Indonesia Prisons Filling with Christians, Christian Police Shot Down in Colorado, Pennsylvania Abortion Count Dropping

Tuesday, January 2nd, in the year of our Lord 2018

By Kevin Swanson

Generations Radio Reviews God’s Judgment and Mercy on America in 2017

Generations Radio has published a Year in Review program for 2017 — defining it as the year that God extended His mercy to the nation, providing a window of opportunity for America to repent.

Generations co-hosts Kevin Swanson and Bill Jack, from Worldview Academy, called it the Year of Trump.

It was also the year of God’s judgment by natural disasters upon the nation — unprecedented damages from wildfires and hurricanes — making up about 2% of the Gross Domestic Product. It was the year of scandals for politics and media moguls.

And it was the year that homosexuality and lesbianism captured the popular culture, prominently featured in the two highest grossing films for the year.

Jeremiah 18 speaks to America today. “If at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom, that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it, and if that nation, concerning which I have spoken, turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I intended to do to it.”

Over 15,000 Christians Imprisoned in Indonesia

Indonesia has incarcerated 15,748 Christians in their prisons.

According to Antara News, 9,333 of them received a reduction of their prison sentence over the Christmas holidays this year. The reduction amounted to 15 days to two months depending on the length of their sentences.

Jakarta’s Christian governor was jailed for accusations of blasphemy (or offending the Muslim population) in May of last year. Indonesia is 10% Christian and 87% Muslim, and the legal system countenances serious persecution against Christians.

Congo Police Attack Churches

Police in Congo, Africa stormed several Catholic Churches in Kinshasa and the surrounding area, killing eight and arresting about a hundred more.

The majority of the Congolese claim to be Christian or Catholic. One churchgoer told France 24, “While we were praying, the soldiers and the police entered the church compound and fired tear gas at the church.”

Congo President Joseph Kabila had agreed to elections in 2017 which did not happen, causing protests across the nation.

At Least 12 People Killed in Fire in New York City Apartment Complex

In God’s providence, New York City suffered its worst fire disaster in more than a quarter of a century when an apartment complex in the Bronx caught fire last Thursday night.

CNN reports 12 fatalities and 14 injuries. The fire began when a 3-year-old child was playing with burners on a kitchen stove.

Abortion Rate in Pennsylvania Reaches Record Low

Pennsylvania abortion numbers are the lowest on record.

Life News reports 31,818 murders of the unborn in Pennsylvania in 2016 … with a downtick of 1,000 babies from the previous year.

Maria Gallagher of Pro-Life Federation in Pennsylvania told The World View that they’ve been blessed with good pro-life laws that have helped prevent more abortions.

“One of them is our outstanding law. We have the abortion control act, which calls for informed consent, meaning that women must be told the risk of abortion and alternatives before an abortion takes place. We have parental consent meaning that a parent must give permission before an abortion can take place on a minor girl.”

Gallagher says that technology is on the side of life.

“We are very fortunate to have technology in our corner. Because of the development of 4D ultrasounds, we are seeing babies in the womb that are smiling, laughing, even playing with their toes. And that humanizes the baby. It helps to form the bond between the mother and child.”

Shooter Kills Police Officer and Injures Three Others in Colorado

A shooter holed up in an apartment in Highlands Ranch, Colorado ambushed police officers, killing one deputy and wounding three others. Weeks before, the suspect, named Matthew Riehl, had issued a YouTube rant filled with profanities against the county sheriff.

Killed in the ambush was officer Zachari Parrish, described on a GoFundMe page, as a “true God-fearing man, who was a role model, father, husband, and public servant” attending Mission Hills Church in Littleton, Colorado. Proceeds from the GoFundMe campaign – which has reached $221,000 toward the $250,000 goal, will support his widowed wife, Gracie, and their two daughters.

Psalm 146:9 
says,“The LORD watches over the sojourners; He upholds the widow and the fatherless, but the way of the wicked He brings to ruin.”

Motorists in Wyoming Pull Over to Rescue Herd of Elk Stuck in Icy Reservoir

And finally, motorists pulled off the highway near Palisades Reservoir in Wyoming over the weekend, when they noticed a herd of elk that had fallen through the ice.

Using chain saws, they cut an escape route out of the icy water for the large animals, saving a total of twelve elk, according to East Idaho News. Not one died in the process, and none of the men were injured.

Thanks for your support of our ministry!

Generations and The World View in 5 Minutes ministries want to thank all of our listeners for your generous support in 2017. We have been overwhelmed by God’s provision for this ministry, and look forward to serving our Lord in the upcoming year.

Closing Line

And that’s The World View in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, January 2nd in the year of our Lord 2018. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at I’m Adam McManus. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

Print story

President of North Korea Says They Can Reach Entire US With Nuclear Weapons

North Korea’s president announced that his nation is now able to reach the entire United States mainland with nuclear armaments.

Kim Jong Un also announced that the military would “focus on mass producing nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles for operational deployment.”