It’s Wednesday, September 14th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Jonathan Clark
India Supreme Court orders gov’t to reveal info on persecution of Christians
On September 1, India’s Supreme Court ordered the government to provide details on reported attacks against Christians in the country.
Christian groups in India have been calling for an end to the violence after believers suffered over 500 attacks just last year.
Open Doors spokesperson Rinzen Baleng welcomed the court order.
He said, “Considering the government’s complete denial of the rising assaults on Christians in India, the Supreme Court’s order for further verification of the matter is a positive step. … It will help establish that these assaults are not just limited to a few individuals, but against the larger Christian community.”
British March for Life draws 7,000
The March for Life in the United Kingdom held its largest event ever this month.
At least 7,000 people joined the march in London.
Pro-lifers held banners which said “10 million too many,” referencing the number of babies murdered in the womb in England and Wales since abortion was legalized in 1967.
Catherine Robinson with Right To Life U.K. said, “It’s so encouraging to attend the march and see the number of people attending growing so rapidly, especially in terms of all the young people who recognize abortion for what it is.”
Proverbs 31:8 commands, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.”
Hungary approves anti-abortion rule
Meanwhile in Hungary, the eastern European country approved its first anti-abortion rule since 1956.
Hungary legalized abortion nearly 70 years ago under socialist rule. Since then, over six million babies have been murdered in the womb. In 2011, Hungary amended its constitution to say, “the life of a fetus will be protected from conception.” However, abortion is still legal.
The new rule issued Monday requires abortionists to give mothers seeking an abortion “a clearly identifiable indication of fetal vital signs.”
Biden brags about reducing inflation as inflation goes up
President Joe Biden is being slammed for a White House celebration of the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act Tuesday, the same day higher-than-expected inflation in August was announced, report Fox News.
Listen to his claim on the White House lawn yesterday.
BIDEN: “Exactly four weeks ago today, I signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, the single most important legislation passed in the Congress to combat inflation, and one of the most significant laws in our nation’s history, in my view.”
It was so bad that Fox News host Neil Cavuto cut in with some facts which were off message for the White House.
BIDEN: “For years, so many of us have been trying to fix this problem. But for years, Big Pharma blocked Medicare from negotiating lower drug practices … prices.”
CAVUTO: “Alright, I do not want to be a party crasher, but we interrupt this celebration for a hard, cold dose of reality. Stocks tanking because inflation is accelerating. The very inflation that the President said he’s made great progress addressing, heralding his Inflation Reduction Act as the boon for the economy that we didn’t see in a key number out earlier today.”
Biden’s strange time reference
Later, on the White House lawn Tuesday, President Biden made a weird time reference.
He said he became a senator 720 years ago.
BIDEN: “How long we’ve been fighting Pharma? How long have we been taking on these interests? From the time I got to the Senate 720 years ago. (crowd laughs at the president) I’m serious. Think about it.”
For the record, Biden became a senator in 1972 at the age of 29. That would be 50 years ago, not 720.
Perhaps the president was making a self-deprecating joke about his age. Or perhaps it’s another data point in his cognitive decline.
Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr died
Ken Starr, the independent counsel who headed the investigation that led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton, died Tuesday after a lengthy illness, reports Fox News. He was 76.
Starr was initially appointed to investigate the suicide of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster and the Whitewater real estate investments of Clinton.
The investigation was expanded to include suspected perjury about Clinton’s sexual activity with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern.
STARR: “When the information came to us that the President of the United States may have been in the process of committing perjury, obstructing justice, we went to the Attorney General of the United States, Janet Reno. She agreed. So, the rest is all history.”
After more than four years of investigation, Starr filed the Starr Report, which alleged that Clinton lied about the existence of the affair during a sworn deposition.
In 2018, he released a book entitled Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation.
In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Ken Starr can be made to: Alliance Defending Freedom, 15100 N. 90th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260.
New York court shut down Christian adoption agency
Last Wednesday, a U.S. federal district court ruled that the state of New York cannot shut down a Christian adoption agency for its beliefs.
New Hope Family Services has been involved in litigation since 2018. New York’s Office of Children and Family Services has tried to force the agency to offer adoption services to homosexual couples and unmarried heterosexual couples who are living in sin.
Alliance Defending Freedom represented New Hope in court.
ADF Senior Counsel Roger Brooks said, “The court’s decision is great news for children waiting to be adopted. … New Hope is a private, religious ministry that doesn’t take a dime from the government. Shutting down an adoption provider for its religious beliefs … benefits no one—certainly not children.”
Franklin Graham preaches to 17,000 in Mongolia
And finally, hundreds of Mongolian churches gathered for a large-scale evangelistic event for the first time in the eastern Asian nation’s history last Saturday.
Evangelist Franklin Graham preached at the historic two-night Festival of Hope attended by over 17,000 people.
GRAHAM: “Tonight, I am going to give you an opportunity to place your faith and trust in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. (Mongolian translation) The Bible tells us we’ve have all sinned. (Mongolian translation) That our sins separate us from God. (Mongolian translation)”
Over half of Mongolia is Buddhist, and most have not heard the Gospel before.
Since the 1990s, an estimated 40,000 Mongolians have converted to Christianity, representing about 2% of the population.
Isaiah 9:7 says of Christ, “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, September 14th, in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.