It’s Monday, April 11th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
After Muslim attack, wounded Christian woman gets wheelchair
Two years ago, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa, an Islamic terror group attacked a village, killing eight Christians and wounding many more, reports International Christian Concern.
Jeff King, the president of ICC, explained what happened to one woman who survived.
KING: “One of them, who was wounded, was Mayasa. She was fleeing and they shot her in the back, and since that time she has been paralyzed. So, since that attack, she has been completely bedridden, completely dependent on her family. And prior to this, she was an independent woman and could go and do what she wanted. So, you can imagine what kind of effect this has had on her life.
“We recently purchased a wheelchair for her. This is a game changer. A wheelchair in Africa, obviously, it doesn’t cost much. But it’s a game changer for her.”
In a grateful note to International Christian Concern, listen to what Mayasa wrote.
MAYASA: “Before, my family carried me every time I needed to wake up and go out. Now, my heart is overflowing with joy. After two years, I can move, I can meet my friends, and I can go to the market to buy whatever I need. I’m independent once again.”
You can donate today to rescue those crippled by persecution at www.persecution.org/give.
Angry America poised to punish Dems this fall
Angry voters, slammed by higher prices and scarred by two years of fighting the pandemic, are poised to punish Democrats in midterm elections, reports Politico.com.
An Associated Press survey showed that almost 70 percent of Americans think the economy is in poor shape. And Gallup found the share of Americans citing inflation as the top issue is now at its highest level since the 1980s.
Pastors speak out against Disney for pushing “gay” agenda
As The Worldview reported on Friday, worship pastor Sean Feucht, held the “Hold The Line for Our Kids” rally at the Disney Studios in Burbank, California, last Wednesday, reports The Christian Post.
They were concerned with the Walt Disney Company’s activism against a Florida parental rights law that bans school officials from engaging in discussions about “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” with students in kindergarten through third grade.
In fact, Christopher Rufo, a writer at City Journal and a conservative activist, obtained video footage from what he described as “Disney’s all-hands meeting about the Florida parental rights bill.” The video was from a March 28 Disney-wide Zoom call.
In one video, Latoya Raveneau, an executive producer at Disney, praised Disney for its “Proud Family” reboot and for embracing her “not-at-all secret gay agenda.” Raveneau identifies as biromantic asexual, whatever that is!
Matthew 24:12-13 says, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”
Last Wednesday, one pastor passionately challenged Christians to cancel their Disney passes and subscriptions.
PASTOR: “Can I just be real with you? We have annual passes to Disneyland. We’ve got to take action. So, I am commissioning and asking all of you to not renew your Disneyland account. We will not go back. They will not get our money. They will not get our time. We will not support something that’s going to come against our children.
“There is nobody in hell that will ever try to sexualize my children, your children. Stand with me. I want you to end your account. I want you to write emails. I want you to cancel Disney, in the name of Jesus. Come on. Shout.” (applause and cheers)
Sign the “Hold the Line” petition asking Disney to stop pushing the homosexual agenda on kids and stop sexualizing kindergarten through third graders in Florida. We have a special link in our transcript today at www.TheWorldview.com.
Biden: Puberty blockers are ‘best practice’ for gender-confused kids
And finally, last Thursday, the White House threatened the Alabama legislature over a bill passed by both houses that prohibits “the performance of a medical procedure or the prescription of medication, upon or to a minor child, that is intended to alter the minor child’s gender or delay puberty,” report LifeSiteNews.com.
Listen to Press Secretary Jen Psaki who said that the legislation will “harm kids.”
PSAKI: “Today’s vote in Alabama will only serve to harm kids. Alabama’s lawmakers, and other legislators who are contemplating these discriminatory bills, have been put on notice by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services.
“Laws and policies preventing care that healthcare professionals recommend for transgender minors may violate the constitution and federal law. Every major medical association agrees that gender-affirming health care for transgender kids is a best practice and potentially lifesaving.”
Contrary to Psaki’s claim that “every major medical association agrees that gender-affirming healthcare” for gender-confused youth is a “best practice and potentially lifesaving,” the American College of Pediatricians maintains that “there is not a single long-term study to demonstrate the safety or efficacy of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for transgender-believing youth.”
Nor is any law that prohibits hormone blockers or mutilating surgery on healthy children somehow unconstitutional.
PSAKI: “President Biden has committed in both words and actions to fight for all Americans and will not hesitate to hold the state accountable.”
Isaiah 5:20 warns, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, April 11th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Print stories
NBC News reporters livid over MSNBC’s move to hire Jen Psaki
NBC News staffers are reportedly livid with the network’s decision to hire White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki for MSNBC — fearing her appointment could tarnish the brand, reports the New York Post.
Disgruntled DC bureau workers complained to their bosses that the high-profile hire could taint their credibility.
However, many NBC viewers have already concluded that the current NBC staffers, especially the MSNBC hosts, have done a sufficient job of that on their own.
Nancy Pelosi has COVID
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tested positive for COVID-19 only a day after she visited President Joe Biden in the White House to sign a bill, reports The Sun.
A maskless Pelosi, age 82, and several other senators and congress members joined a maskless Biden, age 79, on Wednesday for the signing of the Postal Reform bill.
140 Ohio Clergy Support Parental Rights Bill
Parents and pastors are pushing back on radical curriculums in Ohio schools that promote leftist racial and gender ideologies. The pushback includes 140 clergy members who have announced support for a House bill that would redirect funding from schools to parents, reports Breitbart.com.
In a letter to the Ohio state legislature, the pastors wrote, “In some Ohio public schools, instead of reading, writing, and arithmetic, elementary students are being taught about preferred pronouns and the number of gender identities they can have. Last Fall when informed parents took their concerns to the local school boards about the 1619 Project, and the divisive Critical Race Theory, the Department of Justice classified them as ‘domestic terrorists.’”
HB 290, nicknamed the Backpack Bill, “will direct the state’s per pupil allocation to be placed into an Educational Scholarship Account for any student who opts in. Parents can use that money ($5,500 for grades K-8 and $7,500 for grades 9-12) for tuition at a private school or for home school. If a student chooses their local public school or community school, the funding will follow them there, just like it currently does.”
Pastor John Temple said, “The Backpack Bill is school choice, student empowerment, and parental rights in one package.”