It’s Thursday, May 30th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Jonathan Clark
India imprisoned 70 Christians
Officials in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh are holding nearly 70 Christians in jail. They faced arrest under the state’s 2020 anti-conversion law.
Authorities in the area stormed church meetings and arrested pastors on false charges of forcefully converting Hindus.
Once imprisoned, it is very difficult to get Christians out since officials often deny bail applications.
Please pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ in India, ranked 11th on the Open Doors’ World Watch List of nations where it is most difficult to be a Christian.
In Matthew 5:11-12, Jesus said, “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven.”
20,000 French Christians March for Jesus
Thousands of people joined the March for Jesus over the weekend in cities across France.
The motto of the march was “Lets bear witness publicly and in unity about our faith in Jesus Christ.” Organizers wanted it to be “a joyful and peaceful testimony of a living faith that wants to touch hearts, through the praise, prayer and proclamation of the Word of God which are at the heart of the march.”
Remarkably, 20,000 marchers turned out in Paris, including many young people.
250,000 dead babies in England and Wales
New data shows over 250,000 babies were killed by abortion in England and Wales in 2022.
That’s the highest on record and an increase of 17% over 2021.
The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children noted, “In 2022, medical abortion (drugs/pills) accounted for 86% of all abortions, up from 48% in 2012. Abortions taking place entirely at home increased by 9% between 2021 and 2022, amounting to 61% of all abortions.”
40% of British Christians do not evangelize
Also in British news, a recent survey found many Christians in the U.K. don’t want to talk about their faith with others.
The Institute for the Impact of Faith in Life found nearly 40% of Christians agreed with the statement, “I prefer not to tell people about my faith or religious belief.”
However, exclusionist Christians were much more likely to talk about their faith. The survey identified only 28% of Christians as exclusionist, those who say their faith is the only true faith.
Speaking of the name of Jesus, the Apostle Peter said in Acts 4:12, “There is no other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Louisiana bans using force or fraud to give pregnant woman abortion pill
In the U.S., Republican Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed the Abortion by Fraud Criminalization Act into law last week.
The measure bans people from using force or fraud to get a pregnant woman to take an abortion-inducing drug. The law also makes such drugs only available through prescription.
Republican state Sen. Thomas Pressly sponsored the legislation. The Office of the Governor noted that Pressly was inspired to do this after his sister was “unknowingly poisoned by her former husband while she was pregnant by the abortion-inducing drug Misoprostol.”
Good outcome for Christian who toppled Satanist statue
In January, authorities in Iowa charged a Christian Navy veteran with a felony hate crime. The month before, Michael Cassidy had toppled a Satanist statue that was in the state’s capitol building.
He faced up to five years in jail if convicted. But, last Friday, officials dropped the felony charge.
Cassidy posted on Facebook, “Not today, Satan. Pleased to announce the Iowa District Attorney just dropped their absurd felony hate crime charge and instead offered a deferred judgement misdemeanor (a fine, no jail time, nothing permanent on my record), which I accepted. Many thanks to my family, my lawyers, my community, and the many Christians who have supported us. … When Christians stick together, we can, and we will, win.”
God is lining up six planets
And finally, God has more celestial events in store this year. In recent months, many experienced a solar eclipse and a rare display of the Northern Lights.
Next, six planets are set to align in the early morning hours of June 3rd.
CBS News reports, “During the solar spectacle, the orbits of Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn will bring the six planets to the same side of the sun. The planets won’t form an actual straight line in space, because of the elliptical shapes of their orbits … but from some angles on Earth, they will appear to be aligned.”
Observers will need a telescope or powerful binoculars. And the East Coast will have the best view of the planetary parade.
Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Thursday, May 30th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.