It’s Wednesday, July 17th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Jonathan Clark
Pakistan raises age Christian girls can legally marry from 13 to 18
Pakistan’s National Assembly passed the Christian Marriage (Amendment) Bill 2024 recently.
Now, the earliest a young Christian man or woman can get married is 18. Before it was 16 for boys and 13 for girls.
Naveed Amir Jeeva, a Christian lawmaker, introduced the amendment.
Christians welcomed the change. Girls from Christian families in Pakistan have faced forced marriages to Muslims.
Bishop Azad Marshall with the Anglican Church of Pakistan said, “The church fully supports the amendment. … It will help in preventing forced marriages of underage Christian girls as well as ensuring that their health, education, and overall well-being does not suffer.”
Poland’s parliament does not allow the decriminalization of abortion
The Parliament of Poland voted 218-215 against an abortion measure last Friday.
The bill would have ended criminal penalties for people who help women get illegal abortions.
Poland currently bans elective abortions. However, in certain cases, women can get abortions up to 12 weeks of pregnancy
Rafał Bochenek is a Polish lawmaker. He criticized Prime Minister Donald Tusk and others who supported the pro-abortion bill: “They promised and wanted to decriminalize criminal activities, but fortunately there is still a spirit in the nation. … Abortion is always evil!”
Nikki Haley endorsed Trump last night
In the United States, the Republican Party officially nominated Donald Trump for president on Monday.
As The Worldview reported yesterday, Trump’s running mate is Ohio Senator J.D. Vance.
The nomination comes just days after an assassination attempt on Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.
And last night, Nikki Haley, Trump’s U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and the woman who challenged him for the GOP presidential nomination, endorsed the former president at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
HALEY: “President Trump asked me to speak to this convention in the name of unity. (cheers) It was a gracious invitation, and I was happy to accept. (cheers)
“I’ll start by making one thing perfectly clear. Donald Trump has my strong endorsement period.” (cheers)
Elon Musk endorses Trump, commits $135 million to his re-election
Following the assassination attempt, tech billionaire Elon Musk put his support behind the former president, saying, “I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery. … Last time America had a candidate this tough was Theodore Roosevelt.”
Leading up to the election, Musk plans to give about $45 million per month to a super PAC backing Trump.
Teddy Roosevelt gave speech after being shot in 1912 assassination attempt
Speaking of President Teddy Roosevelt, as he was running for a third presidential term under the Progressive or Bull Moose Party banner, he was shot on October 14, 1912 while arriving at a campaign event in, ironically enough, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
A delusional saloonkeeper named John Schrank, who believed the ghost of assassinated President William McKinley had directed him to kill Roosevelt, shot him in front of the Gilpatrick Hotel. The bullet lodged in his chest after penetrating his steel eyeglass case and passing through a 50-page single-folded copy of his speech.
As an experienced hunter, Roosevelt correctly concluded that since he was not coughing blood, the bullet had not reached his lung. He declined suggestions to go to hospital immediately and instead delivered a 90-minute speech with blood seeping into his shirt.
In fact, he said, “Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot—but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.”
An excellent reference by Elon Musk indeed.
An x-ray showed the bullet had lodged in Roosevelt’s chest muscle. Doctors concluded it would be less dangerous to leave it in his body than attempt to remove it. So, Roosevelt carried that would-be assassin’s bullet in him for the rest of his life.
FCA “allowed” to believe in heterosexual marriage
A federal judge ruled in favor of a Christian student group at a Washington, D.C. high school last Thursday.
Jackson-Reed High School denied official recognition to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for requiring leaders to sign a statement of faith. The statement included the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.
The ruling noted, “As a condition for reinstatement, the District forced the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to choose between official school recognition and its religious principles.”
Court affirms Tennessee law that prohibits people from changing sex
Last Friday, a federal court ruled in favor of a Tennessee law that prohibits people from changing the sex listed on their birth certificates.
Four plaintiffs challenged the law after pretending to be the opposite sex.
Judge Jeffrey Sutton stated, “There is no fundamental right to a birth certificate recording gender identity instead of biological sex.”
And Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti said, “While other states have taken different approaches, for decades Tennessee has consistently recognized that a birth certificate records a biological fact of a child being male or female and has never addressed gender identity.”
Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created Him; male and female He created them.”
North Dakota woman celebrated 106th birthday
And finally, a North Dakota woman celebrated her 106th birthday this month.
Hulda Erdman was born on July 6, 1918.
She has always loved music and can still play the piano. While Erdman said she didn’t have a secret to her long life, music, piano, and singing in the choir might have played a role. She said, “Well, there is no secret. My Lord has just made me that old.”
Psalm 90:12, 14 says, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. … Satisfy us in the morning with Your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, July 17th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Join me Adam McManus, and my two sons, Honor and Valor, at the Colorado Father-Son retreat Thursday, August 15th through Sunday, August 18th. Go to ColoradoFatherSon.com. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.