Hurricane Helene’s death toll climbs to 116; 2 pro-lifers get long prison sentences; Calgary Pastor vs. Drag Queens

It’s Tuesday, October 1st, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard on 125 radio stations and at  I’m Adam McManus. (

By Kevin Swanson

South African homeschoolers face jail if kids not in school

Last week, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the controversial Basic Education Law Amendments Bill into law in an effort to federalize and centralize control over the nation’s education program.

The law would levy a year-long prison sentence for truancy, ban all corporal punishment, and require parents to apply to the National Department of Education for permission to homeschool their children or face charges.

Christian View Network has been warning for years that the bill is a radical threat to parental rights.

Estimates put the number of homeschooled children in South Africa as high as 300,000, reports the South African Broadcast Corporation.

An organization dedicated to protecting parental rights in South Africa, The Pestalozzi Trust, has informed the president they will be appealing the Act to the nation’s high court. The Trust argues that “the Act imposes excessive regulatory burdens on parents who opt for homeschooling.”

Austrian Freedom Party gaining ground

The Left is facing a backlash in Europe.

The right-leaning, Freedom Party of Austria gained more votes than any other party in the elections held over the weekend — now holding 29% of the seats in parliament.

However, the Socialist Party, the left-leaning People’s Party, the Greens, and the Communists together hold 67% of the seats.

Germany and France witness political gains on the right

Last month, the German election yielded more gains for the right-leaning Alternative for Germany Party than any other election since World War II.  

And, in July, the French elections expanded the rightist party by 50% at the expense of the center.

Hurricane Helene’s death toll climbs to 116

Hurricane Helene has come and gone, and left a mass of destruction in its path.

Ryan Cole, a North Carolina county emergency official, told The Independent Mail, “We have biblical devastation through the county. This is the most significant natural disaster that any one of us has ever seen.”

The death count has topped 116 thus far. There are still 600 people missing in North Carolina. Officials count 46 fatalities in North Carolina, 27 deaths in South Carolina, 25 deaths in Georgia, and 13 in Florida. This makes for the second most deadly hurricane in the last 12 years.

Could Amish save Western Civilization from Kamala?

Could the Amish save Western civilization from Kamala Harris and the socialists?  

That’s what Scott Pressler from Early Vote Action thinks. Scott pointed out on X social media platform that  “there are 90,000 Amish voters in Pennsylvania, and the last presidential election was decide by 80,000 votes.”

2 pro-lifers get long prison sentences for peaceful civil disobedience

A federal judge sentenced three more pro-lifers for participating in a protest at an abortion clinic in Tennessee on March 5, 2021, reports World Magazine.

Chester Gallagher, the leader of the pro-life rescue, received a harsh sentence of 16 months. Heather Idoni was sent to prison for 8 months. And another pro-lifer received a 3-month probation sentence.  

Four others — Paul Vaughan, Calvin Zastrow, Coleman Boyd, and Dennis Green — had already received sentences back in July.

Attorney Steve Crampton with The Thomas More Society argued that the protest was “a peaceful demonstration by entirely peaceable citizens—filled with prayer, hymn-singing, and worship—oriented toward persuading expectant mothers not to abort their babies.”

Calgary Pastor vs. Drag Queens

Today, as I guest host for Kevin Swanson on Generations Radio, I interview a gutsy Canadian pastor named Derek Reimer in Calgary, Alberta. He dared to speak the truth at a Drag Queen Story Hour event at the library.


McMANUS: “When you heard about these drag queen events where men dress up as women, really caricatures of women, with ridiculously heavy makeup, big wigs, crazy attire, long false eyelashes, and five-inch tall heels, what was your reaction when you heard that it was coming to your town, to your library?”

REIMER: “That this was disgusting. It was vile. It was appalling, repugnant. I don’t even have enough adjectives to describe it.

“So, it’s like this righteous indignation that rises up in protection of these little ones. Because when I went to drag events, there was a sign up, ‘Reading with Royalty,’ ages zero to eight years old. That’s disgusting, how they want to indoctrinate, sexualize and corrupt these little children.”

Not only was Pastor Reimer arrested that time, but two additional times and spent 43 days in jail for simply objecting to drag queens in the library.

To hear my whole 39-minute conversation, go to That’s

Will Arizona imprison grandmother who feeds the homeless?

And finally, Bullhead City, Arizona is looking at putting a grandmother in jail.  

A U.S. district court ruled that Norma Thornton is guilty of providing food to the poor in a city park.  She was arrested in July 2022, and faces a fine of up to $1,431, 120 days in jail, and 24 months of probation.

The city ordinance forbids any “food-sharing event” at a public park.
For now, Norma continues to use up about half her income to feed 30 people a day in an alley behind a jet ski shop that has no shade, no tables, or no restrooms, reports

In Mark 8:6-9, “Jesus commanded the people to sit down on the ground, and He took the seven loaves and gave thanks and broke it, and gave to His disciples to set before the people, so they did eat, and were filled. And they that had eaten were about four thousand.”


And that’s The Worldview on this Tuesday, October 1st, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by Amazon Music or by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.