It’s Friday, January 17th, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldView.com. I’m Adam McManus. (adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Jonathan Clark
Entire Russian government resigns over Putin’s iron rule
Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and his entire government resigned on Wednesday after Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed constitutional changes.
Putin has held the presidency or the prime minister’s seat continuously since 1999, and the new proposals are seen as preserving his rule after his presidential term ends in 2024.
The Russian government is known for its restrictive legislation on Christians and for obstructing Christian activities with surveillance and interrogation. The country is ranked 46th on the Open Doors 2020 World Watch List of worst nations for Christian persecution.
Neighboring Communist China passed constitutional changes to abolish President Xi Jinping’s presidential term limits in 2018 ahead of the country’s biggest crackdown on religious minorities, including Christians.
Northern Ireland officially greenlights homosexual “marriage”
Faux homosexual marriage is now legal in Northern Ireland.
As of January 13, people living in vile passions together can register for so-called “marriage” ceremonies.
The U.K. parliament passed the legislation to legalize abortion and faux homosexual marriage last year.
Isaiah 10:1 says, “Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees, who write misfortune, which they have prescribed.”
Senate impeachment trial begins
The historic U.S. Senate impeachment trial on whether to remove President Donald Trump from office began yesterday, the third Senate impeachment trial of a U.S. president.
Meanwhile, the congressional watchdog group Government Accountability Office found that the White House broke the law by withholding security funding from Ukraine approved by Congress.
Daniel 2:21 says, “God changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings.”
Tennessee protects Christian adoption agencies
On Tuesday, the Tennessee Senate passed a bill already approved by the state House to protect faith-based adoption agencies from placing children in places, like homosexual homes, that would violate their religious views.
Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Lee said he plans to sign the bill.
Texas towns outlaw abortion, protect pre-born babies
Two more Texas governments voted to join a total of 10 towns in Texas which have approved pro-life measures to outlaw abortions and protect the life of pre-born babies.
The city councils of Big Spring, Texas and Colorado City, Texas voted for their ordinances on Tuesday. Big Spring city gave preliminary approval with final approval forthcoming.
You can contact the city through the link provided in our transcript today at theworldview.com and urge them to pass the ordinance on their final vote.
Trump’s Dept of Education move to protect religious liberty
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced yesterday that the Department of Education is taking steps to protect the religious liberty of religious organizations and students at schools.
She said, “The Department’s efforts will level the playing field between religious and non-religious organizations competing for federal grants, as well as protect First Amendment freedoms on campus and the religious liberty of faith-based institutions.”
White House Domestic Policy Director Joe Grogan said the Education Department is sending the chief education officers in all 50 states letters stating that “students have the right to pray at their own direction, to gather at their own direction, to bring the Bible to school if they choose to.”
Trump’s economy delivers economic gains to every metro area
For the first time in 26 years, Americans in every U.S. metropolitan area experienced income gains, based on the Bureau of Economic Analysis for 2018.
It’s only the fourth time since 1970 that every metro area saw economic growth.
Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”
Kevin Swanson: How YOU can help rebuild churches in Bahamas
I hope you’ll tune in to Generations Radio today as I’ll be talking with Kevin Swanson who is in the Bahamas with 11 other volunteers helping to rebuild Tabernacle Baptist Church and Freeport Gospel Chapel, both of which have been devastated by Hurricane Dorian’s winds and water this past September.
Pastor Norris Bain said, “Like 9/11 changed the United States forever, Hurricane Dorian changed the Bahamas forever.” Kevin told me that helping to rebuild these churches has been one of the best experiences of their lives. You can tune into the show at www.Generations.org/radio. That’s www.Generations.org/radio
Two critical pieces of information. Number one, the cost of a plane ticket from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to the Bahamas, 60 miles offshore in the Atlantic Ocean, is just $250. And second, the churches will provide transportation, lodging, and food while your team is there.
Send him an email about putting together a team from your church or family, featuring two experts including someone who knows drywall and someone who knows roofing. Send that to host@generations.org. That’s host@generations.org. The key is to get there between now and the end of March before it becomes oppressively hot.
And help us raise $100,000 by February 28th to pay for tax-free building supplies at wholesale cost online at www.generations.org/give, select the “Support International Outreach Ministry” in the drop-down window. That’s www.generations.org/give .
Texas GOP Governor commends man who took out church shooter
And finally, On Monday, Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott awarded the state’s highest civilian honor to Jack Wilson, the man who stopped a Texas shooter within seconds after the assailant had already killed two congregants.
ABBOTT: “We also thank God for putting Jack Wilson in that church that day to bring the attack to an end and to prevent the loss of further life. Only God knows who is alive today because of Jack Wilson. So many lives were saved because of the quick action of Jack Wilson.”
Jack Wilson also gave thanks to God.
WILSON: “I feel very honored that God allowed me to have that capability to do what needed to be done at that particular time.”
And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, January 17th in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldview.com. Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus (adam@TheWorldview.com). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.