It’s Monday, February 24th, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
Trump urged to meet with Christians in India during overseas visit
A group of Indian-American Christians has urged President Donald Trump to visit with India’s Christian community during his upcoming state visit this week at the invitation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, reports International Christian Concern.
In a letter to President Trump, the Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America, wrote, “Today, Christians across India are living in fear. Pastors, social workers, and ordinary Christians are arrested, tortured, or killed. Christian properties are burnt or destroyed by supports of the ruling party. We urge you to meet with selected leaders of the Christian community in India as a show of support to the freedom of conscience and religion in India on this historic occasion.”
Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Coronavirus hits South Korea, cases double in 24 hours
South Korea declared a health emergency in its fourth-largest city and banned major rallies in the capital city of Seoul after coronavirus cases doubled to 204 in 24 hours, reports the Associated Press.
Initial cases of the illness in South Korea had been connected to China, where the virus has infected 75,000 people and caused more than 2,200 deaths. On Thursday, South Korea reported its first virus-related death, one of 11 outside mainland China.
Dick Morris predicts Clinton nominee at brokered convention
Political strategist Dick Morris told Newsmax TV that a brokered Democratic convention could trigger a “civil war” the party “will never recover from.”
MORRIS: “The Democratic delegates are allocated based on proportional representation in all 50 states – first time that’s been the case. And therefore all the states, if Bernie gets under 50% of the vote, which will be in most of them, he does not get a majority of the delegates. So, my guess is that as we go through Super Tuesday, Bernie will win. He’s currently leading in every Super Tuesday state — except for Minnesota — where there’s been a poll, and I think he’ll get about 40% of the vote.
“Now, under the rules of the Democratic Party, as they now stand, the super delegates, who are approximately 20% of the convention, have to vote on the first ballot the same way. If the state cast 40% of its vote for Bernie, they have to vote 40% for Bernie, regardless of who they are for. The convention will be brokered then going into the second ballot, and at that point, the super delegates are released, and I think they’re all going to go for Hillary.
“On the second ballot, the super delegates will be free to vote for whoever they want to vote for. And since they are, by definition, appointed — because they are either ex officio serving because they are senators or congressmen or governors or national committeemen or state party chairmen, they are all the establishment, and they’re all going to look for a candidate. And there’s nobody else out there but Hillary Clinton.”
Morris made a grave prediction if Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee through a brokered Democratic Convention.
MORRIS: “There’ll be civil war, and the Democratic Party will never, never recover from it. And let me go into the PostScript. Hillary will get clobbered. She’s much weaker than she was in ‘16. And Trump is much stronger than he was in ‘16. And I don’t think it’s going to be very close.
“Against Bernie, it will be even worse and better for Trump. I think that if Bernie is a candidate, not only will they lose the election by an amount comparable to McGovern or Mondale or Goldwater, I think they’ll lose the House. I think the Republicans have a shot at 60 senators.”
Trump has flipped Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco
When President Trump ticks off his accomplishments since taking office, he frequently mentions his aggressive makeover of the circuit courts of appeal, where he has appointed 51 judges to lifetime jobs in three years, reports the Los Angeles Times.
Long dominated by Democratic appointees, the 9th Circuit has suddenly shifted to the right thanks to Trump’s placement of 10 judges to the Court of Appeals which covers California and eight other states.
Tebow: I’d rather be known for saving babies than winning Super Bowls
At a football-themed banquet hosted by Kansans for Life earlier this month, former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow said that he would rather be known for saving babies than winning Super Bowls, reports the Washington Examiner.
He said, “You see, my mom 32 years ago had doctors tell her she needed to abort me because if she didn’t, it was going to cost her life. And they didn’t even believe that I was a baby. They thought I was a tumor.”
“When I was born, they found out the placenta wasn’t actually attached. So, the doctor looked at my mom after 37 years of being a doctor and said, ‘This is the biggest miracle I’ve ever seen because I’m not sure how he’s alive.’”
Tebow said, “I’m so grateful that my mom trusted God with my life and her life.”
UPS prohibited drivers from praying before shifts
The United Parcel Service is being accused of banning drivers at a shipping center in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina from holding prayer meetings before their shifts. However, the shipping giant contends that a “misunderstanding” has occurred, reports the Christian Post.
About 40 drivers began gathering every morning in the UPS parking lot for prayer meetings last July before their 9:15 a.m. shifts. The gatherings were optional, organized by the drivers on their own free will, and grew to as big as 60, according to a demand letter sent by Liberty Counsel to UPS executives.
On January 16th, the center’s manager is alleged to have told a UPS employee that the group “cannot pray anymore on company property because someone else might feel discriminated against.”
“Free Burma Rangers” film records saving of 1.5 million people
And finally, in dangerous war-torn spots around the globe, David Eubank and his rangers have helped 1.5 million displaced persons to date who would have otherwise died. It’s all been chronicled in a new film entitled “Free Burma Rangers” in theaters tonight and tomorrow night only, reports the Christian Post.
David Eubank, who grew up as a missionary child, is a former U.S. Army Special Forces and Ranger officer turned life-risking aid worker who carries the words of the Bible in his heart and a rifle in his hand when out on his rescue missions.
EUBANK: “Go to the sound of the guns, go to the sound of need, and trust God to show you how you can be useful.”
MALE NARRATOR: “David Eubank, a former Special Forces Captain, has gone on to found a relief group called the Free Burma Rangers.”
FEMALE NARRATOR #1: “Helping those on the front lines of war.”
FEMALE NARRATOR #2: “His wife and three children go with him into the conflict areas.”
Eubank’s mantra is that “love is the antidote to evil.”
EUBANK: “We’re here on the border of Iraq and these are all refugees fleeing ISIS.”
David Eubank and his rangers are living by Mark 12:31. “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Go to a special link in our transcript today at www.TheWorldview.com to find out where Free Burma Rangers is playing tonight and tomorrow night near you.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, February 24th in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Print stories
Russia is trying to aid Sanders campaign
Last Friday, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders warned Russia to stay out of 2020 White House elections after U.S. officials had told him Moscow was trying to aid his campaign, reports Reuters.
Sanders, age 78, a democratic socialist U.S. senator from Vermont, is considered the front-runner for the Democratic nomination and is favored to win the Nevada caucuses on Saturday.
Sanders, who won the popular vote in both Iowa and New Hampshire, has been surging nationally in recent weeks. The Public Policy Public Institute of California poll showed Sanders leading the Democratic field in California with 32 percent support from poll respondents, trouncing the next-closest candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, at 14 percent support.
Sanders: If Bloomberg is nominee Trump will chew him up & spit out
In a “60 Minutes” interview that aired last night, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont said he was surprised by how unprepared former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg seemed at Wednesday’s Democratic presidential debate in Nevada.
If Bloomberg becomes the Democratic nominee, Sanders made this prediction.
SANDERS: “I think it’s quite likely that Trump will chew him up and spit him out.”
Bloomberg’s Vegas billboard takes aim at Trump
As Donald Trump staged a rally Friday in Las Vegas, Mike Bloomberg found a creative way to try to get under the president’s notoriously thin skin — bigly, reports the Las Vegas Sun.
Bloomberg, the New York billionaire and Democratic presidential candidate, bought time on a massive video billboard in the heart of the Las Vegas Strip to post a rotating series of messages skewering Trump.
Among them: “Donald Trump’s wall fell over,” “Donald Trump cheats at golf” and — perhaps most bitingly, given the location of the video board — “Donald Trump went broke running a casino.” Each of the seven slides in the series included large text saying it had been paid for by Bloomberg’s campaign.
Ohio woman called 911 when parents cut off cell phone service
A 36-year-old Ohio woman, Seloni Khetarpal, was arrested for calling 911 when her parents cut off her cellphone service, reports the Associated Press.
She was arrested Feb. 13 by Massillon police and charged with disrupting police services, a fourth-degree felony.
Khetarpal “was belligerent and stated she believed it to be a legitimate issue,” according to jail records.