Tuesday, May 3rd, in the year of our Lord, 2016.
By Kevin Swanson
In the final analysis, she was vindicated. The Chinese demolition crew that buried a pastor’s wife alive as they set out destroy a Christian church is being held for trial. Ding Cuimei did not survive the attack, but now the court has ruled in favor of the church’s claim to the land, according to the latest report from China Aid.
Green Beret Sergeant Charles Martland has been acquitted and reinstated to duty after he was suspended for his attempt to protect Afghani children from rape at the hands of Afghani authorities. The American Center for Law and Justice collected 300,000 signatures calling for Sgt. Martland’s reinstatement. Senior counsel Matthew Clark told The World View that this demonstrates the power of petition in seeking justice for the afflicted: “The unquestionably number one factor in his reinstatement back into the military was the fact that the American people spoke out. Over 300,000 people signed our petition to reinstate Sgt. Martland. Over 65,000 people wrote individual letters to military leadership asking them to honor, as opposed to dishonor, this hero.”
According to Newsweek, the Marines were told to treat the Afghani child rape problem as a cultural practice, and U.S. military personnel have been discouraged from interfering with brutal pedophiles if they are considered U.S. allies.
“Can wicked rulers be allied with you, those who frame injustice by statute?” (Psalm 94:20)
Several island countries in the North Atlantic have approved homosexual faux “marriage”—the Isle of Man and the Faroe Islands.
Cuba is opening up to tourism from America for the first time in over forty years. On Monday, Carnival Cruise Line’s Adonia became the first cruise ship to dock in Havana, Cuba, in over 40 years.
It’s do or die for Ted Cruz today in Indiana. The political prediction market puts Cruz’s chances of winning the Indiana primary today at 8%. But don’t forget that “The Most High [still] rules the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomsoever He wills” (Daniel 4:32).
While campaigning in Indiana, Senator Cruz corrected a kid yelling obscenities at him from the crowd. Cruz told him that he would have been spanked if he had behaved that way as a child.
The latest Rasmussen poll shows Donald Trump edging Hillary Clinton slightly in a hypothetical matchup for the presidency 41-39%. However, both candidates remain the most disliked major candidates seeking the office on national polls.
Franklin Graham rebuked John Boehner on Facebook over the weekend concerning his reference to Senator Ted Cruz as a son of a female dog. Graham called Boehner’s language “beneath his public office.” Senator Cruz responded to Boehner’s attack. He said that he had never spoken more than 50 words to the Speaker of the House and that the conversations had been “pleasant” in his view.
Ted Cruz’s father, Pastor Rafael Cruz, is also campaigning in Indiana. He’s telling pastors there, “I implore every member of the Body of Christ to vote according to the word of God.”
2 Samuel 23 says, “The God of Israel said, The Rock of Israel spoke to me: ‘He who rules over men must be just, Ruling in the fear of God.”
The retailer Sports Authority may be closing all of its 450 stores after filing chapter 11 bankruptcy. A corporate statement recently issued indicated that the company would pursue “a sale of some or all of the business” to provide for a payoff on a billion dollars of debt.
Puerto Rico is about to default on some of its 70 billion dollars in public debts. Its debt-to-GDP ratio is only about half of that of the United States.
The bodies of two climbers who died on Mount Shishapangma in India back in 1999 have been found. Alex Lowe and David Bridges were killed in an avalanche and subsequently frozen in a sheet of ice. Lowe was considered one of the world’s best climbers when he died, best known for a daring rescue he performed on Mount Denali in 1995, hoisting another climber up a 400-foot vertical slab of ice.
A 12-year-old blind boy from Forest, Virginia, actually saw his mother for the first time using a technology called e-Sight. The fifth grader named Christopher Ward reported to ABC News, “I saw Mom, and she was VERY pretty.”
The gigantic Cathedral of St. Sava burned to the ground in a huge inferno on Sunday. Thanks be to God that all 700 attendees of the Serbian Orthodox church escaped without serious injuries. The Gothic-style church building was constructed in the 19th century.
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And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.