Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer monument coming to England; Iran arrests 50 Christians; Gallup poll: Fewer Americans believe in God, angels, Heaven, Hell and Devil

It’s Wednesday, July 26th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. (

By Jonathan Clark

Iran arrests 50 Christians

Officials in Iran have arrested over 50 Christians in a string of raids recently.

Kiaa Aalipour with Article 18 said, “Police are entering family homes and seizing parents in front of their children. Christian converts are usually charged with propaganda against the state or membership in illegal groups which are considered ‘anti-state’. These charges can carry a ten-year prison term.”

Iran is ranked eighth on the Open Doors World Watch List of nations where it is most difficult to be a Christian. 

Jesus said in Matthew 5:11-12, “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on My account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in Heaven.”

Global economy expected to grow by 3%

Yesterday, the International Monetary Fund  raised its 2023 forecast for global economic growth.

The World Economic Outlook is now 3%, up from 2.8%. The IMF anticipates a 3% global economic growth next year as well.

The report expects the U.S. economy to grow 1.8% this year and 1% next year. Meanwhile, China is set to grow by 5.2% this year and by 4.5% next year.

IRS will no longer show up unannounced

In the U.S., the Internal Revenue Service announced a major policy change on Monday.

The IRS ended its decades-long practice of unannounced visits to homes and businesses to collect unpaid taxes. 

Previously, the agency had been assigning about 100,000 cases to revenue officers each year that involved unannounced visits. 

Gallup poll: Fewer Americans believe in God, angels, Heaven, Hell and Devil

Gallup reports a dwindling majority of Americans still believe in God, angels, Heaven, Hell, and the Devil.

Belief in God is at 74%, down from 90% in 2001. Belief in angels is at 69%, down from 79%. Belief in Heaven is at 67%, down from 83%. Meanwhile, nearly 60% of Americans believe in Hell and the Devil, down from 70%.

Overall, 51% of respondents believe in all five spiritual entities; 11% say they do not believe in any of them; 7% are not sure; and 31% believe in some and not others.

Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer monument coming to England

A massive religious monument is coming to Birmingham, England over the next three years.

Richard Gamble is leading the project to build the “Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer.” It will be made of one million bricks in the shape of an infinity loop, measuring 169 feet tall and 300 feet long.

Each brick will represent a story of answered prayer. Gamble said his team is gathering the stories from the present all the way back to ancient prayers of Christian martyrs. 

Gamble told Christian Headlines, “The vision really is that we want to just proclaim the deeds of the Lord – we want to make hope visible.”

Psalm 77:11-12 says, “I will remember the works of the LORD; surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of Your deeds.”

Idaho Worldview listener discovered us through Generations history curriculum

I picked up the phone last night and called Shelly in Eagle, Idaho who had pledged $25/month for 12 months for a total gift of $300.

As a brand new homeschooler, she discovered the newscast through the Generations History curriculum as she taught her ninth grade son.

SHELLY: “It was my first year of homeschooling. And we started listening to you this past September, based upon Generations. We did their history curriculum. And anyway, it was just so much fun. That’s what we did.

“Every morning, we took notes and we talked about it and we would pray for people that you’ve asked us to pray for. We’ve written letters to people that you told us to, called people. It’s like, this is just really great. Anyway, I just wanted to support the ministry. You’re doing a good thing and glorifying God. And I just love it always being brought back to Scripture. So, there’s just nothing better than that.”

I asked Shelly what she liked about the Generations history curriculum.

SHELLY: “We did Preparing the World for Jesus, and then, Taking the World for Jesus. Having history centered, as it should be, centered around the birth of Christ was just fascinating to look at it from that perspective. What happened in each one of these civilizations prior to Christ coming in and making His mark on humanity. And then obviously, what he did as far as saving us, redeeming His creation.

“And then, the other side of the coin, is then what happened to these societies as Christ then had entered into the world, and how did that affect the society. Very well thought out, and for me, coming from a public school background, being able to walk through history, looking at it that way with my son was fascinating! I sometimes thought that I was actually enjoying history more than he was.” (laughs)

17 Worldview listeners gave $10,463

Yesterday, 17 Worldview listeners donated toward our $80,000 goal by Monday, July 31st to keep this unique Christian newscast on the air for another year.

Our thanks to an anonymous donor in California who gave $13 and Greg in San Jose, California who gave $50.

We’re grateful for Catherine in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Hendle in Austin, Texas, Michelle in Altha, Florida, Jeff in San Luis Obispo, California, Wade and Susan in Suffolk, Virginia, and Jon in Newton, New Jersey – each of whom gave $100.

We were touched by the kindness of Keith in Lititz, Pennsylvania and Velera in Bassett, Virginia – both of whom gave $200, Brent in Madison, Alabama who gave $300, as well as Shelly in Eagle, Idaho, Shari in Lehigh Acres, Florida, and Kathy in Reddick, Florida – each of whom pledged $25/month for 12 months for a total gift of $300 each.

And we were blown away by the sacrifice of Scott in Jenison, Michigan and Cheryl in Woodfood, Virginia – both of whom pledged $50/month for 12 months for a total gift of $600 each, Joyce in San Antonio, Texas who gave $2,000, and Sharon in Prior Lake, Minnesota who gave $5,000.

Those new donations add up to $10,463. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (Drum roll sound effect) $72,591.41 (Crowd cheering sound effect)

That total almost tied the previous day’s total.  In order to hit the $80,000 goal by Monday, July 31st, we still need to raise $7,408.59. I can see the finish line from here.  I wonder if we can reach and even surpass our goal?

To raise $80,000, we need to find 3 more people to pledge $100/month, 4 more people to pledge $50/month, and 8 more to pledge $25/month.

Just go to and click on “Give” at the top right to give what the Lord is prompting you to donate.  Make sure to select the “Recurring” tab, if that’s your wish.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, July 26th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.