It’s Monday, December 2nd, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard on 125 radio stations and at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Adam McManus
Mexican Baptists displaced again
Do you remember the story about a group of 151 Christians, including over seventy children and babies, from the Great Commission Baptist Church in southern Mexico’s Hidalgo state? They had been forced out of their villages in April 2024 because of their religious beliefs. Then, they were later permitted to return home.
Well, on November 21st the Baptists have been displaced again because local authorities reneged on an agreement allowing them to move back into their homes, reports Church in Chains.
Village authorities had forced the Baptists out of the neighboring villages by cutting off electricity and water, vandalizing their church building, and blocking access to some of their homes.
The group lived in very difficult circumstances until state and municipal officials brokered an agreement in September between village authorities and the Baptists, allowing them to return home. Electricity and water were reconnected, they were promised state aid if needed, and village authorities agreed to uphold freedom of religion or belief for all.
Sadly, village authorities reneged on the agreement. The Baptists are living in tents while they wait to receive government aid.
British Parliament votes for pro-euthanasia bill
The British Parliament has voted in favor of a bill permitting doctors to help patients kill themselves, reports LifeSiteNews.com.
In a 330-275 vote, they advanced the highly controversial assisted dying legislation, so-called “Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill” that allows doctors to euthanize their patients under certain conditions.
Kamala Harris’ self-congratulatory phone call with donors and activists
Appearing on News Nation, Lindy Li, who served on the Harris National Finance Committee, complained about an oddly self-congratulatory 25-minute phone call with Kamala Harris.
LI: “She actually held two calls, one for her top donors and one for grassroots. I was speaking and texting with fellow attendees of the call, and we were amazed by how self congratulatory the tone was. The call was about 20-30 minutes.
“I don’t recall anyone taking responsibility for the fact that we spent about $2 billion across the super PAC and the campaign, and came up so significantly short. We lost seven swing states.”
When asked to provide more detail on the self-congratulatory tone, Li said this.
LI: “They praised Harris as a visionary leader. I believe at one moment during the call she was talking about her Thanksgiving recipe. I think I was stunned to hear that, given just the extent and brutality of the loss, and the fact that DNC staffers, at least two-thirds, have been fired summarily. And a lot of them are at a loss as to what to do.
“I’m just frankly stunned that there was no sort of postmortem or an analysis of how we can do better, what sort of lessons were learned. It was really just patting each other on the back, congratulating each other on, I’m not sure what, and saying we’ll see you for Christmas.”
2024 presidential news coverage most tilted to Democrat nominee ever
The 2024 presidential campaign made history in at least one humiliating respect: Broadcast evening news coverage of the candidates was the most wildly imbalanced in history. It favored Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris over former Republican President Donald Trump by the greatest margin ever recorded, reports NewsBusters.org.
The final Media Research Center study, released on October 28th, showed evaluative coverage of Harris — excluding “horse race” assessments — on ABC, CBS and NBC was 78% positive vs. 22% negative. For Trump, those numbers were flipped: just 15% positive press vs. 85% negative coverage.
Subtracting Trump’s positive press from Harris’s positive press, the advantage to the Democratic nominee was 63 points, the greatest in the modern media age.
Kay Jewelers fires Christian associate over affirmation of Biblical sexuality
Mika Cohen was fired from her position as Assistant Manager for Kay Jewelers in Fairlawn, Ohio, for sharing her Christian beliefs with a co-worker after repeatedly being asked to do so, reports the American Center for Law and Justice which is representing the Christian.
While working at Kay Jewelers in June 2023, Ms. Cohen’s co-worker repeatedly pressed her to articulate her view on homosexual Pride Month. While Cohen initially chose not to answer the pointed question, she finally shared her opinion in the employee lunch room, affirming God’s definition of marriage and sexuality.
Proverbs 28:1 says, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.”
Despite the fact that there was no quarrel or hostility, Cohen was shocked a few weeks later when an HR investigator at Kay Jewelers informed her that allegations regarding inappropriate discussions of religion at work had been filed against her. Later, a Kay Jewelers manager told Cohen that she had been fired for “talking about God at work.” She was asked to pack up her things and leave.
Christian talk show host Todd Starnes said, “It certainly appears as though Cohen is the victim of a setup by a pro-LGBT staffer. To make matters even worse, it appears as though Kay Jewelers is anti-Christian. Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but Kay Jewelers is certainly no friend to Christians.”
Kirk Cameron reinvents kids’ TV with Biblical values
And finally, Kirk Cameron and Brave Books have launched a new venture into children’s entertainment, a show the “Growing Pains” actor hopes becomes a significant, Bible-based player in the battle for children’s hearts and minds, reports The Christian Post.
Cameron hopes the new series called “Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk“ will fill a critical void in children’s programming as it blends moral lessons with family-friendly adventures. The series will be available to stream for free on Brave Books’ YouTube channel in early 2025.
The “Left Behind” star said that he’s heard repeatedly from parents that they are “tired of all the indoctrination and the subverting of good, wholesome family values we’re seeing from Disney and Nickelodeon.”
Cameron added, “We want to be one of the tools in their toolbox to help reinforce the lessons that they’re already teaching at home, lessons about forgiveness, about the value of all life, pre-born life, disabled life and elderly life. We want to teach kids about courage, about the importance of family and teamwork, and facing your fears.”
The series follows a puppet named Iggy, a green Iguana, and his mentor, Mr. Kirk (played by Cameron), on adventures that teach Biblical values through engaging storytelling. With a production team featuring veterans from “VeggieTales” and “The Muppets,” along with former Disney star Leigh-Allyn Baker, the show aims to rival the quality of mainstream entertainment while offering a distinctly Christian-based perspective.
Luke 18:16 says, “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”
And that’s The Worldview on this Monday, December 2nd, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by Amazon Music or by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.