Friday, June 24th, in the year of our Lord 2016
By Kevin Swanson
England’s vote to leave the European Union was close, but it looks like it will pass at last count. The Asian stock markets tumbled, and the English pound hit the lowest level in 31 years.
UK Independent Party leader Nigel Farage had this to say about the big step for England’s independence from the EU: “Dare to dream, that the dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom!”
Christian Evangelical leaders are still reticent to endorse Donald Trump after their meeting with him on Tuesday. Franklin Graham clarified yesterday that he has not yet endorsed Trump’s presidential candidacy. Family Research Council president, Tony Perkins, says he feels more comfortable with Trump, but would like to see an evangelical-friendly running mate for the Republican candidate. David Benham also attended the meeting and said that no strategy to elect Trump will fix the land; the nation needs to repent.
Over twelve hundred men, women, and children have starved to death in Nigerian refugee camps over the last year according to Medical Charity MSF. The refugees have fled Boko Haram-inspired terrorism in the north. Breit Bart reports record numbers of refugees worldwide. Some 65 million have been uprooted, which constitutes about one percent of the world’s population. Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia have suffered more than other nations in recent years.
Leviticus 19:33-34 says “And if a stranger lives with you in your land, you shall not vex him…you shall love him as yourself.”
Life News reports that Texas abortion clinics are losing doctors, down from 48 to 28 abortion mills in the whole state. Abortionist Bernard Rosenfeld is quoted as saying he cannot find a replacement for himself and blames pro-life activists for scaring doctors away from the abortion practice.
Another police officer was exonerated in the Freddie Gray arrest case in Baltimore, Maryland Gray was fatally injured in the police van that conveyed him to the station. Caesar Goodson was the driver of the van, the second officer to be declared not guilty in the case that ignited race riots in Baltimore last year.
The Air Force has released a statement in the case of Master Sergeant Oscar Rodriguez who was forcibly removed from a flag folding ceremony for mentioning God. The statement released to the media stated that “Air Force personnel may use a flag folding ceremony script that is religious for retirement ceremonies.”
In a 4-3 vote, the United States Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling allowing discrimination and preferential treatment based on skin color in college admissions. The three conservative justices dissented in the Texas case.
The Supreme Court deadlocked, though, on a case involving President Obama’s amnesty plan for illegal immigrants. A lower court ruling will stand allowing for deportation for now, until the 2016 election and a ninth justice is appointed.
Recent Census Bureau data indicates that babies born to minority families have outnumbered white non-Hispanic babies since 2011. Sociologists say that whites will become a minority in America sometime after 2044. And the three most popular baby names in 2015 for girls were Sophia, Emma, and Olivia. For boys. . . Jackson, Aidan, and Liam.
Did President Obama’s visit to Vietnam worsen persecution against Christians in that country? International Christian Concern reported raids on churches, and women and children tortured at the hands of police officials shortly after Obama’s visit two weeks ago. The administration has lifted the arms embargo against Vietnam, while human rights abuses worsen there, according to I.C.C.
Revelation 12:17 says, “And the dragon was angry with the woman. . . and went to war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.”
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.