It’s Tuesday, May 14th, A.D. 2024,. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Kevin Swanson
Myanmar military’s martial law forbids church
The Myanmar military junta has placed seven townships in the Chin State under martial law, forbidding church gatherings in this Christian-majority area of the country.
Military authorities are also requiring pastors to submit lists of church congregants. Pray for persecuted believers in Myanmar.
Pakistani court annulled forced marriage of Christian girl to Muslim man
Good news! A Pakistani court has annulled a forced marriage of a Christian girl who was abducted on her way home from school in 2019. Reeha Saleem was forced into a marriage by her Muslim abductor.
She has forthrightly denied conversion to the Islamic faith, and still holds to the Christian faith, according to Alliance Defending Freedom International, which supported her case.
U.K.’s growing Chinese Christian community
The Chinese Christian community is the fastest-growing church in the United Kingdom, according to a report published by the Bible Society.
The community has grown by 25,000, or 28%, over the last three years, largely driven by immigration from Hong Kong into the United Kingdom. The report stated that these believers have a much higher view of the Bible than other groups.
Church of England’s plummeting attendance
Church of England attendance has fallen to 654,000 as of last year. By these numbers, the Chinese church-attending population makes up a full 15% of the total attendees of the Church of England services.
Another survey found that people of color constitute 14% of the United Kingdom’s population, and yet they make up 25% of the practicing Christians there.
In the words of Psalm 22:27, “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. affirms abortion on demand
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the independent candidate for President of the United States, affirmed his stand for abortion. He opposed the reversal of Roe v. Wade, and supported the federal legalization of abortion up to full term.
He stated his position last Wednesday on the Sage Steele podcast.
Steele asked Kennedy if he preferred leaving abortion “up to the states.”
STEELE: “Keeping it as is, with Roe v. Wade having been overturned, and leaving it up to the states to determine if and when a woman can have an abortion?”
KENNEDY: “No, I wouldn’t leave it to the states.”
STEELE: “You wouldn’t? Right.”
KENNEDY: “We should leave it to the woman. We shouldn’t have government involved.”
STEELE: “Even if it’s full-term?”
KENNEDY: “Even if it’s full-term.”
STEELE: “I know there is no simple answer. As a Catholic, it would be okay to allow a woman to do that.” (inaudible)
KENNEDY: “I don’t think it’s ever okay.”
STEELE: “It would be allowed. It would be allowed.”
KENNEDY: “I think we have to leave it to the woman, rather than the state.”
Subsequently, Kennedy tweeted that he learned that “Sometimes, women abort healthy, viable late-term fetuses. These cases of purely ‘elective’ late-term abortion are very upsetting. Once the baby is viable outside the womb, it should have rights and it deserves society’s protection. …
“I support the emerging consensus that abortion should be unrestricted up until a certain point. I believe that point should be when the baby is viable outside the womb. Therefore, I would allow appropriate restrictions on abortion in the final months of pregnancy.”
In recent polls for the 2024 presidential election, Kennedy is holding anywhere from 8-11% of the vote.
America’s low-level commitment to unborn babies
The American electorate’s commitment to the pro-life vote is still low.
Only 10% of Americans call themselves pro-life AND would avoid voting for a pro-abortion candidate. On the other hand, there are 17% of Americans who call themselves pro-abortion AND would avoid voting for a pro-life candidate, according to a recent Gallup poll.
The 2023 poll found that 44% of Americans call themselves pro-life and 52% call themselves pro-abortion.
Higher educated people swing pro-abortion in a 66%-29% ratio, while those without a college education swing pro-life in a 54%-41% ratio. Young people, between the ages of 18 and 29, are more in favor of killing babies by a huge 64%-29% ratio. And women also skew pro-abortion in a 55%-41% ratio.
Six states encourage gold and silver investments
Six states have enacted sound money legislation for those who move their money into gold and silver.
So far, Arkansas, Arizona, Utah, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Kentucky will not charge state income tax on gains realized in gold and silver investments. These states recognize sound money as a means of protecting savings from the ravages of inflation.
States considering similar legislation in 2024 include Iowa, Georgia, Oklahoma, Missouri, West Virginia, and Kansas.
Gold has increased in value by 30% in two years. By contrast, the official Consumer Price Index for inflation shows a 10% increase over the same two years.
10 states have legalized euthanasia
Ten states have legalized physician-assisted suicide in this country thus far. And New York may be the eleventh.
The state’s House and Senate versions of the bill have 84 sponsors collectively. Sadly, the legislation is reportedly gaining traction. The Medical Society of the State of New York recently reversed its longstanding opposition to the Medical Aid in Dying Act, according to Politico.
Since 2002, nine nations in the world have legalized euthanasia, including Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
Ivy League’s antisemitism might lead to joblessness
A recent Forbes survey has identified some resistance on the part of the business world to Ivy League Schools—most likely following the antisemitic activism on these campuses.
A third of employers are less likely to hire Ivy League graduates than they were five years ago, and 7% are more likely to hire them.
90% of Fortune 500 companies are “woke”
The latest Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index is out. The pro-homosexual/transgender group must be thrilled with the results.
The Index monitors corporations turning woke. It turns out that 90% of Fortune 500 companies are “woke” now. And 73% are “super woke.” That’s up from 0% in 2002, and 3% in 2009.
God has confounded the astronomers
And finally, astronomers are confounded with the discovery of a ring of galaxies located 6.9 billion light years from our planet.
A presentation on the spectacular ring provided during the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society in January concluded by saying that there is no explanation for this phenomenon “in our current understanding of the universe.”
Psalm 33:6 reminds us that, “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their host.”
And that’s The Worldview on this Tuesday, May 14th in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.