Monday, March 14th, in the year of our Lord, 2016.
By Mark Robinette
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump ended last week with a surprising endorsement by neurosurgeon Ben Carson. Plus, Trump cancelled a major rally in Chicago due to threatened protestor violence. Protestors followed Trump to Ohio and worked hard to stop him from being heard there Saturday, while news outlets and political opponents said that his inflammatory rhetoric caused the violence.
Sinking in the polls day by day, Marco Rubio decried Trump’s possible nomination, saying that it would fracture the Republican Party. In a last-ditch effort, Rubio offered Ohio Governor John Kasich a deal to have his supporters in Ohio vote for Kasich, asking Kasich to have his supporters in Florida vote for him. Kasich’s campaign offered a deflating quip saying, “We don’t need Rubio’s help winning in Ohio, and he won’t need our help losing in Florida.”
Ted Cruz picked up more delegates by winning the Wyoming primary, and Rubio won the District of Columbia’s 19 delegates.
In violation of its recently signed nuclear deal with America, Iran fired off two mid-range ballistic missiles and now has a long-range missile ready to be launched into space, officials say.
Nazi concentration camp survivor Yisrael Kristal, a Polish man who survived two world wars and lives in Israel, is now officially the oldest man alive. The Guinness Book of World Records organization said that Kristal was born in 1903. He was separated from his parents during World War I and forced with his family into a ghetto in 1939. When he was rescued by the Allies in 1945, he weighed just 87 pounds. He has suffered the death of his two children in the ghetto and the death of his wife at Auschwitz. He told The Jerusalem Post he does not know the secret of long life but was sure that it was all determined from above.
“For it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).
North Korea has lost a 70-foot midget class submarine and its crew. This was announced only days after the country fired off missiles into the South China Sea in defiance of new sanctions imposed on the rogue power.
A few weeks ago, Special Forces captured the head of an ISIS unit who was working to develop chemical weapons.
On Saturday a three-year-old girl was killed and as many as 600 wounded when ISIS launched a chemical attack near Kirkuk, Iraq.
Three-dozen Yazidi women escaped from an ISIS camp and revealed some gruesome details about its deviant practices. According to the victims and Islamic law, ISIS fighters are permitted to buy and sell women and children to use them how they will, as long as they are not pregnant when they violate them. This rule has ISIS religiously administering birth control to their victims, giving them pregnancy tests, and in some cases, performing abortions before raping them. According to ISIS publications, they are doing these things as they were practiced in Muhammad’s time.
“Surely you will slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men” (Psalm 139:19).
A car bomb killed 34 and wounded many more in Ankara, Turkey, on Sunday. According to officials, another terror attack, intended to take out a high-level U.S. official, occurred in the Ivory Coast and killed 16.
Ken Meyers, author of All God’s Children & Blue Suede Shoes and long-time host and producer of the Mars Hill Audio Journal, says he thinks America has “had a heart attack.” His field of expertise is the connection of the church with the culture. Myers, a professor at Patrick Henry College, suffered a serious cardiac episode four years ago, and he feels it’s a good analogy on what happened in the U.S. to bring about such dramatic change so fast. The World View spoke to Myers and asked how the church can help America heal: “I think a way of life requires a community, and the community that the New Testament gives us is the community of the church. So I’d say that the most important thing that we can do to influence the culture around us is to be a healthy culture ourselves and not see the church as a kind of clinic where we go to get patched up for personal spiritual problems.”
As the Apostle Paul told the Philippians, “The peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
And that’s the World View in Five Minutes.