It’s Friday, October 28th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
Vietnamese priest barred from flying to America
A Vietnamese priest who serves veterans was banned from leaving his country while on a business trip to the United States, reports International Christian Concern.
On October 24, Father Truong Hoang Vu, a Redemptorist priest, was stopped by public security officers at Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City before his flight to Manila, Philippines, and then to the U.S.
He told Radio Free America’s Vietnamese service that he was temporarily banned from leaving the country at the airport due to “social order and safety reasons.”
According to UCA News, the airport’s public security unit considers the 45-year-old priest a threat and someone who affects national defense and security.
Father Vu provides financial support for more than 6,000 disabled soldiers of former South Vietnam backed by the U.S.
According to Open Doors, Vietnam is the 19th most difficult country in the world to be a Christian.
Matthew 5:10 says, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”
23-year-old man, without girlfriend, requested & approved for euthanasia
Tucker Carlson called out Canada’s euthanasia laws, saying the country has reached a “new and more terrifying low.”
During his Wednesday night show on Fox News, the host touched on what he referred to as a “very big change in Western civilization” as Canada stands poised to legalize new standards for euthanasia in March 2023. The new laws will extend Medical Assistance in Dying, or MAiD laws, to those with mental illness after a temporary exclusion expires.
Listen to Carlson’s commentary.
CARLSON: “So, Margaret Marsilla is a mother who lives outside Toronto, Canada. She’s got a 23-year-old son, [Kiano Vafaeian], who suffers from depression and diabetes. Also, he doesn’t have a girlfriend. On that basis alone, doctors have just approved her son’s assisted suicide. A doctor, called Joshua Tepper, signed off on it. To kill the boy, because he’s sad. He doesn’t have a girlfriend.
“You can read the details, and you should know, they’re shocking. This is about to become a lot more common in Canada is way of cutting down on health care costs.
“By March, new law in Canada is expected to allow children to be killed by doctors, by state doctors, without the approval of their parents. This seems like a very big change in western civilization.”
Thankfully, before this revelation by Carlson, Kiano’s doctors had retracted their approval for euthanasia after his mother initiated a social media campaign to save her son, according to a September 28th article on LifeSiteNews.
It’s believed that Kiano remains alive while trying to find a new doctor who will sign off on his “medically assisted” death.
Biden funds drag queen shows for kids in Ecuador
The Biden administration has come under fire and congressional scrutiny for a $20,000 grant awarded by the State Department to Ecuador to fund drag queen shows to “promote diversity and inclusion, ” reports LifeSiteNews.com.
The project funded by the grant is to include “3 workshops,” “12 drag theater performances,” and a “2-minute documentary,” as officially stipulated by the State Department on its grant list website. The project started September 30 and will run until August 31, 2023.
The program is geared toward minors in an effort to indoctrinate them in homosexual and transsexual ideology. What an export!
Matthew 18:6 says, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in Me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
Fetterman’s disastrous debate performance
And finally, the fight for control of the U.S. Senate, which currently has 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans, is really tight.
In Pennsylvania, Democrat John Fetterman had been polling ahead of Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz. Until Tuesday night’s debate, reports Politico.
Fetterman, who had a stroke on May 13, 2022, appeared unsteady and unprepared.
Back in 2017, he had been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rhythm. At the time, his doctor got him started on medication and regular exercise. However, Fetterman admitted that he stopped taking the medication and exercising.
Listen to the cringeworthy debate start.
DENNIS OWENS: “Let’s get started. Mr. Fetterman, we’re going to begin with you. Your political experience includes serving as the mayor of Braddock, a small borough near Pittsburgh, and one term as Lieutenant Governor. You’re running for a seat that could decide the balance of power in Washington. What qualifies you to be a U.S. Senator? You have 60 seconds.”
FETTERMAN: “Hi. Good night, everybody. I’m running to serve Pennsylvania. He’s running to use Pennsylvania.”
Lisa Sylvester, the co-host of the debate, asked this question, after which Fetterman pauses for a long four seconds before responding.
SYLVESTER: “Continuing with you, Mr. Fetterman, your opponent has criticized Democratic spending as you heard. Has the Biden administration overspent, and if so, where do you think spending should be cut? You have 60 seconds.”
(4 second pause)
FETTERMAN: “No. Here’s what I think we have to fight about inflation here right now. That’s what we need to fight about inflation, you know, right now because it’s a tax on working families. You know. And Dr. Oz can’t possibly understand what that is like. You know. He has 10 gigantic mansions. You know. He … We must push back against corporate greed. We must make sure that we’re also pushing back against price gouging as well, too. You know. We also be able to make more in Pennsylvania, make more in America.”
In The Worldview’s final soundbite, Sylvester raised the issue that Fetterman had not paid taxes which were due.
SYLVESTER: “Mr. Fetterman, I will allow a 15-second rebuttal. He has specifically said you have not paid your taxes and that you want to raise taxes on Americans. How do you respond?”
FETTERMAN: “Absolutely. The Oz rule, of course. He’s lying. It was helping two students 17 years ago to help them, you know, buy their own homes. They, they didn’t pay the bills and it got ,er, paid and it has never been an issue in, in any of the campaign before. It was all about nonprofit.”
One of the after-effects of Fetterman’s stroke is the evident auditory processing disorder. Regardless of his leftist policies, he does not appear fit to be a senator.
You can watch the hour-long debate through a special link in our transcript today at www.TheWorldview.com.
And that’s The Worldview on this Friday, October 28th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.