Court banned Abortion Kill Pill, Chinese Mayflower Church landed in America, Christians must be open to transgender procedures or they can’t adopt

It’s Monday, April 10th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus.

By Adam McManus (

Chinese Mayflower Church landed in America

Ready for some wonderful Easter Monday news?

On April 4th, The Worldview reported that members of an underground Chinese church, dubbed The Mayflower Church since they have sought religious freedom in South Korea and Thailand, were fearful they were set to be sent back to their hostile homeland.

Like the Pilgrims, these 63 Chinese believers left everything behind in search of a place to freely live their faith. 

Now, after their 3-year quest for asylum, they arrived in America on Good Friday, thanks to the prayers of Christians worldwide and the financial help of Christian Freedom International, reports The Christian Post.

It was a good Friday indeed!

Communist Chinese disciple children to reject God

Since 2018, China has escalated its crackdown on Christians. Pastors are arrested, sometimes in the middle of services. One pastor was sentenced to five years for trying to print “illegal publications” – meaning the Bible. And Bible texts are reinterpreted to fit Chinese communist propaganda, explains Christian Freedom International.

Capturing the hearts and minds of Chinese youth is essential to the communists’ plan. Children are banned from attending church. Parents are banned from teaching religion to their children. China’s Compulsory Education Law makes homeschooling or private unregistered schools illegal.

When Christians in an impoverished region were told to replace pictures of Jesus with posters of Xi Jinping, a Communist Party chairman said, “They think God is their savior. After our cadres’ (APPLE CA-dree) work, they’ll realize their mistakes and think, ‘We should no longer rely on Jesus, but on the party for help.’”

In Exodus 20:2-3, Moses recorded these words. “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.  ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’”

Court banned Abortion Kill Pill

On April 7th, a federal judge issued a ruling that will stop the sales of abortion drugs nationwide and possibly save hundreds of thousands or even millions of babies from abortions, reports

The abortion drug mifepristone is used for more than half of all abortions in the U.S. every year, according to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute.

The FDA has linked mifepristone to at least 28 women’s deaths and 4,000 serious complications.  

Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk of the Northern District of Texas in Amarillo, a Trump appointee, issued a ruling blocking approval of the dangerous abortion pill.

In the case of Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, he halted Food and Drug Administration approval of the chemical abortion drug mifepristone. 

On page 45 of his ruling, he noted that one study revealed the overall incidence of adverse events is “fourfold higher” in chemical abortions when compared to surgical abortions. Women who underwent chemical abortions also experienced far higher rates of hemorrhaging, incomplete abortion, and unplanned surgical evacuation.

Plus, the Texas judge ruled that the FDA cannot allow chemical abortion to be prescribed via telemedicine or without an in-person doctor’s visit.

The Court provides seven days before this order will go into effect to allow the federal government time to appeal to the Fifth Circuit.  Not surprisingly, the Biden Administration filed its notice of appeal the same day.

However, just two hours after Kacsmaryk issued his order, Spokane, Washington-based Judge Thomas Rice, an Obama appointee, issued a conflicting Order, reports

He required the Abortion Kill Pill to remain on the market in the states of Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Vermont, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Michigan and the District of Columbia.

Veterans Administration removed cross from Austin clinic

Just 19 minutes after the atheist Military Religious Freedom Foundation complained about the presence of a cross at an Austin, Texas Veterans Administration clinic, the Department of Veterans Affairs caved on March 20th, and took the cross down, reports the Washington Times.

The metal cross, which incorporated emblems of the military branches, had been affixed to a column in the clinic lobby. It bore the emblems of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard, along with the image of a bugler and the words, “Remember Our Veterans.”

The God-hating group said the cross violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, agency regulations and Defense Department rules on the use of the emblems.

In a letter to Michael Kiefer, director of the regional Veterans Administration unit, Mikey Weinstein, the agnostic founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, called the cross a “nonsecular display of Christian triumphalism and supremacy.” He claimed the cross caused distress to 19 veterans who “feared just the most horrible type of revenge and retribution” if they had complained directly.

Christians must be open to transgender procedures or they can’t adopt

And finally, the state of Oregon refused to allow a Christian mother of five to adopt two children after she said her religion would not let her take a young minor to receive cross-hormone injections, reports The Daily Signal. Indeed, the Oregon law would prohibit 78% of Americans from adopting children.

Jessica Bates has sued five Oregon state employees for adoption guidelines that effectively say, “Conservative Christians need not apply,” according to her legal brief.

Oregon state law requires all would-be adoptive parents to “respect, accept and support” the adoptee’s professed “sexual orientation, gender identity, [and] gender expression.” Bates said mandatory classes in the state’s adoption application process said this included using a child’s preferred pronouns, presenting homosexual relationships in a positive light, and taking children who want to pretend to be the opposite sex to get disfiguring transgender procedures.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train children in the way they should go; when they grow old, they won’t depart from it.”


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, April 10th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.