Monday, April 4th, in the year of our Lord, 2016
By Mark Robinette
After 12 difficult days of healing in Brussels, Belgium, Zaventem Airport partially opened Sunday. The physical and emotional devastation still lingers from the suicide bombings that killed 32 and wounded hundreds. Now, new security measures are in place to screen potential dangers in the parking areas. A third suspect has been charges in connection to the attack and authorities say he is linked to the Paris attack.
September 11, 2001, the day terrorists took down The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, The Rev. Billy Graham’s organization formed the Rapid Response Team to comfort the hurting. Chaplains with RRT are working in Brussels now as they were in Paris and other locations since then. The World View spoke to RRT team member Jeff Naber. He said people are still filled with fear, certain more attacks are coming.
He asked for prayer as they share the Gospel and even make converts among the hurting. “It was not until today that local church members joined us on the streets to share the gospel alongside us, this is how we know if we successful. We are here to encourage them and help them and build them up. Once we leave its them who is going to stay and be Christians in this great city.”
Franklin Graham, who has taken the lead of his aging father Billy Graham’s organization, made his 13th out of 50 stops in U.S. capitols. Thousands of the faithful joined him at the State House in Sacramento, California and a handful of LGBT offered a feeble counter protest demanding their rights for men and women to use the restrooms of their choice regardless of gender. Graham admonished Christians to repent and vote for candidates who followed God’s word.
North Carolina’s Governor Pat McCrory continues to be attacked nationwide for signing a bill into law protecting the people of his state from having to share restrooms with those of the opposite sex. Now, being sued by the ACLU, North Carolina’s Attorney General Roy Cooper, a democrat, is refusing to do his elected job and defend the state. However, the Liberty Counsel, a Florida-based organization, dedicated to protecting the rights of believers, has agreed to defend the state Free of Charge.
Tennessee’s House of Representatives and Senate Committee have passed a bill that would make the Bible the official book of the State. Gov. Bill Haslam opposes the bill and would likely veto it if it makes it to his desk.
God’s Words are “More to be desired than gold, yes, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.” Psalm 19:10-11
Mississippi joined Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and other Bible Belt states as it passed a sweeping religious liberties bill late last week. The Bill, would allow doctors the right not to perform gender reassignment surgeries, Christians bakers from backing cakes for same-sex weddings and protect others from the many other possible ramifications of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to legalize so-called same-sex marriages nationwide. Gov. Phil Bryant has not committed to sign or veto the bill. Thank God for the magistrates who refuse to call evil good and good evil.
Just Tuesday in Illinois, where there is no such religious liberty law, Jim and Beth Walder, owers of the Timer Creek Bed and Breakfast in Paxton, were fined $80,000 for declining to host the ungodly union of two men in 2011. The Walders said they are not closing their doors and their policy would not be changing no matter what fines or punishments were imposed upon them citing Acts 5:29 “It is better to obey God rather than man.”
Hazzah!!! to the Walders and may many more refuse to bow their knees to the false gods of government.
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.