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It’s Wednesday, July 27th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Jonathan Clark
Muslims kill Ugandan Christian after open-air religious debate
A Christian man in eastern Uganda died earlier this month after being attacked by Muslim extremists.
Twenty-eight-year-old Robert Bwenje had accompanied Pastor Ambrose Mugisha as he led an open-air debate about Christianity and Islam on July 6.
Pastor Mugisha reported eight Muslims, including two women, came to Christ after the debate.
In response, Muslims ambushed the pastor and Bwenje. The extremists confiscated and burned their Bibles before beating them with sticks. Mugisha survived, but Bwenje died days later from his injuries.
Another pastor at Mugisha’s church said, “We need prayers for the safety of our church members and our church building, as well as quick healing of our pastor.”
22 million tons of Ukrainian food in jeopardy
Last week, Ukraine and Russia signed a deal, brokered by the United Nations and Turkey, to end the blockage of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports.
This would allow Ukraine to export 22 million tons of agricultural products including grain. Russia blocked the port after it invaded Ukraine. This left the significant grain products sitting for months and stoking fears of food shortages in developing countries.
However, Russia fired missiles on one of Ukraine’s ports on Sunday, jeopardizing the deal.
Are Anglicans caving on perversion?
This week, Anglican Communion leaders from 40 national churches assemble in England for the Lambeth Conference.
Leading up to the meeting, leaders in the Anglican communion dropped consideration of a measure to reaffirm the biblical definition of marriage as being between a man and woman.
The decision came after backlash from Anglicans who support sexually perverted lifestyles.
Conference organizers said, “As Bishops we remain committed to listening and walking together, to the maximum possible degree, despite our deep disagreement on these issues.”
But 2 Corinthians 6:14 asks, “What fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?”
Canada ordered to compensate mistreated pastor
Last week, the Alberta Court of Appeal ruled in favor of a Canadian pastor who held worship services during the pandemic in violation of COVID-19 restrictions.
The court ruled Pastor Artur Pawlowski was not in contempt of court for simply holding worship services and that Alberta Health Services must pay him $15,000.
Pawlowski told Rebel News that he hopes officials will now leave pastors alone.
PAWLOWSKI: “Leave the pastors alone. Leave the clergymen alone. Leave the Christians alone. This country was built on Judeo-Christian values, the supremacy of God, and the rule of law. We’re not criminals. Those that did this to us are the criminals. And I hope, one day, we will be able to go after the real villains and charge them for the crimes that they have committed.”
Take a look at a 3-minute video by Artur’s son, Nathaniel, who attended a Turning Point conference where he met thousands of like-minded conservative and Christian young people taking a stand against tyranny. Donald Trump, Jr. shared a special message of encouragement about his father.
NATHANIEL PAWLOWSKI: “Donald Trump, Jr. told me that we should all thank [my Dad], Pastor Artur. If everyone stood for freedom like he did, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
DeSantis cites armor of God from Ephesians 6
The Republican Party of Florida hosted their victory dinner on Saturday ahead of the state’s primary elections for governor and U.S. Senate.
Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis spoke at the dinner. DeSantis said fellow conservatives need courage in the face of leftist culture, media, and politics.
DESANTIS: “Put on the full armor of God. Take a stand against the left schemes. Stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around your waist. You will face flaming arrows, but the shield of faith will protect you.”
DeSantis said, “We’re just getting warmed up. I’ve only begun to fight. … Come November, we are going to keep the state of Florida free.”
Ephesians 6:11-12 says, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Tennessee abortion mills shutting down
And finally, abortion mills in Tennessee are shutting down since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
One abortion mill in Bristol has shut down and another one Knoxville will close this week. In addition, Planned Parenthood locations in Nashville and Memphis stopped offering abortions but remain open to navigate women to get abortions in other states.
Tennessee currently has a 6-week abortion ban. A trigger law will go into effect soon as well, banning nearly all abortions.
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, July 27th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.