Franklin Graham champions religious liberty in Scotland, U.S. deficit $400 billion higher than predicted, Anniversary of Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate’s death

It’s Wednesday, June 26th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. (

By Jonathan Clark

37 physical attacks on Christians in Israel in 2023

The Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue released a report this month entitled, “Attacks on Christians in Israel and East Jerusalem.” 

The report documented 33 attacks on church properties and 37 cases of physical attacks against Christians last year.

The report noted, “While hostility towards the Christian presence has been a longstanding occurrence in some local communities, it has now escalated to a broader and more severe phenomenon.” 

And the report quoted the Cardinal of Jerusalem, Pier Battista Pizzaballa, who said, “These people, [the attackers], feel they are protected … that the cultural and political atmosphere now can justify, or tolerate, actions against Christians.”   

Liberian Methodist Bishop opposes American Methodist heresy

Back in May, the United Methodist Church voted in favor of allowing those living sexually perverted lifestyles to be clergy.

To its credit, the United Methodist Church in Liberia, Africa is opposing the decision. Liberian Bishop Samuel J. Quire Jrreleased a statement this month. 

He wrote, “The Liberia Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church will not conduct any weddings or ordinations of self-avowed, practicing homosexuals. The Liberia Annual Conference … is traditional in its interpretation of Holy Scripture and will continue its evangelistic outreach to all persons who live in darkness and do not know the redemptive grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.” 

I Corinthians 16:13 says, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”

Franklin Graham champions religious liberty in Scotland

FRANKLIN GRAHAM: “It is good to be in Glasgow.”

Evangelist Franklin Graham preached to over 7,000 people in Glasgow, Scotland on Saturday.

Listen to this clip from his sermon.

GRAHAM: “Sin is a barrier. It’s a wall. It blocks you from God. You see, God loves you, and He’s willing to forgive our sins, but we have to come to Him, His way, and that’s through the cross of Jesus Christ. You can hit the reset button. You’ve got a new start at life, but you have to make a choice.”

Over 300 Scottish churches partnered with Graham for the event. One local pastor said, “We see depression, mental health problems, financial issues, we see it all. And it’s not just our church, it’s people all over Scotland. Nothing is going to help Scotland apart from Jesus.”

One man in his 20s professed Jesus Christ as his Savior at the crusade.

NEW CHRISTIAN: “I went up tonight because Franklin is so powerful in his Word. He said, ‘Get up out your seat.’  I had to get up out of my seat.  I had to get there. I didn’t realize that there was going to be two to three thousand people behind me. It gives me anxiety, but I didn’t care.  I’m going. I’m going to give it to the cross.”

During the event, Graham announced the creation of the Billy Graham Defense Fund for protecting religious freedom in the U.K. He said the fund is designed to “encourage Christians across the U.K. to keep living out and sharing their faith freely and boldly.”

Biden and Trump ready to rumble on CNN

ANNOUNCER: “Let’s get ready to rumble. Are you all ready for this?”

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are set to debate tomorrow night in Atlanta on CNN. 

Ahead of the debate, both candidates released campaign updates.

Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee raised over $140 million in May. Meanwhile, Biden’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee raised $85 million.

Trump’s support was boosted by small dollar donations during his trial and conviction in May on charges of falsifying business records.

Oklahoma Supreme Court rules religious charter school unconstitutional

Oklahoma’s state supreme court ruled on Tuesday that a religious charter school is unconstitutional.

St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School was set to open this year. It would have been the first publicly-funded religious charter school in the country. 

Alliance Defending Freedom is supporting the charter school. ADF Attorney Phil Sechler said, “The U.S. Constitution protects St. Isidore’s freedom to operate according to its faith. … We are disappointed with the court’s ruling that upholds discrimination against religion; we’ll be considering all legal options, including appeal.”

U.S. deficit $400 billion higher than predicted

The U.S. Congressional Budget Office updated its federal budget deficit estimate on Tuesday. 

The agency projects the U.S. deficit will be $400 billion higher this year than the agency projected in February. This projection follows spending packages for Ukraine and Israel, costs for reducing student loan debt, and increased Medicaid spending. 

Take a look at the U.S. Debt Clock through a special link in our transcript today at

The agency also expects public debt will increase from 99% of the Gross Domestic Product this year to 122% by 2034. That would be the highest level on record.

Anniversary of Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate’s death

Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate died on this day in history in AD 363. He suffered wounds during a conflict with Persian forces in what is modern-day Iraq.

As his name suggests, Julian spent his life trying to bring back paganism to the Roman Empire. He took aim at many of the Christian reforms of Emperor Constantine

However, referencing Christ in his dying words, Julian said, “Thou hast won, O Galilean.” The pagan emperor’s last words aptly sum up the previous centuries of Christ’s victory over paganism through His church. 

Isaiah 9:7 says of Jesus, “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.”

What prompted a 10-year-old boy to give $10 to The Worldview

I picked up the phone recently and talked to two  Worldview listeners, Kristina and her 10-year-old son Lukas in Olympia, Washington.

Kristina, a homeschool mother of six children, explained how the family first became aware of The Worldview newscast.

KRISTINA: “We started listening to it because we bought some Generations curriculum a few years ago, the history, and it was connected with that. I just love it! Because I want my children and myself to have a heart for what God’s doing in the world. It helps our hearts to be bigger and focus on what God’s focused on. I just appreciate the daily refocusing of our vision to be bigger. It gives us something to pray about.”

She is especially grateful for the stories we share on the persecuted church.

KRISTINA: “When we listen to the first story about Christians who are suffering for their faith, we just love the opportunity to uphold brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for Christ and yet are remaining faithful. So, we uphold them in prayer and thank the Lord that we have these brothers and sisters and just pray that their ministry, whatever it is, and their influence would be expanded and the Gospel would go forth.”

Lukas, her 10-year-old, echoed that sentiment.

LUKAS: “It’s just very informative about Christ moving in the world, stories of people following their faith, even if it gets them hospitalized.”

McMANUS: “Have you and Daniel and your parents ever prayed for someone you heard about on the newscast?”

LUKAS: “Every single time we listen to it.”

McMANUS: “Oh, wow!”

LUKAS: “When we hear about someone who’s getting persecuted or has being threatened to get persecuted, we pray that God would save them in some way, or that they would not give up faith in God.”

McMANUS: “What made you think about giving $10?”

LUKAS: “It feels like God has really changed a lot in my life and I felt like He was encouraging me to do that.”

McMANUS: “Where did this money come from?”

LUKAS: “Just money I accumulated from birthdays or other things.”

McMANUS: “Is it just from gifts that you got the money from or did you work for any of the money?”

LUKAS: “I guess I’ve helped my dad with some things to get some of it.”

McMANUS: “What do you do for your dad?”

LUKAS: “Usually just something useful to help him, like getting into places he can’t reach when he’s working.”

McMANUS: (laughs) “That sounds like my kids. Oh, that’s funny. Like cleaning the attic or the garage or a project like that where you’re cleaning up something or what?”

LUKAS: “Usually in the attic. I just have to pull some wires to where he can reach them.”

McMANUS “What was your reaction when Lukas said he wanted to give $10 of his money to, to the newscast effort.”

KRISTINA: “I was grateful that he listened to the nudge of the Holy Spirit. It was excited that his heart was turned toward that.”

McMANUS: “Tell me about your decision to match it.”

KRISTINA: “Well, I thought I would join him, that would honor his gift by doubling it. The Lord loves to multiply little things into much.”

8 Worldview listeners donated $3,050

And finally, toward our $84,000 final goal by 5:00pm central this Saturday, June 29th, 8 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate to help fund our 6-member team for another fiscal year.

Our thanks to Janet in Canton, Illinois who gave $50, Jeanne in Thomasville, North Carolina who gave $100, as well as Michael in Ritzville, Washington and Dan in Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada—both of whom gave $200.

And we’re grateful to God for Lona in Billings, Montana who pledged $25/month for 12 months for a gift of $300, Leland in Rapid City, South Dakota who gave $400, Isaac in Pleasantville, Tennessee who pledged $50/month for 12 months for a gift of $600, and Members of who pledged $100/month for 12 months for a gift of $1,200.

Those 8 donors gave $3,050.  Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $61,055.16. (audience cheering)

In order to hit our $84,000 goal, we still need to raise the sizable sum of $22,944.84 by 5:00pm Central on Saturday, June 29th. I’m getting a little nervous. If you’ve been waiting until the last minute to make a donation, that time has officially arrived.

I would love to see 40 people step forward today and make a donation.  Whether God is prompting you to give $50, $500, or $5,000, we need everybody to do their part.  There are only three days left.

Will you step up to the plate? Please go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like to donate, and click on the recurring monthly tab if that’s your wish.

Ask God what He wants you to give to this newscast that proclaims Jesus Christ as our standard for Truth.


And that’s The Worldview on this Wednesday, June 26th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.