggles. Second, the final victory is in Christ.”
Jeff V. in Beaverton, Oregon wrote, “I like how biblical responses are included with news stories. But most of all, I like how homosexuality is described for what it is, terms like ‘faux homosexual wedding’ or ‘sexually perverted lifestyles.’ This portrayal surely is considered hate speech by some, but true nonetheless. Reading these accounts is like a breath of fresh air.”
And Carrie Lee in San Jose, California wrote, “After hearing my first episode of The Worldview about a year ago, I knew I had to make it a part of my daily routine. Much of the news presented here I don’t hear anywhere else. I share some of what I hear with my young son who was shocked to hear about Christian persecution in the world. I also appreciate the compact length which makes it easy to slip into my day right after devotionals. Thank you for your important work.”
In addition to what you appreciate about this unique newscast, please tell me when and where you listen to The Worldview. While you’re at the breakfast table, driving in the car, or doing chores? Email me at Adam@TheWorldview.com and include your full name, city and state, or country if outside America.
17 Worldview listeners gave $2,675
Toward our immediate goal of $20,000 by 12 midnight tonight to provide the resources to keep the newscast going another year, 17 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate. That’s a record so far this week.
We appreciate Angela in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, Leslie in Florham Park, New Jersey, Bonnie in Happy Valley, Oregon, Dirk in Englewood, Colorado, and Patricia in Chesapeake, Virginia – each of whom gave $25.
We’re grateful for Darby in Kalispell, Montana who gave $40, Margo in Clifton, Colorado and Myron in Trinity, Alabama – both of whom gave $50, Elisha in Paris, Texas who gave $70, as well as Daniel in Raleigh, North Carolina and David in Avon, Connecticut – both of whom gave $100.
And we thank God for Robin in Simsbury, Connecticut who gave $120, Gretchen in Mint Hill, North Carolina who pledged $10/month for 12 months for a gift of $120, Karen in Clarks Hill, South Carolina who gave $200, Haley in Lee’s Summit, Missouri who gave $500, Eric in Madison, Minnesota who gave $600, and Jeff in Beaverton, Oregon who pledged $50/month for 12 months for a gift of $600.
Those 17 donations add up to $2,675. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (Drum roll sound effect) $6,240.50. (Crowd cheering sound effect)
In order to hit our $20,000 immediate goal by tonight at 12 midnight, we still need to raise $13,759.50.
I’m looking for 5 listeners to give $1,000 each. Then, we would need 7 Worldview listeners to pledge $50/month for 12 months. And another 14 listeners to pledge $25/month for 12 months.
Just go to TheWorldview.com and click on “Give” at the top right to give what the Lord is prompting you to give. Make sure to select the “Recurring” tab if that’s your wish.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, July 7th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.