It’s Friday, October 15th, A.D. 2021. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus.
By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
Indonesia compensates the victims of terrorist bomb attacks
Officials in Jakarta, Indonesia made the announcement that the Muslim-majority government will give compensation to more than 400 victims of terrorist bomb attacks committed across the country over the past two decades, reports International Christian Concern. Most of the victims were Christians.
Hasto Suroyo, chairman of the Witness and Victims Protection Agency, said each family of those killed in bombings this year will receive $17,857, while those seriously injured will get $15,000. Victims who suffered moderate wounds will receive $8,214 and those who suffered minor wounds will get $5,357.
The last bomb attack took place in a cathedral in Makassar, South Sulawesi province, on Palm Sunday this year, reports the BBC.
Micah 6:8 asks, “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Global economy caught in perfect storm
From beef bowls in Tokyo to fried chicken in London, consumers are starting to feel the pinch from the surge in costs coursing through the global economy, reports Reuters.
As coronavirus restrictions are eased, the rebound exposed supply chain shortages, with firms scrambling for workers, ships, and even fuel to power factories. It’s the perfect storm to threaten the fledgling economic recovery.
For example, Britain’s biggest chicken producer said that the country’s 20-year cheap food binge is ending and food price inflation could hit double digits.
IKEA is leasing more ships, buying containers and re-routing goods as the world’s largest furniture brand seeks to mitigate the disruptions.
Here in the United States, President Joe Biden on Wednesday said the Port of Los Angeles would join the Port of Long Beach in working round-the-clock to unload about 500,000 containers, while Walmart, Target and other big retailers would expand overnight operations to help out.
Biden’s approval ‘sinking like the Titanic,’ down to 36%
Speaking of Biden, his approval rating is now down to 36% in a new poll, reports WorldNetDaily.com.
The analysts at Zogby Analytics chose to describe it as “sinking like the Titanic,” after they crunched their numbers and found only 15% of respondents calling Biden’s job performance excellent, and another 21% good. In contrast, 42% said his work was poor and another 19% said only fair.
The researchers said, “Voters can’t help but wonder why the Biden administration keeps sweeping these issues under the rug and declaring them ‘transitory,'” citing the U.S. economy, which “teeters on recession,” the Wall Street bubble, higher gas and food prices, and “don’t forget the U.S./Mexico border crisis, potential U.S. debt default, and a once in a generation pandemic.”
Biden ran on the idea he could fix things and heal the country. “With each precious day slipping by it seems unlikely he will get his agenda passed or heal the country. Another Trump presidency might not be so farfetched an idea as it was a year earlier,” said Zogby.
Christian web designer, opposed to creating homosexual faux wedding websites, appeals to Supreme Court
A Colorado web designer has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court after a federal appeals court ruled this summer that she must create websites for homosexual weddings if she offers her services for heterosexual weddings, reports the Christian Post.
Lawyers representing Lorie Smith of 303 Creative in Denver are asking the nation’s highest court to review the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling from July that found that her company must provide services for homosexual faux marriage ceremonies.
Kristen Waggoner, an attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom, said, “The government shouldn’t weaponize the law to force a web designer to speak messages that violate her beliefs.”
Acts 5:29 says, “We ought to obey God rather than men.”
Hospital System: Unvaccinated denied organ transplants
And finally, two Colorado Christian women are outraged after UCHealth, a Colorado-based system of hospitals, says it will not perform a life-saving kidney transplant since neither of them will get the COVID shot, reports the Western Journal.
Jaimee Fougner, the potential kidney donor, met Leilani Lutali, the potential kidney recipient, at a Bible study group.
In the letter to Lutali, UCHealth wrote, “The transplant team at University of Colorado Hospital has determined that it is necessary to place you inactive on the waiting list. You will be inactivated on the list for non-compliance by not receiving the COVID vaccine. You will have 30 days to begin the vaccination series. If your decision is to refuse COVID vaccination, you will be removed from the kidney transplant list.”
Lutali was shocked, especially since she was on track to get her kidney by the end of the year.
LUTALI: “I feel like I’m being coerced, that I have to take the shot if I want this life-saving transplant.”
While the hospital is fearful that Lutali could be at greater risk of serious complications or death if she gets COVID, she has already had COVID and was virtually asymptomatic. So, she has built in immunity.
LUTALI: “If I probably came down with a second case of COVID, it would be minimal. And my first time around, I was almost asymptomatic, so I’m not worried about that.”
Jaimee Fougner, the potential donor, and her sister in Christ, is furious.
FOUGNER: “Can I sit here and allow them to murder my friend when I’ve got a perfectly good kidney and can save her life?”
Fougner was told flat out that she either got the COVID shot or she couldn’t donate her organ.
FOUGNER: “When I explained that, no I wouldn’t be able to take the COVID shot. The comment was, ‘Well, then your journey ends here because we require all of our donors and all of our recipients to have the COVID-19 vaccine.’”
Lutali was even willing to sign a written waiver, releasing the hospital of any liability in case she did later die of COVID.
LUTALI: “I said, ‘Well, I’ll sign a medical waiver.’ I have to sign a waiver anyway for the transplant itself.”
Republican Colorado state Rep. Tim Geitner called the policy “disgusting,” according to The Washington Post.
The two women now are looking at other states and hospitals where a transplant could be performed.
Please — pray that Leilani Lutali can get the kidney transplant that she so desperately needs. This is no time for political correctness that could cost her her life!
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, October 15th, in the year of our Lord 2021. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.