It’s Monday, March 9th, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
Finland targets Christian Parliament member
In Western countries, Christians seem to fare relatively well. That’s why one instance of harassment in Finland, which shares a border with Russia, was surprising, reports International Christian Concern.
Paivi Rasanen, a member of the Finnish Parliament since 1995, is actually being investigated by the Prosecutor General’s office there because of a tweet she put out in favor of a Christian view of marriage. The Prosecutor General is pursuing the case as an example of “ethnic agitation.”
(You can read more about the persecution of Paivi Rasanen in this American Conservative article.)
Finland claims to place a high value on freedom, including the freedom of speech and religion, which is why the prosecution against Rasanen is of great concern.
A coronavirus-quarantined Chinese hotel collapsed
A desperate rescue attempt is underway to save 30 people still trapped in a collapsed, 80-room, five-star hotel in China.
Xinjia Hotel in Quanzhou City was recently converted to a quarantine facility for people who had recent contact with coronavirus patients, reports the People’s Daily.
No reason for the collapse was given.
Italy to quarantine one-quarter of population
The Italian government is planning to lock down 16 million people—more than a quarter of its population, including the region around Milan and 11 provinces —in the most sweeping steps any European country has prepared to take against the coronavirus epidemic, reports the Wall Street Journal.
Trump names new Chief of Staff
President Donald Trump replaced his acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney with Republican Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina, reports the Associated Press.
The President has been pulling together a team of loyalists ahead of what is expected to be a bitter reelection fight.
Gary Bauer: Joe Biden is no moderate!
Gary Bauer, the President of American Values, declared in a recent email that “Joe Biden is not a ‘moderate.’ He’s not a ‘centrist.’ Maybe he was 30 years ago, but not today.”
Bauer said, “Let me remind you who the real Joe Biden is.
- “Biden supported same-sex marriage before Barack Obama did.
- “Biden believes in abortion during all nine months of pregnancy, and is committed to forcing you to pay for abortions.
- “Biden is all in on a big government takeover of healthcare with an even bigger version of Obamacare.
- “Biden has apologized for deporting illegal aliens.
- “Biden’s immigration ‘reform’ plan is more foreign aid and no border wall.
- “Biden is all in on the radical Green New Deal. He’s even threatened to put energy executives in jail.
- “Biden will appoint radical justices, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who will distort the Constitution.
- “Biden suggested he would put extremist Beto O’Rouke in charge of his gun control policy.”
Gary Bauer, thank you for speaking the truth. He has abided by Zechariah 8:16 which says, “Speak the truth to one another.”
The new math of liberal journalists
During an interview with New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay, MSNBC’s Brian Williams was mocked over math on social media after quoting a tweet claiming that former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg “could have given each American $1 million and still have money left over”, reports TheHill.com.
Listen to the exchange as Williams quotes a misguided tweet by journalist Mekita Rivas, which has been dubbed “the saddest clip in TV history.”
GAY: “Somebody tweeted recently that actually with the money he spent he could have given every American a million dollars.”
WILLIAMS: “I’ve got it. Let’s put it up on the screen. When I read it tonight on social media, it kind of all became clear. ‘Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads, US population 327 million.’ Don’t tell us if you’re ahead of us on the math. ‘He could have given each American $1 million and have had lunch money leftover.’ It’s an incredible way of putting it.”
GAY: “It’s an incredible way of putting it. It’s true. It’s disturbing. It does suggest what we’re talking about here, which is there’s too much money in politics.”
Except the math is terribly wrong. Bloomberg would only be able to give one million dollars to 500 Americans, not all 327 million of us.
Even though Mikita Rivas amended her Twitter bio to say, “I know, I’m bad at math,” she went on to tweet this humdinger. “People are telling me my numbers are wrong, but the point still stands. [Bloomberg] could easily afford to give everyone a million dollars and literally never notice.” She flunks math again. That would only be true if Bloomberg had a personal fortune of $327 trillion instead of $60 billion.
One conservative mocked the liberal journalists by tweeting, “Bernie Sanders owns 3 houses. The U.S. population is 327 million. He could have given each American one house and still have houses left over.”
Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg: Abortion is safer than childbirth
Abortions are not safer than childbirth because a baby always dies.
And when they have abortions, women risk their physical and mental health as well as their future children’s health.
But U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg claimed abortion is safer than childbirth while attacking a Louisiana law that requires abortionists to have hospital admitting privileges for patient emergencies, reports LifeNews.com.
To the Louisiana lawyers, Ginsburg, a pro-abortion icon, said, “Most of the people who get abortions never have any need to go to a hospital, isn’t that so? You don’t dispute … that among medical procedures, first-trimester abortion is among the safest, far safer than childbirth.”
It is not accurate to say that abortion is safer for the woman. At the very least, researchers point out that the U.S. does not receive enough data from abortion mills to make that conclusion. And several European studies have refuted the claim even further, concluding that more women die after abortions than childbirth.
CBS’ Gayle King vs. Planned Parenthood president
The journalists at CBS This Morning have a history of featuring the President of Planned Parenthood on their show. They also have a history of tossing softballs to the head of the abortion provider. So it was shocking last Thursday to see Gayle King tell Alexis Johnson that “some would call” the procedure “murder”, reports LifeNews.com.
Listen to the exchange.
JOHNSON: “There’s been a campaign of misinformation, disinformation, around what it means to access abortion. [Abortion] is one of the safest medical procedures there is. And these are …”
KING: “You would call it safe. Some people would call it murder.”
JOHNSON: “Well, for the patient, right? That’s what we’re talking about. There are moral arguments with respect to accessing abortion. But it is the law of the land that a woman seeking an abortion has the right to have access to one.”
Alexis Johnson’s almost million dollar salary from the murder giant has blinded her to the truth found in Psalm 139:16. God’s “eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, March 9th in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
Print stories
New York Governor declares coronavirus state of emergency
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency Saturday to deal with the worsening coronavirus crisis, as the number of cases jumped to 11 in the Big Apple — including one in Queens — and 76 across New York, reports the New York Post.
St. Paul, Minnesota celebrates abortionists
The St. Paul, Minnesota, City Council unanimously passed the resolution to recognize tomorrow, March 10th, as Abortion Providers Appreciation Day, reports the Pioneer Press.
Council members timed the resolution to coincide with a U.S. Supreme Court case about a Louisiana abortion law.
I doubt the 10,000 Minnesotan babies who were killed last year will be celebrating. Contact the St. Paul, Minnesota City Council with your condemnation of this special day to honor those who kill unborn children.