It’s Wednesday, May 13th, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
Could FDA-approved drug Ivermectin cure COVID-19?
Many have died from the COVID-19 draconian lockdown in the Dominican Republic. And it’s not because of the virus.
A doctor and missionary from the Dominican Republic, Dr. Gene Anthony, said that many have died from starvation or having to walk home through the “steaming heat.” He said some were even beaten by authorities for “violating quarantine.”
ANTHONY: “Many people who work day jobs, and they get paid on a daily basis in cash. Maybe they’re a taxi driver, or they drive a motorcycle and take people around, or have a small fruit stand, or a beauty salon, or a clothing shop, and they’re surviving day to day, week to week. And many of them live in cinder block with metal roofs which are just steaming.
“The government has put a lockdown on all employment, except for pharmacies and little convenience stores and supermarkets. All of a sudden, you put millions of people out of work, and there’s no way for them to feed their families. I was with somebody yesterday. I said, ‘Did you eat?’ She said, ‘No, I didn’t eat.’ I said why. She said, ‘There’s no money.’”
Psalm 116:5 says, “The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.”
Dr. Anthony is putting up a website about an FDA-approved wonder drug that you can get in any third world pharmacy called Ivermectin that has treated many diseases like the HIV virus. The doctors in Dominican Republic decided to use it, and he said that there was 100% success.
ANTHONY: “There is a wonder drug called Ivermectin. Let’s break the news to your hearers about this. You can get it at any pharmacy. In the third world, you can buy it over the counter. In the U.S., you need a prescription of course. But anywhere in Asia, Latin America, probably not in Europe, Africa, you can just get it over the counter. It’s safe. It’s been used for over 40 years. It has treated African river blindness, Japanese encephalitis, pseudo rabies. It kills the HIV virus, and scientists in Australia found that it kills the coronavirus. Our doctors here in the Dominican Republic decided to use it.
“It’s an FDA-approved drug. This is not some freaky weird drug; you read the press, and they say, ‘Oh yeah this has been used for dogs.’ Well yeah it works to kill parasites in dogs, but this is not a dog medicine. This is a human medicine. They gave it to them. 100% success out of 247 patients, 100%.”
Stay tuned for a Worldview Special Report on Thursday about this drug that can allegedly cure COVID-19 patients with very few side effects. To learn more about Dr. Anthony, visit his website which we have linked in our transcript today at www.TheWorldview.com. And to donate to the Antonio’s ministry, go to http://www.homeschoolersinmissions.org/.
Co-Chair of Women for Trump: Joe Biden is a placeholder
Joe Biden won’t make it across the finish line for the Democratic presidential nomination. That’s the contention of Gina Loudon, co-chair of the Women For Trump campaign advisory board, reports JustTheNews.com.
LOUDON: “I have a hard time believing that the Democrats are going to let Joe Biden be the ultimate nominee. I think he’s a placeholder. And I think it’s excruciatingly grotesque to watch the way they’re exploiting and using him as they are. I believe it’s elder abuse.
“I think there’s very little doubt that he has diminished capacity at this point. If you look at the symptoms of dementia, he has every symptom — from not just the meandering thoughts and the inability to focus and can’t even read note cards when they provide them for him in a softball interview, all the way to his irritability, and frustration where he is yelling at his own supporters in townhall meetings for asking the wrong question. All of those sorts of things are signs of dementia.”
Coloradan restaurant owner opened on Mother’s Day
Despite an order to close, Monday was another busy day for C&C Breakfast and Korean Kitchen in Castle Rock, Colorado, reports CBS Denver.
Listen to the reason from the mouth of Jesse Arrelano, the owner of the 7-year-old restaurant.
ARRELANO: “People need to stand up for their freedom. And there’s so much support, it’s unreal.”
Colorado Democratic Governor Jared Polis was upset.
POLIS: “I join most Coloradans in our frustration, watching videos of people illegally packed into restaurants, and thinking about all the moms and grandmothers and aunts and everyone who was put at increased risk of dying from this horrible virus.”
In a television interview, Arrelano explained that some people have been downright hostile to his decision to re-open.
ARRELANO: “We have people say want to burn the place down and hope we all die from the coronavirus.”
Arrelano explained that the financial burden is a major aspect of his decision, but he also lost his father last month from issues unrelated to COVID-19. Simply put, he couldn’t take any more.
The restaurant owner said, “He died and we couldn’t even have a funeral. You know, who are these officials that tell you can’t even mourn your loved ones? How do we live like this?”
Kansas county orders businesses to track customers
A rural eastern Kansas county has ordered businesses to keep track of their in-person customers by recording phone numbers and arrival and departure times during the pandemic – a move that has been described as unconstitutional and has led to a federal lawsuit, reports Herald Mail Media.
Linn County Health Officer Jay Allen, a physician, on May 1 ordered health clinics, dentists, pharmacies, banks, hardware stores, restaurants, retail stores, day care centers and other businesses to begin maintaining a list of their in-person customers for a minimum of 30 days.
The order says, “This information must be kept and made available to the Linn County Health Department upon request for the purposes of Contact Tracing,” referring to the practice of identifying and quarantining the close contacts of people who test positive for the coronavirus.
Frank Wright warns about heresy in Evangelical groups
And finally, Frank Wright, the president of D. James Kennedy Ministries, has warned believers about heresy in evangelical groups, reports the Christian Post.
He said, “It was Augustine who set forth a three-fold standard for Christian teachers and preachers in which he said their role was to discover the truth in the contents of Scripture, teach the truth from the Scriptures and to defend Scriptural truth when it was attacked. When those three things are not happening, the Church is in desperate straits and I fear the Church is approaching the tipping point of sorts for this reason.”
Wright highlighted theological problems with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Presbyterian Church of America, the National Association of Evangelicals, fast-food chain Chick-fil-A, and megachurch pastor Andy Stanley.
He noted that seven years ago, while he served as the National Religious Broadcasters president, his greatest concern for Christian broadcasters was not the emerging climate of censorship or even abusive hate crimes laws, but timid, self-censorship among Christian leaders who are trying to be overly seeker-friendly and not sufficiently Scripture-friendly.
2 Timothy 4:3 warns, “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, May 13th in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Print stories
Arrest warrant issued for Kansas barber
Also in Kansas, an arrest warrant was issued this week for Luke Aichele, a barber at Luke’s Barber Shop in McPherson, who has been operating his shop during the pandemic, reports Kansas.com.
Barbershops are prohibited during Gov. Laura Kelly’s phase one of reopening. Phase one runs until at least May 18.
Prices of eggs, meat, and milk went up in April
Prices Americans paid for eggs, meat, cereal and milk shot higher in April as people flocked to grocery stores to stock up on food amid government lockdowns designed to slow the spread of COVID-19, reports CNBC.
The Labor Department reported Tuesday that prices U.S. consumers paid for groceries jumped 2.6% in April, the largest one-month pop since February 1974.
The price of the meats, poultry, fish and eggs category rose 4.3%, fruits and vegetables climbed 1.5%, cereals and bakery products advanced 2.9%, and dairy goods gained 1.5%.
Elon Musk opens Tesla car manufacturing plant against orders
President Donald Trump joined the debate over Elon Musk’s scorched-earth reopening of Tesla Inc.’s only U.S. car plant, hours after the chief executive officer thanked employees who risked being arrested for defying a county order.
Trump tweeted, “California should let Tesla & @elonmusk open the plant, NOW. It can be done Fast & Safely!”
Musk, 48, tweeted that “Tesla is restarting production today against Alameda County rules. I will be on the line with everyone else. If anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me.”
MGM unveils reopening plans: masks, no buffets, glass barriers
The days of gambling like James Bond are numbered in pandemic-era Sin City, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
On Tuesday, MGM Resorts International unveiled a “seven-point safety plan” to reopen its Las Vegas casinos and hotels.
There will be plexiglass barriers and handwashing stations on the casino floor, physical distancing at slot machines, fewer players at card tables and no more buffet-style meals.