Heroic cat deterred burglars, Senator: “Why would” Inflation Reduction Act reduce inflation?, Iranian Christian convert in Germany denied asylum

It’s Monday, August 22nd,  A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.

By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)

Iranian Christian convert in Germany denied asylum

A 44-year-old Iranian Christian cabinetmaker applied for asylum in Germany in 2018 and, after being denied, now faces deportation back to Iran, reports Alliance Defending Freedom International.

The man, whose pseudonym is Hassan, was amazed at the dramatic life change in his brother-in-law after converting from Islam to Christianity.  After his wife trusted Christ, Hassan and their children did as well.

Once discovered, security forces then stormed their house and confiscated books, the computer, their passports, and their Bible. The family fled to Turkey, and from there to Germany.

Tragically, Hassan’s brother-in-law was tortured and killed.

After Germany officially rejected his application for asylum, the European Court of Human Rights, to their shame, declined to hear arguments in Hassan’s defense in mid-August.

According to OpenDoors, Iranian asylum seekers in Germany are often confronted with suspicions of feigned conversion.

Iran is the ninth most dangerous country worldwide for Christians.

Pray that Hassan and his family will not be deported from Germany back to Iran. In Matthew 5:12, Jesus said of saints like Hassam, “Great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Tucker Carlson ridicules the Inflation Reduction Act

Last Thursday night, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson gave his take on the Democrats’ $740 billion so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.”

CARLSON: “What does the Inflation Reduction Act do? Come on. What are you slow? The answer is right there in the name. The Inflation Reduction Act is an Act that reduces inflation. It’s an inflation-reducing act. And that’s welcome news because inflation is indeed a problem. In fact, voters say it’s the problem they worry about most.

“So, Congress has decided to reduce it. That’s how things work in Washington. You identify a crisis, and then you pass a law making it illegal. Crisis solved. It’s simple.”

Senator: “Why would” Inflation Reduction Act reduce inflation?

Fox News reporter Hillary Vaughn asked Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who was the single man whose vote made this bill possible, how this law will reduce inflation.


VAUGHN: “When it comes to inflation, is it misleading to call this the Inflation Reduction Act for Americans when it’s not going to make their grocery bill cheaper? It’s not going to make everyday goods cheaper for them.”

MANCHIN: “Why would it? Why would it? Well, immediately, it’s not. We never said anything would happen immediately, like today, turn the switch on and off.”

Carlson was furious.

CARLSON:  “In other words, it will not reduce inflation. But Joe Manchin didn’t deny this. He didn’t seem bothered by it. In fact, his response was, ‘Why would it?’ Well, let’s see, because you told us it would, you dishonest little creep. And then you printed another $750 billion of fake money, which is exactly the habit that caused historic inflation in the first place. All this fake money printing.”

Democrat refused to answer how Inflation Reduction law will work

In addition, Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland couldn’t explain the so-called Inflation Reduction Act either.

RASKIN: “I note that those who have been blaming President Biden for the inflation going up are now giving President Biden all the credit for inflation going down. So, we’re moving things in the right direction already.”

A reporter asked the obvious follow-up question.

REPORTER: “And what parts of the bill do you think will quickly work on that specifically?”

RASKIN: “The, the … Next question!”

Carlson summarized Raskin’s hostility well.

CARLSON: “In other words, you’ve caught me lying and I don’t even care. Go away, peasant!”

Male golfer advances in Ladies Golf Association

A male golfer, who is pretending to be female, is poised to become the first so-called “transgender” person to earn a Ladies Professional Golf Association tour card after beating much of his female competition in the first two qualifying rounds, reports the Toronto Sun.

Last week, James Davidson, age 29, who now goes by the fake name, Hailey, had a strong finish in the first two rounds in the Ladies Professional Golf Association in Palm Springs. 

James began undergoing hormone treatments in 2015, got breast implants, grew his hair long, and wears make-up and nail polish.

Episcopal Church greenlights puberty blockers, surgeries for kids

The Episcopal Church has officially endorsed puberty blockers and mutilating surgeries for gender-confused children “at all ages” with the adoption of Resolution D066, reports ThePostMilennial.com.

In a column for LifeSiteNews, Jonathon Van Maren wrote, “This is disturbing but not surprising. The Episcopal Church has been post-Christian for some time, and has fully bought into the premises of the transgender movement.”

When the Episcopal Church refers to their affirmation of “gender-affirming care,” Van Maren declares, “‘Gender-affirming care’ is trans-speak for sex changes and puberty blockers. It means castrations for the boys; double mastectomies for the girls; and life-long drug regimens that irreversibly damage those who take them … [including] deforming the genitals, eliminating sexual function, reducing bone growth, and destroying fertility.”

Heroic cat deterred burglars

And finally, you’ve heard of guard dogs, but have you ever heard of a guard cat?

At 2:30 in the morning on July 25th when a 20-pound cat, named Bandit, heard robbers trying to break into Fred Everitt’s house in Belden, Mississippi, she sprung into action.

Not only did she meow incessantly, but she raced into the bedroom, pawed at the blankets, and swiped at her owner’s arms. It worked, reported NBC News.

Mr. Everitt, who was now fully alert, knew something was wrong. He said aloud, “What in the world is wrong with you?” since he had never witnessed such behavior previously.

When he went to investigate, turned on the lights in his home, he saw two young men outside his back door. Not only were they armed with a gun, but they were using a crowbar to break in.

Everitt said by the time he retrieved a handgun and returned to the kitchen, the would-be intruders had already fled.

Had the cat, named Bandit, not alerted her owner to the real bandits, the homeowner would have been robbed, and possibly injured or killed.

Like the time the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, in Jonah 1:17, God used a huge cat to awaken Mr. Everitt.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, August 22nd, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.