Communists Arrest 100 Chinese Christians, Nashville is Abortion-Free, Pro-Life Leader Believes Kavanaugh May Still Defend Life

Wednesday, December 12th, in the year of our Lord 2018

By Adam McManus (

Communists Arrest 100 Chinese Christians

More than 100 members and leaders of Autumn Rain Covenant Church in China’s Sichuan province were arrested on December 9th in their homes or on the street, reports International Christian Concern.

The police officers, who refused to provide a reason for the arrests, found many throughout the city via their smartphone’s location.

Pro-Life Leader Thinks Justice Kavanaugh Will Defend Unborn Life

Yesterday The World View covered the news that Justice Brett Kavanaugh had sided with the liberal justices on the Supreme Court over Planned Parenthood funding. We spoke to Carol Tobias of National Right To Life who thinks that Kavanaugh declined to hear the case because he doesn’t want to get involved with state-level disputes.

TOBIAS: “The case that came before the Supreme Court was whether or not a state can refuse to reimburse Planned Parenthood for services or Medicaid that they provide to Medicaid recipients or people that are in the Medicaid program. We had a couple different circuit courts, courts of appeals say that the state can’t cut off Planned Parenthood if that is who the Medicaid patient, recipient wants to go to for services. Since there was one circuit court that said, ‘Yes the State can cut it off;’ those are the kinds of cases the Supreme Court really likes to take up.”

Tobias explained further that, in her opinion, the case was not directly about abortion funding.

TOBIAS: “In a case like this I think the Supreme Court justices were looking at whether or not a state can withhold funds from a provider, in this case Planned Parenthood, if there is no question about the competence or the quality of health care that it is providing. So I see this as a different case than just whether or not we’re funding Planned Parenthood. The Supreme Court was basically saying, ‘We’re not going to get involved in that fight.’”

Tobias was fairly confident that Justice Kavanaugh will be an advocate for life.

Pray that the justices of the land would come to fear God in every one of their decisions, no matter what it is.

First-Class Stranger Gives Mom with Sick Girl His Seat

Last week, Kelsey Zwick and her daughter, Lucy, were blessed by a stranger while traveling to Pennsylvania so little Lucy could receive treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, reports

In a now-viral Facebook post, Zwick explained that a man sitting in first class on their flight from Orlando to Philly discreetly offered up his seat.

Zwick was traveling alone with her daughter, pushing a stroller and carrying a diaper bag, along with an oxygen machine for Lucy.

The grateful mother said, “I cried my way up the aisle while my daughter Lucy laughed!”

Not only did she personally thank the anonymous first class flyer in seat 2D, but she shared the story on social media saying that she was “inspired” by his generosity and urged others to “pay it forward”. Her post has been shared 450,000 times.

Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted.”

No More Abortions in Nashville!

Praise God! Nashville is abortion-free after a Planned Parenthood facility in the city stopped aborting unborn babies last week ever since it could not find an abortionist willing to do the deadly work, reports

Christian Men Hear God’s Voice; Saves Their Lives

And finally, two Christian men, who were nearly killed in an abandoned roadside vehicle, say the “voice of God” told them to jump out, seconds before they were hit by an 18-wheeler, reports Fox 8 in Cleveland, Ohio.

Kenneth Bryant and Jordan Cole were driving a MudMan food truck from Montana to a pastor’s conference in Philadelphia when it broke down on the Ohio Turnpike. Cole and Bryant stayed with the truck while others went for help.

Cole explained what happened.

COLE: “We heard a voice, and it was to get out of the truck and I look down and I saw a semi swerving toward us”

Bryant gave additional detail.

BRYANT: “The semi-truck came through the food truck, up against the guard rail and then rolled over and rolled down the ditch.”

Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers who responded to the accident told FOX 8 the men most certainly would have been killed had they been inside the vehicle during impact.

BRYANT: “We’ve come to the conclusion that it was Jesus. He spared us and it’s for a reason ‘cause He has a purpose. There is a purpose for your life.”

Bryant also said that “God allowed this to happen for me to be able to share this story … for people to know that our Heavenly Father is mindful of us.”

As Moses said to the people in Exodus 14:13, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.”

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And that’s The World View in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, December 12th in the year of our Lord 2018. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at I’m Adam McManus. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

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Ohio Christians Protesting the Removal of Nativity Scene

Dozens of Christians have been protesting in a town in Ohio against the city’s decision to follow an atheist demand and not allow a Nativity scene this Christmas at the courthouse, reports The Record-Courier.

Between 40 to 50 Christians protested outside of the Ravenna Courthouse Lawn last Saturday, urging Mayor Frank Seman to allow a Nativity scene to be displayed there again.

David Ballert, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, “I believe Ravenna is a great town. I believe that a town deserves to have Jesus Christ in it.”

Adult with Down Syndrome Urges Mothers Not to Abort Disabled Kids

A 23-year-old woman with Down syndrome in the UK who has been outspoken has taken a stand against disability screening which prompts many mothers to abort their less than perfect babies in the womb, reports Christian Headlines.

Heidi Crowter is actively involved with “Don’t Screen Us Out”, a campaign group focused on bringing awareness about the ethical problems with Non-Invasive-Prenatal Testing which will likely result in a high number of abortions in the U.K.

92% of British mothers who discover their baby in the womb has Down syndrome opt to kill by abortion.

Crowter said, “My life is just as important and just as joyful as everybody else’s” she asserted.

Pastor Gives Wife Lamborghini

Pastor John Gray of Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina is drawing flak for gifting his wife a $200,000 Lamborghini Urus for their eighth wedding anniversary celebration that left her screaming on Saturday. The car produces 650 horsepower, boasts an automatic eight-speed transmission, can travel 0 to 62 miles per hour in 3.6 seconds and reaches a top speed of 189 mph.

Take a look at a clip of the moment posted on Instagram.