COVID-19 vaccine stories you were never told, The Swiss are rejecting God, Perverted Pixar film

It’s Wednesday, June 21st, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. (

By Jonathan Clark

British school upset with Christian teacher over pronoun usage

A county council in England is demanding nearly $20,000 in legal costs from a Christian teacher.

A primary school in the county fired the teacher, identified as Hannah, for not using preferred pronouns for students pretending to be the opposite gender.

Hannah challenged this in court only to be brushed aside and ordered to pay the school’s legal costs.

The Christian Legal Centre is backing Hannah’s litigation. Andrea Williams with the organization said, “Hannah’s is not an isolated case. Any teacher who dares to raise an issue around the promotion of LGBTQ ideologies in schools . . . is likely to face sanction and dismissal.” 

The Swiss are rejecting God

Once at the heart of the Protestant Reformation in Europe, Switzerland is seeing its population identifying more and more with no religion.

Recently released figures from 2021 show over 32% of people in the country are among these religious “nones” – N-O-N-E-S – as in no religion, up from 1.2% in 1970.

Roman Catholic affiliation dropped from 46% to 32% over the same period. And Protestant Reformed affiliation dropped from 48% to 21%. 

Psalm 14:1 says, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.'”

Most people support sexually perverted lifestyles

new survey from Pew Research evaluates support for faux homosexual marriage among countries around the world. 

People in most of the countries surveyed expressed more support than opposition for sexually perverted lifestyles.

However, opposition to vile passions was strong in Central and Southeast Europe (Greece, Poland, and Hungary), parts of the Asian-Pacific (South Korea and Indonesia), as well as Africa and the Middle East (Kenya, Nigeria, and Israel). 

Estonia supports homosexual faux marriage

On Tuesday, Estonia became the first country in Central Europe to approve of faux homosexual marriage. 

The practice is already legal in much of Western Europe, but not Central Europe.

Prime Minister Kaja Kallas told Reuters, “My message (to central Europe) is that it’s a difficult fight, but marriage and love is something that you have to promote.”

But God said in Isaiah 5:20-21, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness . . . Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!”

Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal to avoid jail time

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, got a sweetheart deal and appeared to avoid jail time, reports The Epoch Times.

Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss notified the U.S. District Court that Hunter intended to plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts for willful failure to pay his taxes for two years. Weiss said Hunter also agreed to enter a pretrial diversion agreement for obtaining a firearm at a time that he was actively using or addicted to a controlled substance, which is illegal.

The tax charges each carry a maximum penalty of 12 months in prison. The firearm charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, but the pretrial diversion agreement could allow Hunter to avoid a criminal conviction and a related criminal punishment.

At least one Republican critic of Biden’s plea deal, House Oversight Committee Chairman Republican James Comer of Kentucky, has also said Republican lawmakers would continue to investigate the Biden family.

Comer has been leading efforts in the Republican-controlled House to investigate claims of corruption and influence peddling tied to the Biden family. Last month, Comer described a possible money laundering scheme in which $10 million flowed from private clients, corporations, and foreign governments, to dozens of limited liability companies controlled by members of the Biden family.

COVID-19 Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told

First, the government told us that the COVID vaccine would prevent infection.  Then, it claimed that the COVID vaccine would prevent transmission of the coronavirus.   What we were never told was that there was a risk of serious injury or death.

On today’s edition of Generations Radio, I guest host for Kevin Swanson to interview Cindy Drukier (pronounced DROOK-air), The Epoch Times producer and narrator of an eye-opening 90-minute documentary entitled The Unseen Crisis: COVID-19 Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told.

DRUKIER: “Millions of people rolled up their sleeves to do their part to end the pandemic. But for some people, it didn’t go as expected.”

VICTIM #1: “I got to where I could not breathe.”

VICTIM #2: “My heart was beating out of my chest.”

RELATIVE OF VICTIM #3: “The police officer was giving him CPR and I still wouldn’t believe it.”

VICTIM #4: “I was paralyzed from the cheeks down.”

RELATIVE OF VICTIM #5: “He was on life support for six weeks.”

VICTIM #6: “I have no idea what’s happening. I haven’t been able to find any help.”

VICTIM #7: “I just want to do what I have to do to limit the damage and hopefully recover.”

DRUKIER: “We’re told severe reactions to vaccines are rare, but that’s little comfort to those who are suffering. They say they’ve been abandoned by everyone except a small group of doctors brave enough to say, ‘we’re facing a new disease: vaccine injury.’”

DOCTOR: “This is a tragedy of untold proportions which our federal government and state agencies pretends doesn’t exist.”

To listen to my entire 37-minute interview with Cindy Drukier, producer of “An Unseen Crisis: COVID-19 Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told,” go to

For just four bucks, you can learn the truth at

Perverted Pixar film

And finally, Pixar’s latest film, “Elemental,” took in just $30 million at the box office over the weekend.

It’s one of the lowest opening weekends in Pixar’s history. And there’s a good reason why. “Elemental” features the studio’s first non-binary character for kids. 

You would think that Pixar would have learned their lesson from last year’s box-office disappointment called “Lightyear.” It was the latest film in the Toy Story series which featured a lesbian kiss between two female characters.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, June 21st in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.