It’s Monday, September 19th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldeview.com)
By Adam McManus
Imprisoned African worship leader sings like Paul and Silas
Helen Berhane was a well-known worship leader and gospel singer in the churches of Eritrea, Africa when the government outlawed evangelical churches, reports Voice of the Martyrs.
In one week, these churches went from meeting openly in large public services to being forced underground, meeting in homes and hiding from police.
In the midst of that crackdown, Helen was arrested, beaten and put in prison.
BERHANE: “So, I decide to stand by faith. Doesn’t matter what the cost because everything costs the price. When you buy bread, cost you price. When you buy car, cost you price. Also, when you follow Jesus, cost you price. Everything cost price. So, I just stand by faith. Doesn’t matter whether she pulled my hair or beat me.”
As she was imprisoned for months in a dark, metal shipping container, Helen Berhane drew inspiration from Paul and Silas’s reaction to their imprisonment.
BERHANE: “In Acts 16:25, Paul and Silas, when they put them in prison, they start singing. So, they are good model for us. We can learn from them. So, when I was in prison, just worshiping, it, kind of, give you strength. Also, when you sing, it’s heavy stone in the head of Satan.”
Acts 16:25 says. “About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.”
You can listen to the entire 25-minute Voice of the Martyrs Radio interview of Helen through a special link in our transcript today at www.TheWorldview.com.
Home sale prices drop BELOW ask
If you’re looking to buy a home soon, listen up. After two years of record high sales, data shows the housing market is starting to cool down, but there is a catch, reports Fox.
For the first time since March 2021, the average home is selling for less than its list price, but high mortgage rates are still impacting what people can afford.
DeSantis sends 50 illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard
Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis demanded President Joe Biden “do his job and secure the border,” after sending dozens of illegal immigrants on two flights to Martha’s Vineyard, a Massachusetts island popular among wealthy liberals, reports The Epoch Times.
DeSANTIS: “We take what’s happening at the southern border very seriously, unlike the President of the United States who has refused to lift a finger to secure that border. You’ve had millions and millions of people pouring across illegally. We’ve worked on innovative ways to be able to protect the state of Florida from the impact of Biden’s border policies.
“Our message to them is we are not a sanctuary state, and it’s better to be able to go to a sanctuary jurisdiction. We will help facilitate that transport for you to be able to go to greener pastures.” (cheers, applause)
About 50 illegal immigrants from Venezuela arrived on two planes to Martha’s Vineyard last Wednesday afternoon.
DeSANTIS: “All those people in D.C. and New York were beating their chests when Trump was president, saying they were so proud to be sanctuary jurisdictions, saying how bad it was to have a secure border. The minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day is brought to their front door, they, all of a sudden, go berserk!”
The arrival of the illegal immigrants has sparked an outcry from some government officials in the Martha’s Vineyard area. Democrat Congressman Bill Keating of Massachusetts, who represents the 9th Congressional District which encompasses the Vineyard, took to Twitter to accuse DeSantis of turning “human beings into political pawns.”
DeSANTIS: “They’re so upset that this is happening. It just shows you their virtue signaling is a fraud. (applause) They are supporting policies that are just frankly indefensible. It is not defensible for a superpower to not have any control over the borders of its country.”
Last Thursday, at the 45th Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month, President Biden responded.
BIDEN: “We’re committed to fixing the immigration system. Instead of working with us on solutions, Republicans are playing politics with human beings, using them as props. What they’re doing is simply wrong. It’s unAmerican, it’s reckless.
“We have a process in place to manage migrants at the border. We’re working to make sure it’s safe and orderly and humane. Republican officials should not interfere with that process by waging these political stunts.”
DeSantis made clear on why he shipped the illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard.
DeSANTIS: “One of the reasons why we want to transport because it’s expensive. If people are coming here, it taxes social services. Every community in America should be sharing the burden. It shouldn’t all fall on a handful of red states.”
By the way, on Friday, the wealthy elite of Martha’s Vineyard relocated those 50 illegal aliens to a military base in Cape Cod, ending the affluent vacation spot’s two-day “humanitarian crisis.”
Doctor abused patient who refused Remdesivir
And finally, an investigation launched into the chief medical officer of the Mayo Clinic of Arizona has been dropped unfortunately by the Arizona Medical Board following an accusation of malpractice over an elderly COVID patient’s refusal of the dangerous antiviral drug Remdesivir, reports LifeSiteNews.com.
Dr. Alyssa Chapital has been accused of abusing an elderly patient for his refusal to take the controversial drug Remdesivir after being admitted to the hospital with complications involving COVID-19.
Chapital stands charged with medical negligence by denying therapeutics, hydration, food, and locking the elderly man in isolation for over three weeks — all actions the hospital director allegedly took in response to the patient’s refusal to consent to receiving Remdesivir, a drug which, according to America’s Frontline Doctors, has been known to cause kidney failure and even death.
Data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services database released last year showed that almost 26 percent of patients prescribed Remdesivir to treat coronavirus had died.
Dr. Chapital violated the golden rule found in Mark 12:31: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
And that’s The Worldview on this Monday, September 19th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.