Friday, July 8th, in the year of our Lord 2016
By Kevin Swanson
Ark Encounter Is Now Open
The full-sized Noah’s Ark exhibit, built by Answers in Genesis, opened yesterday in Williamstown, Kentucky, not far from Cincinnati. Ken Ham, president of the sponsoring organization, called it one of the greatest evangelistic outreaches in our day. The life-size replica is 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high, and is filled with exhibits designed to answer questions about the great flood. The Answers in Genesis organization hopes the ark will be a reminder to Christians that the “the word of the Lord endures forever.” Generations and The World View are sponsoring The Noah Conference in Kentucky in August that will include a visit to the Ark Encounter for the whole family. You can learn more at the bottom of the home page at www.generations.org.
Church in Iowa Resists Transgender Bathroom Ordinance
The Gospel Herald reports that one Iowa church is fighting back against the Iowa Civil Rights Commission. The Fort Des Moines Church of Christ is resisting the Commission’s aggressive enforcement of a public transgender bathroom ordinance. The church has introduced a lawsuit against the Commission for breaching their freedom of religion.
One Final Terrorist Attack for Ramadan
On Thursday morning, another terrorist attack in Bangladesh took 4 lives and injured 12 others at a Muslim prayer service, marking the end of Ramadan.
Iranian Christian Imprisoned for Three Years Hopes to Appeal His Case
Converted from Islam five years ago, imprisoned Iranian Christian, Ebrahim Firoozi, is hoping to appeal his case this month. Already in prison for three years, Firoozi was originally charged with “disturbing the national security of Iran” according to Middle East Concern. But this brother was actually involved in evangelism and Christian meetings.
Jesus Christ said to His followers in Matthew 10:22, “And you shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endures to the end shall be saved.”
Chinese Government Increases Control of Christian Churches
Chinese Christians are being forced to hand over their church’s tithes to the Communist government, according to several reports. China Aid reports that this is another part of the Communist regime’s attempt to suppress the Christian church.
Bob Fu from China Aid spoke to The World View concerning this increasing persecution.
“The church building has to leave an office for a Communist Party official to work there, to monitor church activities, to censor the church pastor’s sermons, and, plus, the church’s offering by the congregation are required to submit to the Communist Party officials, to distribute for the church pastor’s salary, or other uses.”
Next Prime Minister of UK May Be a Christian Woman
The next U.K. Prime Minister may be a Christian woman, after MP Michael Gove was eliminated in the first round of voting. According to Christian Today, Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom, the final choices, are both devoted Christians. In an interview yesterday, Leadsom said she did not agree with homosexual marriage laws, because of how they hurt Christians. And Theresa May calls herself a “practicing Anglican,” whose faith affects everything she does.
2 Samuel 23:2 reminds us, that “He who rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be like the light of the morning when the sun rises.”
Comey Testifies About Hillary Clinton Investigation
FBI Director James Comey testified before a Congressional Oversight Committee yesterday, concerning his investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails related to national security. Republican Representative Trey Gowdy grilled him on Clinton’s truthfulness on several points:
Gowdy: “Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received; was that true?”
Comey: “That’s not true, there were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents.”
Gowdy: “Secretary Clinton said, ‘I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email, there is no classified material,’ was that true?”
Comey: “There was classified material emailed.”
Gowdy: “Secretary Clinton said she used just one device; was that true?”
Comey: “She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as Secretary of State.”
Comey also called Clinton’s use of the government email servers “the definition of carelessness.”
Hillary Clinton Calls Abortion a “Constitutional Right;” Not So Sure About Second Amendment
As the leading candidate for President of the United States, Hillary Clinton addressed a Planned Parenthood event in Washington over the weekend. And here’s what she said:
“Thank you for being there for every woman, in every state, who has to miss work, drive hundreds of miles sometimes, endure cruel, medically unnecessary waiting periods, walk past angry protesters, to exercise her constitutional right to safe and legal abortion.”
However, when asked whether the right to bear arms was a constitutional right by George Stephanopoulos on ABC News This Week, Clinton would not concur.
Father and Two Daughters Killed by Home Intruder
“Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)
An Illinois father proved that word from Christ when he threw his body over his daughters, ages 3 and 10, to protect them from an armed intruder in his home. All three were fatally shot in the ensuing rampage, and the Dad, Dionus Neely, leaves behind an 11-year-old son, 8-year-old son, and a 1-year-old daughter, as well as his wife Erin. His wife said, “It was only by the grace of God we weren’t hit.”
Zika Virus on the Rise
Fox News reports that 320 women are being watched for symptoms of the Zika Virus by the Center for Disease Control in the U.S., an increase from the number of 280 women last week.
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.